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CTET Solved Question Paper - 1 (03 Jan - 2022) | CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2024 - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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 Page 1

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. As per contemporary perspectives, the course of 
child development is:
(1) uniform across children and specific milestones 
are definitely achieved by all children as they 
reach a certain age.
(2) multi directional since children grow up in 
varying contexts.
(3) completely unpredictable even though 
development is uni-directional for all.
(4) determined solely by hereditary information 
received from parents.
2. ................ principle of development states that 
development of motor skills start from centre of the 
body and proceeds towards the extremities.
(1) Spiral (2) Specificity
(3) Proximodistal (4) Cephalocaudal
3. At which stage of development do children actively 
engage in make believe play?
(1) Infancy (2) Early childhood
(3) Middle childhood (4) Adolescence
4. Which of the following are secondary agencies of 
(i) Family
(ii) Media
(iii) Religious institutions
(iv) School
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii) (iv)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (4) (i) (iv)
5. Ruhi is shown three pencils and she observes that 
pencil A is longer than pencil B and pencil B is longer 
than pencil C. When Ruhi infers that A is longer 
pencil than C, which characteristic of Jean Piaget’s 
cognitive development is she demonstrating?
(1) Seriation
(2) Conservation
(3) Transitive thought
(4) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
6. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, children in the operational stage are 
capable of:
(1) Reversibility
(2) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
(3) Abstract thinking
(4) Propositional reasoning
7. Which of the following stage is NOT proposed by 
Lawrence Kohlberg in his theory of Moral reasoning?
(1) Conventional stage
(2) Unconventional stage
(3) Post Conventional stage
(4) Pre Conventional stage
8. A teacher wants to design the teaching – learning 
processes in her classroom on Lev-Vygotsky’s social 
constructivism principles.
 Which of the following should she avoid?
(1) Designing teaching – learning experiences based 
in social contexts.
(2) Closely observing the students attempts of 
(3) Use of formal standardised tests to assess 
(4) Providing scaffolding when needed.
9. To facilitate student’s learning, which of the 
following is suggested by Lev Vygotsky’s in his 
theory of social constructivism?
(1) Peer Collaboration
(2) Non-interference of cultural tools
(3) Focus on Rote memorization
(4) Decontextualized curriculum
10. A teacher in a progressive classroom should believe 
(1) Class should always be in strict control and only 
teacher should dictate instruction.
(2) Learning takes place only in the classroom.
(3) Learners bring a rich variety of experiences with 
them in the classroom.
(4) Learners learn most meaningfully only through 
drill and practice.
11. Which of the following theorist dismissed that 
intelligence is unitary and proposed that there exist 
several distinct independent intelligences?
(1) Jean Piaget
(2) Howard Gardner
(3) Lev Vygotsky
(4) Lawrence Kohlberg
12. Rohan’s response on receiving a toy doll was, ‘I 
don’t like this toy because boys do not play with 
dolls’. This is an example of:
(1) Gender relevance
(2) Gender discrimination
(3) Gender stereotype
(4) Gender stability
13. A teacher facilitates and support her students to 
work on multiple drafts for an essay over a period 
of one month. If she consider all the drafts of each 
student as well as the process of working on the 
same, what kind of assessment is she using?
(1) Summative (2) Norm-referenced
(3) Formative (4) Standardized
Paper - 1
03rd January, 2022
Page 2

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. As per contemporary perspectives, the course of 
child development is:
(1) uniform across children and specific milestones 
are definitely achieved by all children as they 
reach a certain age.
(2) multi directional since children grow up in 
varying contexts.
(3) completely unpredictable even though 
development is uni-directional for all.
(4) determined solely by hereditary information 
received from parents.
2. ................ principle of development states that 
development of motor skills start from centre of the 
body and proceeds towards the extremities.
(1) Spiral (2) Specificity
(3) Proximodistal (4) Cephalocaudal
3. At which stage of development do children actively 
engage in make believe play?
(1) Infancy (2) Early childhood
(3) Middle childhood (4) Adolescence
4. Which of the following are secondary agencies of 
(i) Family
(ii) Media
(iii) Religious institutions
(iv) School
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii) (iv)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (4) (i) (iv)
5. Ruhi is shown three pencils and she observes that 
pencil A is longer than pencil B and pencil B is longer 
than pencil C. When Ruhi infers that A is longer 
pencil than C, which characteristic of Jean Piaget’s 
cognitive development is she demonstrating?
(1) Seriation
(2) Conservation
(3) Transitive thought
(4) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
6. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, children in the operational stage are 
capable of:
(1) Reversibility
(2) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
(3) Abstract thinking
(4) Propositional reasoning
7. Which of the following stage is NOT proposed by 
Lawrence Kohlberg in his theory of Moral reasoning?
(1) Conventional stage
(2) Unconventional stage
(3) Post Conventional stage
(4) Pre Conventional stage
8. A teacher wants to design the teaching – learning 
processes in her classroom on Lev-Vygotsky’s social 
constructivism principles.
 Which of the following should she avoid?
(1) Designing teaching – learning experiences based 
in social contexts.
(2) Closely observing the students attempts of 
(3) Use of formal standardised tests to assess 
(4) Providing scaffolding when needed.
9. To facilitate student’s learning, which of the 
following is suggested by Lev Vygotsky’s in his 
theory of social constructivism?
(1) Peer Collaboration
(2) Non-interference of cultural tools
(3) Focus on Rote memorization
(4) Decontextualized curriculum
10. A teacher in a progressive classroom should believe 
(1) Class should always be in strict control and only 
teacher should dictate instruction.
(2) Learning takes place only in the classroom.
(3) Learners bring a rich variety of experiences with 
them in the classroom.
(4) Learners learn most meaningfully only through 
drill and practice.
11. Which of the following theorist dismissed that 
intelligence is unitary and proposed that there exist 
several distinct independent intelligences?
(1) Jean Piaget
(2) Howard Gardner
(3) Lev Vygotsky
(4) Lawrence Kohlberg
12. Rohan’s response on receiving a toy doll was, ‘I 
don’t like this toy because boys do not play with 
dolls’. This is an example of:
(1) Gender relevance
(2) Gender discrimination
(3) Gender stereotype
(4) Gender stability
13. A teacher facilitates and support her students to 
work on multiple drafts for an essay over a period 
of one month. If she consider all the drafts of each 
student as well as the process of working on the 
same, what kind of assessment is she using?
(1) Summative (2) Norm-referenced
(3) Formative (4) Standardized
Paper - 1
03rd January, 2022
Paper-1: 2022   105
14. In a multi-lingual classroom, a teacher should –
(1) Discourage the use of native language for 
(2) Recognize only the predominant language that 
is used by majority students.
(3) Create awareness about diversity of languages 
and allow their use as per student’s preference.
(4) Discourage the use of languages other than one 
target language such as English.
15. As per National education policy 2020, education 
(i) Be focused only on predetermined content
(ii) Focus on problem solving.
(iii) Develop critical thinking among learners.
(iv) Be inquiry driven and discovery–oriented.
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (i) (ii) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iv) (4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
16. In order to complete her syllabus, a teacher always 
expects answers from a preferred group of leaners. 
The teacher’s action is:
(1) is justified for completing the syllabus.
(2) is showing that the teacher has good skills to 
identify best students of her class.
(3) is depriving other students of equal opportunity.
(4) would be effective in ensuring equal participation 
of all students.
17. To support inclusion of student having Dyscalculia, 
it is important to:
(1) set strict time constraints to finish task.
(2) provide visual calculators and math apps to 
(3) include additional content to over shadow 
relevant in text context.
(4) use only standardized ways for assessing 
student’s learning.
18. Which of the following materials will NOT be 
beneficial for a student with visual impairment?
(1) Tactile globe
(2) Books with small print
(3) Screen reading software
(4) Braille books
19. Assertion (A): In a language classroom, teacher 
should provide audio books along with text 
 Reason (R): Multiple options of representation cater 
to needs of diverse learners such as those with 
reading related disorders.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
20. A creative child is likely to have:
(i) Divergent thinking
(ii) Convergent thinking
(iii) Ability for abstract thinking
(iv) Ability for generating novel products.
(1) (i), (ii) (iii) (2) (i) (ii) (iv)
(3) (i) (iii) (iv) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
21. Assertion (A): T eacher should employ multiple ways 
of assessment in their classroom.
 Reason (R): Children success and failure in classroom 
cannot be accurately and adequately determined 
only by a paper – pencil test.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
22. To teach a concept, a teacher is giving multiple 
examples and subsequently ask students to form a 
rule considering the information gathered through 
those examples. Which of the following approach 
is being used here for concept formation among 
(1) Deductive (2) Inductive
(3) Imitative (4) Competitive
23. To gain cooperation of students in classroom 
management, a teacher should:
(1) establish strict and rigid classroom rules herself.
(2) frequently complain to parents about student’s 
(3) reprimand the students for not following the 
(4) establish norms and rules for classroom in 
collaboration with students.
24. Choose the option that correctly represents the 
context(s) in which learning takes place in children.
(i) Games and play
(ii) Home
(iii) Classrooms
(1) (i) (iii) (2) (ii) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (iii)
25. Which of the following is NOT an effective way to 
facilitate problem solving skills among students?
(1) Facilitate discussion on the topics and encourage 
students for participation.
(2) Encourage students to brainstorm and generate 
ideas to solve problems.
(3) Provide students with a variety of learning 
materials to find solution of the problem.
(4) Emphasize one use of predetermined step by 
step procedure for every problem.
26. Which of these is characteristic of a constructivist 
(1) Learners are passive in the process of learning.
(2) Maximum emphasis is given on rote 
memorization of the textbook.
(3) Asking of questions by children is not encouraged 
in the classroom.
(4) The previous experiences of children are used 
for construction of new knowledge in the 
27. Which of the following belief of a teacher is 
detrimental to student’s learning?
(1) Errors are a part of the process of learning.
(2) Making errors is a shameful act for the learners
(3) Errors provide insight in to the gaps in the 
conceptual understanding of the learner.
Page 3

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. As per contemporary perspectives, the course of 
child development is:
(1) uniform across children and specific milestones 
are definitely achieved by all children as they 
reach a certain age.
(2) multi directional since children grow up in 
varying contexts.
(3) completely unpredictable even though 
development is uni-directional for all.
(4) determined solely by hereditary information 
received from parents.
2. ................ principle of development states that 
development of motor skills start from centre of the 
body and proceeds towards the extremities.
(1) Spiral (2) Specificity
(3) Proximodistal (4) Cephalocaudal
3. At which stage of development do children actively 
engage in make believe play?
(1) Infancy (2) Early childhood
(3) Middle childhood (4) Adolescence
4. Which of the following are secondary agencies of 
(i) Family
(ii) Media
(iii) Religious institutions
(iv) School
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii) (iv)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (4) (i) (iv)
5. Ruhi is shown three pencils and she observes that 
pencil A is longer than pencil B and pencil B is longer 
than pencil C. When Ruhi infers that A is longer 
pencil than C, which characteristic of Jean Piaget’s 
cognitive development is she demonstrating?
(1) Seriation
(2) Conservation
(3) Transitive thought
(4) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
6. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, children in the operational stage are 
capable of:
(1) Reversibility
(2) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
(3) Abstract thinking
(4) Propositional reasoning
7. Which of the following stage is NOT proposed by 
Lawrence Kohlberg in his theory of Moral reasoning?
(1) Conventional stage
(2) Unconventional stage
(3) Post Conventional stage
(4) Pre Conventional stage
8. A teacher wants to design the teaching – learning 
processes in her classroom on Lev-Vygotsky’s social 
constructivism principles.
 Which of the following should she avoid?
(1) Designing teaching – learning experiences based 
in social contexts.
(2) Closely observing the students attempts of 
(3) Use of formal standardised tests to assess 
(4) Providing scaffolding when needed.
9. To facilitate student’s learning, which of the 
following is suggested by Lev Vygotsky’s in his 
theory of social constructivism?
(1) Peer Collaboration
(2) Non-interference of cultural tools
(3) Focus on Rote memorization
(4) Decontextualized curriculum
10. A teacher in a progressive classroom should believe 
(1) Class should always be in strict control and only 
teacher should dictate instruction.
(2) Learning takes place only in the classroom.
(3) Learners bring a rich variety of experiences with 
them in the classroom.
(4) Learners learn most meaningfully only through 
drill and practice.
11. Which of the following theorist dismissed that 
intelligence is unitary and proposed that there exist 
several distinct independent intelligences?
(1) Jean Piaget
(2) Howard Gardner
(3) Lev Vygotsky
(4) Lawrence Kohlberg
12. Rohan’s response on receiving a toy doll was, ‘I 
don’t like this toy because boys do not play with 
dolls’. This is an example of:
(1) Gender relevance
(2) Gender discrimination
(3) Gender stereotype
(4) Gender stability
13. A teacher facilitates and support her students to 
work on multiple drafts for an essay over a period 
of one month. If she consider all the drafts of each 
student as well as the process of working on the 
same, what kind of assessment is she using?
(1) Summative (2) Norm-referenced
(3) Formative (4) Standardized
Paper - 1
03rd January, 2022
Paper-1: 2022   105
14. In a multi-lingual classroom, a teacher should –
(1) Discourage the use of native language for 
(2) Recognize only the predominant language that 
is used by majority students.
(3) Create awareness about diversity of languages 
and allow their use as per student’s preference.
(4) Discourage the use of languages other than one 
target language such as English.
15. As per National education policy 2020, education 
(i) Be focused only on predetermined content
(ii) Focus on problem solving.
(iii) Develop critical thinking among learners.
(iv) Be inquiry driven and discovery–oriented.
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (i) (ii) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iv) (4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
16. In order to complete her syllabus, a teacher always 
expects answers from a preferred group of leaners. 
The teacher’s action is:
(1) is justified for completing the syllabus.
(2) is showing that the teacher has good skills to 
identify best students of her class.
(3) is depriving other students of equal opportunity.
(4) would be effective in ensuring equal participation 
of all students.
17. To support inclusion of student having Dyscalculia, 
it is important to:
(1) set strict time constraints to finish task.
(2) provide visual calculators and math apps to 
(3) include additional content to over shadow 
relevant in text context.
(4) use only standardized ways for assessing 
student’s learning.
18. Which of the following materials will NOT be 
beneficial for a student with visual impairment?
(1) Tactile globe
(2) Books with small print
(3) Screen reading software
(4) Braille books
19. Assertion (A): In a language classroom, teacher 
should provide audio books along with text 
 Reason (R): Multiple options of representation cater 
to needs of diverse learners such as those with 
reading related disorders.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
20. A creative child is likely to have:
(i) Divergent thinking
(ii) Convergent thinking
(iii) Ability for abstract thinking
(iv) Ability for generating novel products.
(1) (i), (ii) (iii) (2) (i) (ii) (iv)
(3) (i) (iii) (iv) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
21. Assertion (A): T eacher should employ multiple ways 
of assessment in their classroom.
 Reason (R): Children success and failure in classroom 
cannot be accurately and adequately determined 
only by a paper – pencil test.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
22. To teach a concept, a teacher is giving multiple 
examples and subsequently ask students to form a 
rule considering the information gathered through 
those examples. Which of the following approach 
is being used here for concept formation among 
(1) Deductive (2) Inductive
(3) Imitative (4) Competitive
23. To gain cooperation of students in classroom 
management, a teacher should:
(1) establish strict and rigid classroom rules herself.
(2) frequently complain to parents about student’s 
(3) reprimand the students for not following the 
(4) establish norms and rules for classroom in 
collaboration with students.
24. Choose the option that correctly represents the 
context(s) in which learning takes place in children.
(i) Games and play
(ii) Home
(iii) Classrooms
(1) (i) (iii) (2) (ii) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (iii)
25. Which of the following is NOT an effective way to 
facilitate problem solving skills among students?
(1) Facilitate discussion on the topics and encourage 
students for participation.
(2) Encourage students to brainstorm and generate 
ideas to solve problems.
(3) Provide students with a variety of learning 
materials to find solution of the problem.
(4) Emphasize one use of predetermined step by 
step procedure for every problem.
26. Which of these is characteristic of a constructivist 
(1) Learners are passive in the process of learning.
(2) Maximum emphasis is given on rote 
memorization of the textbook.
(3) Asking of questions by children is not encouraged 
in the classroom.
(4) The previous experiences of children are used 
for construction of new knowledge in the 
27. Which of the following belief of a teacher is 
detrimental to student’s learning?
(1) Errors are a part of the process of learning.
(2) Making errors is a shameful act for the learners
(3) Errors provide insight in to the gaps in the 
conceptual understanding of the learner.
106  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
(4) Learners must be given the space to make errors 
without fear of being reprimanded.
28. Which of the following is an example of extrinsic 
(1) While doing research, Arman consults various 
sources to be sure about his learnings.
(2) Rayon researches from many sources for a 
project to get a cash prize.
(3) To ensure self-satisfaction, Sitara takes regular 
feedback from her seniors.
(4) For personal interest and to improve his 
capabilities, Kulmeet practices the task regularly.
29. During the Covid’19 Pandemic has negatively 
affected the performance of students in examination. 
Which of the following relationship is highlighted in 
this statement?
(1) Competition and Cognition
(2) Cognition and Emotions
(3) Heredity and performance
(4) Heredity and Environment
30. Learning is more meaningful and effective when it 
is majorly:
(1) Teacher directed (2) Directed by peers
(3) Textbook centric (4) Self-directed
31. The table shows the marks obtained of three 
students before and after studying mathematics in a 
Name Marks obtained 
before studying 
in group 
(out of 100)
Marks obtained 
after studying in 
(out of 100) 
Mansi 67 79
Harman 54 60
Faisal 63 74
 Which is the approximate average marks obtained 
by all the three students together in each type of 
(1) 73.2, 64.77 (2) 71, 61.33
(3) 64.77, 73.2 (4) 61.33, 71
32. Which of the following groups of letters have both 
horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry?
(1) C, X, T (2) X, H, O
(3) X, Y, Z (4) A, B, C
33. Rakesh and Sania are discussing with each other. 
Rakesh says ‘The radius is double of the diameter’ 
and Sania says ‘It is half of the diameter’.
 Which of the following is the correct option?
(1) Rakesh is correct and Sania is wrong
(2) Sania is correct and Rakesh is wrong
(3) Both are wrong because radius and diameter are 
(4) Both are wrong because there is no relationship 
between radius and diameter
34. Areeba finds angles in various English letters and 
numerical digits. In which of the following groups 
she will only find right angles?
(1) K, 7, T (2) X, 4, N
(3) H, 5, E (4) M, 3, L
35. The factors of any numbers are ............... the number.
(1) Equal to or less than
(2) Equal to or greater than
(3) Equal to
(4) Less than
36. Venu found his birth certificate while cleaning the 
home on 25
 September 2021. He noted that the 
date of birth in the certificate was written as 5
December 1995. What was Venu approximate age 
when he found the certificate?
(1) 24 years 11 months
(2) 25 years 9
(3) 25 years 3
(4) 26 years 3 months
37. The height of five persons is given below:
 163 cm, 161 cm, 156 cm, 159 cm, 162 cm.
 What is the sum of height in meters ?
(1) 7 m 10 cm (2) 8 m 1 cm
(3) 8 m 10 cm (4) 9 m 1 cm
38. 1729 is called the Ramanujan number because it is 
the smallest number expressible as the sum of two 
cubes in two different ways. Which of the following 
pairs of numbers will give cubes of this number?
(1) (1, 12) and (9, 8) (2) (1, 12) and (10, 9)
(3) (2, 11) and (10, 9) (4) (2, 11) and (9, 8)
39. Three friends receive message on their mobile 
phones at an interval of 20 minutes, 30 minutes 
and 45 minutes respectively. They start receiving 
message together at a particular time. After how 
much time will they receive message again on their 
mobile phone altogether?
(1) 1.5 hours (2) 2 hours
(2) 2.5 hours (3) 3 hours
40. Amongst the following fractions, the largest and the 
smallest fractions, respectively are:
, ,,, ,,
41. Observe the pattern and write the numbers at 
............... .
 1 + 3 = 4
 1 + 3 + 5 = 9
 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16
 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 25
 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 = ...............
(1) 36 (2) 64
(3) 81 (4) 100
42. The rates of various Stationary items are given 
 A packet of pencils - `22.00
 A packet of pen - `37.50
 One eraser - `3.50
 One sharpener - `4.50
 A packet of pastel sheets - `48.00
 One ruler - `10.00
Page 4

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. As per contemporary perspectives, the course of 
child development is:
(1) uniform across children and specific milestones 
are definitely achieved by all children as they 
reach a certain age.
(2) multi directional since children grow up in 
varying contexts.
(3) completely unpredictable even though 
development is uni-directional for all.
(4) determined solely by hereditary information 
received from parents.
2. ................ principle of development states that 
development of motor skills start from centre of the 
body and proceeds towards the extremities.
(1) Spiral (2) Specificity
(3) Proximodistal (4) Cephalocaudal
3. At which stage of development do children actively 
engage in make believe play?
(1) Infancy (2) Early childhood
(3) Middle childhood (4) Adolescence
4. Which of the following are secondary agencies of 
(i) Family
(ii) Media
(iii) Religious institutions
(iv) School
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii) (iv)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (4) (i) (iv)
5. Ruhi is shown three pencils and she observes that 
pencil A is longer than pencil B and pencil B is longer 
than pencil C. When Ruhi infers that A is longer 
pencil than C, which characteristic of Jean Piaget’s 
cognitive development is she demonstrating?
(1) Seriation
(2) Conservation
(3) Transitive thought
(4) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
6. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, children in the operational stage are 
capable of:
(1) Reversibility
(2) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
(3) Abstract thinking
(4) Propositional reasoning
7. Which of the following stage is NOT proposed by 
Lawrence Kohlberg in his theory of Moral reasoning?
(1) Conventional stage
(2) Unconventional stage
(3) Post Conventional stage
(4) Pre Conventional stage
8. A teacher wants to design the teaching – learning 
processes in her classroom on Lev-Vygotsky’s social 
constructivism principles.
 Which of the following should she avoid?
(1) Designing teaching – learning experiences based 
in social contexts.
(2) Closely observing the students attempts of 
(3) Use of formal standardised tests to assess 
(4) Providing scaffolding when needed.
9. To facilitate student’s learning, which of the 
following is suggested by Lev Vygotsky’s in his 
theory of social constructivism?
(1) Peer Collaboration
(2) Non-interference of cultural tools
(3) Focus on Rote memorization
(4) Decontextualized curriculum
10. A teacher in a progressive classroom should believe 
(1) Class should always be in strict control and only 
teacher should dictate instruction.
(2) Learning takes place only in the classroom.
(3) Learners bring a rich variety of experiences with 
them in the classroom.
(4) Learners learn most meaningfully only through 
drill and practice.
11. Which of the following theorist dismissed that 
intelligence is unitary and proposed that there exist 
several distinct independent intelligences?
(1) Jean Piaget
(2) Howard Gardner
(3) Lev Vygotsky
(4) Lawrence Kohlberg
12. Rohan’s response on receiving a toy doll was, ‘I 
don’t like this toy because boys do not play with 
dolls’. This is an example of:
(1) Gender relevance
(2) Gender discrimination
(3) Gender stereotype
(4) Gender stability
13. A teacher facilitates and support her students to 
work on multiple drafts for an essay over a period 
of one month. If she consider all the drafts of each 
student as well as the process of working on the 
same, what kind of assessment is she using?
(1) Summative (2) Norm-referenced
(3) Formative (4) Standardized
Paper - 1
03rd January, 2022
Paper-1: 2022   105
14. In a multi-lingual classroom, a teacher should –
(1) Discourage the use of native language for 
(2) Recognize only the predominant language that 
is used by majority students.
(3) Create awareness about diversity of languages 
and allow their use as per student’s preference.
(4) Discourage the use of languages other than one 
target language such as English.
15. As per National education policy 2020, education 
(i) Be focused only on predetermined content
(ii) Focus on problem solving.
(iii) Develop critical thinking among learners.
(iv) Be inquiry driven and discovery–oriented.
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (i) (ii) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iv) (4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
16. In order to complete her syllabus, a teacher always 
expects answers from a preferred group of leaners. 
The teacher’s action is:
(1) is justified for completing the syllabus.
(2) is showing that the teacher has good skills to 
identify best students of her class.
(3) is depriving other students of equal opportunity.
(4) would be effective in ensuring equal participation 
of all students.
17. To support inclusion of student having Dyscalculia, 
it is important to:
(1) set strict time constraints to finish task.
(2) provide visual calculators and math apps to 
(3) include additional content to over shadow 
relevant in text context.
(4) use only standardized ways for assessing 
student’s learning.
18. Which of the following materials will NOT be 
beneficial for a student with visual impairment?
(1) Tactile globe
(2) Books with small print
(3) Screen reading software
(4) Braille books
19. Assertion (A): In a language classroom, teacher 
should provide audio books along with text 
 Reason (R): Multiple options of representation cater 
to needs of diverse learners such as those with 
reading related disorders.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
20. A creative child is likely to have:
(i) Divergent thinking
(ii) Convergent thinking
(iii) Ability for abstract thinking
(iv) Ability for generating novel products.
(1) (i), (ii) (iii) (2) (i) (ii) (iv)
(3) (i) (iii) (iv) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
21. Assertion (A): T eacher should employ multiple ways 
of assessment in their classroom.
 Reason (R): Children success and failure in classroom 
cannot be accurately and adequately determined 
only by a paper – pencil test.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
22. To teach a concept, a teacher is giving multiple 
examples and subsequently ask students to form a 
rule considering the information gathered through 
those examples. Which of the following approach 
is being used here for concept formation among 
(1) Deductive (2) Inductive
(3) Imitative (4) Competitive
23. To gain cooperation of students in classroom 
management, a teacher should:
(1) establish strict and rigid classroom rules herself.
(2) frequently complain to parents about student’s 
(3) reprimand the students for not following the 
(4) establish norms and rules for classroom in 
collaboration with students.
24. Choose the option that correctly represents the 
context(s) in which learning takes place in children.
(i) Games and play
(ii) Home
(iii) Classrooms
(1) (i) (iii) (2) (ii) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (iii)
25. Which of the following is NOT an effective way to 
facilitate problem solving skills among students?
(1) Facilitate discussion on the topics and encourage 
students for participation.
(2) Encourage students to brainstorm and generate 
ideas to solve problems.
(3) Provide students with a variety of learning 
materials to find solution of the problem.
(4) Emphasize one use of predetermined step by 
step procedure for every problem.
26. Which of these is characteristic of a constructivist 
(1) Learners are passive in the process of learning.
(2) Maximum emphasis is given on rote 
memorization of the textbook.
(3) Asking of questions by children is not encouraged 
in the classroom.
(4) The previous experiences of children are used 
for construction of new knowledge in the 
27. Which of the following belief of a teacher is 
detrimental to student’s learning?
(1) Errors are a part of the process of learning.
(2) Making errors is a shameful act for the learners
(3) Errors provide insight in to the gaps in the 
conceptual understanding of the learner.
106  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
(4) Learners must be given the space to make errors 
without fear of being reprimanded.
28. Which of the following is an example of extrinsic 
(1) While doing research, Arman consults various 
sources to be sure about his learnings.
(2) Rayon researches from many sources for a 
project to get a cash prize.
(3) To ensure self-satisfaction, Sitara takes regular 
feedback from her seniors.
(4) For personal interest and to improve his 
capabilities, Kulmeet practices the task regularly.
29. During the Covid’19 Pandemic has negatively 
affected the performance of students in examination. 
Which of the following relationship is highlighted in 
this statement?
(1) Competition and Cognition
(2) Cognition and Emotions
(3) Heredity and performance
(4) Heredity and Environment
30. Learning is more meaningful and effective when it 
is majorly:
(1) Teacher directed (2) Directed by peers
(3) Textbook centric (4) Self-directed
31. The table shows the marks obtained of three 
students before and after studying mathematics in a 
Name Marks obtained 
before studying 
in group 
(out of 100)
Marks obtained 
after studying in 
(out of 100) 
Mansi 67 79
Harman 54 60
Faisal 63 74
 Which is the approximate average marks obtained 
by all the three students together in each type of 
(1) 73.2, 64.77 (2) 71, 61.33
(3) 64.77, 73.2 (4) 61.33, 71
32. Which of the following groups of letters have both 
horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry?
(1) C, X, T (2) X, H, O
(3) X, Y, Z (4) A, B, C
33. Rakesh and Sania are discussing with each other. 
Rakesh says ‘The radius is double of the diameter’ 
and Sania says ‘It is half of the diameter’.
 Which of the following is the correct option?
(1) Rakesh is correct and Sania is wrong
(2) Sania is correct and Rakesh is wrong
(3) Both are wrong because radius and diameter are 
(4) Both are wrong because there is no relationship 
between radius and diameter
34. Areeba finds angles in various English letters and 
numerical digits. In which of the following groups 
she will only find right angles?
(1) K, 7, T (2) X, 4, N
(3) H, 5, E (4) M, 3, L
35. The factors of any numbers are ............... the number.
(1) Equal to or less than
(2) Equal to or greater than
(3) Equal to
(4) Less than
36. Venu found his birth certificate while cleaning the 
home on 25
 September 2021. He noted that the 
date of birth in the certificate was written as 5
December 1995. What was Venu approximate age 
when he found the certificate?
(1) 24 years 11 months
(2) 25 years 9
(3) 25 years 3
(4) 26 years 3 months
37. The height of five persons is given below:
 163 cm, 161 cm, 156 cm, 159 cm, 162 cm.
 What is the sum of height in meters ?
(1) 7 m 10 cm (2) 8 m 1 cm
(3) 8 m 10 cm (4) 9 m 1 cm
38. 1729 is called the Ramanujan number because it is 
the smallest number expressible as the sum of two 
cubes in two different ways. Which of the following 
pairs of numbers will give cubes of this number?
(1) (1, 12) and (9, 8) (2) (1, 12) and (10, 9)
(3) (2, 11) and (10, 9) (4) (2, 11) and (9, 8)
39. Three friends receive message on their mobile 
phones at an interval of 20 minutes, 30 minutes 
and 45 minutes respectively. They start receiving 
message together at a particular time. After how 
much time will they receive message again on their 
mobile phone altogether?
(1) 1.5 hours (2) 2 hours
(2) 2.5 hours (3) 3 hours
40. Amongst the following fractions, the largest and the 
smallest fractions, respectively are:
, ,,, ,,
41. Observe the pattern and write the numbers at 
............... .
 1 + 3 = 4
 1 + 3 + 5 = 9
 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16
 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 25
 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 = ...............
(1) 36 (2) 64
(3) 81 (4) 100
42. The rates of various Stationary items are given 
 A packet of pencils - `22.00
 A packet of pen - `37.50
 One eraser - `3.50
 One sharpener - `4.50
 A packet of pastel sheets - `48.00
 One ruler - `10.00
Paper-1: 2022   107
 Harpeet buys one packet of pencil, two packets of 
pens, three erasers, one sharpner, two packets of 
pastel sheets and one ruler. How much would be 
required to pay?
(1) `218.00 (2) `236.50
(3) `185.00 (4) `193.50
43. What will be the remainder when 10011 is divided 
by 101?
(1) 9 (2) 11
(3) 12 (4) 13
44. Select the least number which is a perfect square 
and divisible by each of the numbers 16, 20 and 24.
(1) 1600 (2) 3600
(3) 6400 (4) 14400
45. The product of the place values of two sixes in 
786364 is
(1) 36 (2) 36000
(3) 360000 (4) 6060
46. A mathematics teacher posed the following question 
to her class:
 “Take four digits 7, 8, 4, 6. Make the smallest and 
the largest four-digit number such that no digit is 
repeated in them.”
 After the various responses of the students, she 
asked the students, “Think about the arrangement 
of the digits in both the numbers you have formed. 
Can you say how the largest and the smallest 
number is formed? Write down your procedure.”
 Which of the following statements is most 
appropriate in the above context?
(1) The teacher is saving her time of assessing the 
students by asking the students to assess their 
answers themselves.
(2) The teacher is keeping the students engaged to 
maintain discipline in the class.
(3) The teacher wants to understand the students' 
thinking process involved in the answers given 
by them.
(4) The teacher is confusing the students who have 
given the correct answer so that they check their 
answers again.
47. Which of the following is NOT used for Formative 
(1) Student Portfolios
(2) Anecdotal Records
(3) Term-End Examination
(4) Field Trips
48. A mathematics teacher posed the following word 
problem to his students:
 “One copy of a newspaper has 12 pages. Everyday 
10,500 copies are printed. How many total pages are 
printed every day?
 A student responded that the answer would be 
between 1,25,000-1,30,000.
 Which of the following statements is correct in the 
above context?
(1) The teacher should discourage the student from 
giving inaccurate answer
(2) Estimation is used in daily life mathematics 
hence, the teacher should appreciate the 
student’s estimation of answer to near accuracy.
(3) The teacher should ignore the response of the 
student and focus on teaching the algorithm of 
(4) Mathematics requires exact answers so estimation 
has no relevance in mathematics
49. According to National Curriculum Framework, NCF 
(2005), which of the following represents a vision of 
‘classroom environment for doing mathematics’?
(A) Students working in groups and looking for 
different strategies to solve a problem while 
making connections with real-life situations
(B) Students solving textbook exercises based on 
example solved by teacher
(C) T eacher reflecting on the process of learning and 
seeing mistakes as opportunities for learning
(D) Students copying the solution of questions from 
the backboard.
Choose the correct option:
(1) (A) and (B) (2) (B) and (D)
(3) (A) and (C) (4) (C) and (D)
50. A primary school mathematics teacher wants her 
students to appreciate the use of Data Handling 
in daily life for organising, representing and 
interpreting the information. Which of the following 
would help the teacher to achieve the learning 
(1) Discussing solved examples from the textbooks
(2) Using various railway time-tables, surveys 
published in newspapers etc.
(3) Explaining various ways of data representation
(4) Teaching them various formal ways of 
representing the data.
51. Which of the following strategies is most appropriate 
to introduce the concept of fractions in primary 
(1) Writing the fractions in the form of p/q where 
q ?  0 on the blackboard and explaining the 
(2) Writing an example of fraction and then marking 
a point on the number line to represent the 
(3) Using paper folding activities with symmetrical 
cut-outs of circles and rectangular strips to 
represent fraction
(4) Giving two examples of a fraction and asking 
the students to write ten similar examples of 
fractions in their notebooks
52. “Mathematics has its own language of words and 
symbols which is far removed from the everyday 
speech of the students.” Which of the following is 
most appropriate in the context of given statement?
(1) Teacher should help students to memorise the 
vocabulary and symbols used in mathematics.
(2) Teacher should contextualise the mathematics 
problems and make mathematics a part of 
student’s life experiences.
(3) Teacher should focus only on solving word 
problems in mathematics to help students in 
learning the language of mathematics.
(4) Teacher should display the chart of important 
mathematical symbols and formulas in the 
Page 5

Time: 2 hours 30 mins. Total Marks: 150
Child Development and Pedagogy
1. As per contemporary perspectives, the course of 
child development is:
(1) uniform across children and specific milestones 
are definitely achieved by all children as they 
reach a certain age.
(2) multi directional since children grow up in 
varying contexts.
(3) completely unpredictable even though 
development is uni-directional for all.
(4) determined solely by hereditary information 
received from parents.
2. ................ principle of development states that 
development of motor skills start from centre of the 
body and proceeds towards the extremities.
(1) Spiral (2) Specificity
(3) Proximodistal (4) Cephalocaudal
3. At which stage of development do children actively 
engage in make believe play?
(1) Infancy (2) Early childhood
(3) Middle childhood (4) Adolescence
4. Which of the following are secondary agencies of 
(i) Family
(ii) Media
(iii) Religious institutions
(iv) School
(1) (i) (ii) (iv) (2) (i) (iii) (iv)
(3) (ii) (iii) (iv) (4) (i) (iv)
5. Ruhi is shown three pencils and she observes that 
pencil A is longer than pencil B and pencil B is longer 
than pencil C. When Ruhi infers that A is longer 
pencil than C, which characteristic of Jean Piaget’s 
cognitive development is she demonstrating?
(1) Seriation
(2) Conservation
(3) Transitive thought
(4) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
6. According to Jean Piaget’s theory of cognitive 
development, children in the operational stage are 
capable of:
(1) Reversibility
(2) Hypothetico – deductive reasoning
(3) Abstract thinking
(4) Propositional reasoning
7. Which of the following stage is NOT proposed by 
Lawrence Kohlberg in his theory of Moral reasoning?
(1) Conventional stage
(2) Unconventional stage
(3) Post Conventional stage
(4) Pre Conventional stage
8. A teacher wants to design the teaching – learning 
processes in her classroom on Lev-Vygotsky’s social 
constructivism principles.
 Which of the following should she avoid?
(1) Designing teaching – learning experiences based 
in social contexts.
(2) Closely observing the students attempts of 
(3) Use of formal standardised tests to assess 
(4) Providing scaffolding when needed.
9. To facilitate student’s learning, which of the 
following is suggested by Lev Vygotsky’s in his 
theory of social constructivism?
(1) Peer Collaboration
(2) Non-interference of cultural tools
(3) Focus on Rote memorization
(4) Decontextualized curriculum
10. A teacher in a progressive classroom should believe 
(1) Class should always be in strict control and only 
teacher should dictate instruction.
(2) Learning takes place only in the classroom.
(3) Learners bring a rich variety of experiences with 
them in the classroom.
(4) Learners learn most meaningfully only through 
drill and practice.
11. Which of the following theorist dismissed that 
intelligence is unitary and proposed that there exist 
several distinct independent intelligences?
(1) Jean Piaget
(2) Howard Gardner
(3) Lev Vygotsky
(4) Lawrence Kohlberg
12. Rohan’s response on receiving a toy doll was, ‘I 
don’t like this toy because boys do not play with 
dolls’. This is an example of:
(1) Gender relevance
(2) Gender discrimination
(3) Gender stereotype
(4) Gender stability
13. A teacher facilitates and support her students to 
work on multiple drafts for an essay over a period 
of one month. If she consider all the drafts of each 
student as well as the process of working on the 
same, what kind of assessment is she using?
(1) Summative (2) Norm-referenced
(3) Formative (4) Standardized
Paper - 1
03rd January, 2022
Paper-1: 2022   105
14. In a multi-lingual classroom, a teacher should –
(1) Discourage the use of native language for 
(2) Recognize only the predominant language that 
is used by majority students.
(3) Create awareness about diversity of languages 
and allow their use as per student’s preference.
(4) Discourage the use of languages other than one 
target language such as English.
15. As per National education policy 2020, education 
(i) Be focused only on predetermined content
(ii) Focus on problem solving.
(iii) Develop critical thinking among learners.
(iv) Be inquiry driven and discovery–oriented.
(1) (ii) (iii) (iv) (2) (i) (ii) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iv) (4) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
16. In order to complete her syllabus, a teacher always 
expects answers from a preferred group of leaners. 
The teacher’s action is:
(1) is justified for completing the syllabus.
(2) is showing that the teacher has good skills to 
identify best students of her class.
(3) is depriving other students of equal opportunity.
(4) would be effective in ensuring equal participation 
of all students.
17. To support inclusion of student having Dyscalculia, 
it is important to:
(1) set strict time constraints to finish task.
(2) provide visual calculators and math apps to 
(3) include additional content to over shadow 
relevant in text context.
(4) use only standardized ways for assessing 
student’s learning.
18. Which of the following materials will NOT be 
beneficial for a student with visual impairment?
(1) Tactile globe
(2) Books with small print
(3) Screen reading software
(4) Braille books
19. Assertion (A): In a language classroom, teacher 
should provide audio books along with text 
 Reason (R): Multiple options of representation cater 
to needs of diverse learners such as those with 
reading related disorders.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
20. A creative child is likely to have:
(i) Divergent thinking
(ii) Convergent thinking
(iii) Ability for abstract thinking
(iv) Ability for generating novel products.
(1) (i), (ii) (iii) (2) (i) (ii) (iv)
(3) (i) (iii) (iv) (4) (ii) (iii) (iv)
21. Assertion (A): T eacher should employ multiple ways 
of assessment in their classroom.
 Reason (R): Children success and failure in classroom 
cannot be accurately and adequately determined 
only by a paper – pencil test.
 Choose the correct option.
(1) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct 
explanation of (A).
(2) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct 
explanation of (A).
(3) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(4) Both (A) and (R) are false.
22. To teach a concept, a teacher is giving multiple 
examples and subsequently ask students to form a 
rule considering the information gathered through 
those examples. Which of the following approach 
is being used here for concept formation among 
(1) Deductive (2) Inductive
(3) Imitative (4) Competitive
23. To gain cooperation of students in classroom 
management, a teacher should:
(1) establish strict and rigid classroom rules herself.
(2) frequently complain to parents about student’s 
(3) reprimand the students for not following the 
(4) establish norms and rules for classroom in 
collaboration with students.
24. Choose the option that correctly represents the 
context(s) in which learning takes place in children.
(i) Games and play
(ii) Home
(iii) Classrooms
(1) (i) (iii) (2) (ii) (iii)
(3) (i) (ii) (iii) (4) (iii)
25. Which of the following is NOT an effective way to 
facilitate problem solving skills among students?
(1) Facilitate discussion on the topics and encourage 
students for participation.
(2) Encourage students to brainstorm and generate 
ideas to solve problems.
(3) Provide students with a variety of learning 
materials to find solution of the problem.
(4) Emphasize one use of predetermined step by 
step procedure for every problem.
26. Which of these is characteristic of a constructivist 
(1) Learners are passive in the process of learning.
(2) Maximum emphasis is given on rote 
memorization of the textbook.
(3) Asking of questions by children is not encouraged 
in the classroom.
(4) The previous experiences of children are used 
for construction of new knowledge in the 
27. Which of the following belief of a teacher is 
detrimental to student’s learning?
(1) Errors are a part of the process of learning.
(2) Making errors is a shameful act for the learners
(3) Errors provide insight in to the gaps in the 
conceptual understanding of the learner.
106  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
(4) Learners must be given the space to make errors 
without fear of being reprimanded.
28. Which of the following is an example of extrinsic 
(1) While doing research, Arman consults various 
sources to be sure about his learnings.
(2) Rayon researches from many sources for a 
project to get a cash prize.
(3) To ensure self-satisfaction, Sitara takes regular 
feedback from her seniors.
(4) For personal interest and to improve his 
capabilities, Kulmeet practices the task regularly.
29. During the Covid’19 Pandemic has negatively 
affected the performance of students in examination. 
Which of the following relationship is highlighted in 
this statement?
(1) Competition and Cognition
(2) Cognition and Emotions
(3) Heredity and performance
(4) Heredity and Environment
30. Learning is more meaningful and effective when it 
is majorly:
(1) Teacher directed (2) Directed by peers
(3) Textbook centric (4) Self-directed
31. The table shows the marks obtained of three 
students before and after studying mathematics in a 
Name Marks obtained 
before studying 
in group 
(out of 100)
Marks obtained 
after studying in 
(out of 100) 
Mansi 67 79
Harman 54 60
Faisal 63 74
 Which is the approximate average marks obtained 
by all the three students together in each type of 
(1) 73.2, 64.77 (2) 71, 61.33
(3) 64.77, 73.2 (4) 61.33, 71
32. Which of the following groups of letters have both 
horizontal and vertical lines of symmetry?
(1) C, X, T (2) X, H, O
(3) X, Y, Z (4) A, B, C
33. Rakesh and Sania are discussing with each other. 
Rakesh says ‘The radius is double of the diameter’ 
and Sania says ‘It is half of the diameter’.
 Which of the following is the correct option?
(1) Rakesh is correct and Sania is wrong
(2) Sania is correct and Rakesh is wrong
(3) Both are wrong because radius and diameter are 
(4) Both are wrong because there is no relationship 
between radius and diameter
34. Areeba finds angles in various English letters and 
numerical digits. In which of the following groups 
she will only find right angles?
(1) K, 7, T (2) X, 4, N
(3) H, 5, E (4) M, 3, L
35. The factors of any numbers are ............... the number.
(1) Equal to or less than
(2) Equal to or greater than
(3) Equal to
(4) Less than
36. Venu found his birth certificate while cleaning the 
home on 25
 September 2021. He noted that the 
date of birth in the certificate was written as 5
December 1995. What was Venu approximate age 
when he found the certificate?
(1) 24 years 11 months
(2) 25 years 9
(3) 25 years 3
(4) 26 years 3 months
37. The height of five persons is given below:
 163 cm, 161 cm, 156 cm, 159 cm, 162 cm.
 What is the sum of height in meters ?
(1) 7 m 10 cm (2) 8 m 1 cm
(3) 8 m 10 cm (4) 9 m 1 cm
38. 1729 is called the Ramanujan number because it is 
the smallest number expressible as the sum of two 
cubes in two different ways. Which of the following 
pairs of numbers will give cubes of this number?
(1) (1, 12) and (9, 8) (2) (1, 12) and (10, 9)
(3) (2, 11) and (10, 9) (4) (2, 11) and (9, 8)
39. Three friends receive message on their mobile 
phones at an interval of 20 minutes, 30 minutes 
and 45 minutes respectively. They start receiving 
message together at a particular time. After how 
much time will they receive message again on their 
mobile phone altogether?
(1) 1.5 hours (2) 2 hours
(2) 2.5 hours (3) 3 hours
40. Amongst the following fractions, the largest and the 
smallest fractions, respectively are:
, ,,, ,,
41. Observe the pattern and write the numbers at 
............... .
 1 + 3 = 4
 1 + 3 + 5 = 9
 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 16
 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 25
 1 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 + 11 + 13 + 15 + 17 = ...............
(1) 36 (2) 64
(3) 81 (4) 100
42. The rates of various Stationary items are given 
 A packet of pencils - `22.00
 A packet of pen - `37.50
 One eraser - `3.50
 One sharpener - `4.50
 A packet of pastel sheets - `48.00
 One ruler - `10.00
Paper-1: 2022   107
 Harpeet buys one packet of pencil, two packets of 
pens, three erasers, one sharpner, two packets of 
pastel sheets and one ruler. How much would be 
required to pay?
(1) `218.00 (2) `236.50
(3) `185.00 (4) `193.50
43. What will be the remainder when 10011 is divided 
by 101?
(1) 9 (2) 11
(3) 12 (4) 13
44. Select the least number which is a perfect square 
and divisible by each of the numbers 16, 20 and 24.
(1) 1600 (2) 3600
(3) 6400 (4) 14400
45. The product of the place values of two sixes in 
786364 is
(1) 36 (2) 36000
(3) 360000 (4) 6060
46. A mathematics teacher posed the following question 
to her class:
 “Take four digits 7, 8, 4, 6. Make the smallest and 
the largest four-digit number such that no digit is 
repeated in them.”
 After the various responses of the students, she 
asked the students, “Think about the arrangement 
of the digits in both the numbers you have formed. 
Can you say how the largest and the smallest 
number is formed? Write down your procedure.”
 Which of the following statements is most 
appropriate in the above context?
(1) The teacher is saving her time of assessing the 
students by asking the students to assess their 
answers themselves.
(2) The teacher is keeping the students engaged to 
maintain discipline in the class.
(3) The teacher wants to understand the students' 
thinking process involved in the answers given 
by them.
(4) The teacher is confusing the students who have 
given the correct answer so that they check their 
answers again.
47. Which of the following is NOT used for Formative 
(1) Student Portfolios
(2) Anecdotal Records
(3) Term-End Examination
(4) Field Trips
48. A mathematics teacher posed the following word 
problem to his students:
 “One copy of a newspaper has 12 pages. Everyday 
10,500 copies are printed. How many total pages are 
printed every day?
 A student responded that the answer would be 
between 1,25,000-1,30,000.
 Which of the following statements is correct in the 
above context?
(1) The teacher should discourage the student from 
giving inaccurate answer
(2) Estimation is used in daily life mathematics 
hence, the teacher should appreciate the 
student’s estimation of answer to near accuracy.
(3) The teacher should ignore the response of the 
student and focus on teaching the algorithm of 
(4) Mathematics requires exact answers so estimation 
has no relevance in mathematics
49. According to National Curriculum Framework, NCF 
(2005), which of the following represents a vision of 
‘classroom environment for doing mathematics’?
(A) Students working in groups and looking for 
different strategies to solve a problem while 
making connections with real-life situations
(B) Students solving textbook exercises based on 
example solved by teacher
(C) T eacher reflecting on the process of learning and 
seeing mistakes as opportunities for learning
(D) Students copying the solution of questions from 
the backboard.
Choose the correct option:
(1) (A) and (B) (2) (B) and (D)
(3) (A) and (C) (4) (C) and (D)
50. A primary school mathematics teacher wants her 
students to appreciate the use of Data Handling 
in daily life for organising, representing and 
interpreting the information. Which of the following 
would help the teacher to achieve the learning 
(1) Discussing solved examples from the textbooks
(2) Using various railway time-tables, surveys 
published in newspapers etc.
(3) Explaining various ways of data representation
(4) Teaching them various formal ways of 
representing the data.
51. Which of the following strategies is most appropriate 
to introduce the concept of fractions in primary 
(1) Writing the fractions in the form of p/q where 
q ?  0 on the blackboard and explaining the 
(2) Writing an example of fraction and then marking 
a point on the number line to represent the 
(3) Using paper folding activities with symmetrical 
cut-outs of circles and rectangular strips to 
represent fraction
(4) Giving two examples of a fraction and asking 
the students to write ten similar examples of 
fractions in their notebooks
52. “Mathematics has its own language of words and 
symbols which is far removed from the everyday 
speech of the students.” Which of the following is 
most appropriate in the context of given statement?
(1) Teacher should help students to memorise the 
vocabulary and symbols used in mathematics.
(2) Teacher should contextualise the mathematics 
problems and make mathematics a part of 
student’s life experiences.
(3) Teacher should focus only on solving word 
problems in mathematics to help students in 
learning the language of mathematics.
(4) Teacher should display the chart of important 
mathematical symbols and formulas in the 
108  Oswaal CTET Year-wise Solved Papers
53. A class V student is able to classify two-dimensional 
shape into categories based on their properties. 
According to Van-Hieles theory of geometrical 
development, she is at ............... level of geometrical 
(1) Analysis (2) Axiomatic
(3) Recognition (4) Deduction
54. A primary class mathematics teacher poses the 
following word problem to his students:
 “Samina goes to bed at 10 minutes to 9. Kirti goes to 
bed 20 minutes later than Samina. What time does 
Kriti go to bed?”
 One of the students gave 20 as the answer. He 
explains, “It says Kirti goes to bed 20 minutes later, 
so the answer must be 20.”
 According to Newman, the answer given by the 
student is an example of:
(1) Comprehension Error (2) Reading Error
(3) Process Skill Error (4) Careless Error
55. National Curriculum Framework (2005) emphasizes 
that school mathematics must be activity—oriented.
This is because:
(A) It helps students to develop skills to earn 
(B) It motivates students to solve meaningful 
problems in mathematics.
(C) It provides concrete experiences to understand 
abstract concepts in mathematics.
(D) It provides recreation time to children in primary 
 Choose the correct option:
(1) (B) and (C) (2) (A) and (C)
(3) Only (D) (4) (A) and (D)
56. Which of the following tool/tools of assessment is/
are appropriate for students facing mathematics 
(a) Norm Referenced Assessment
(b) Cooperative Learning Projects
(c) Summative Assessment
(d) Formative Assessments
Choose the correct option:
(1) (a) and (c) (2) (b) and (d)
(3) Only (c) (4) (b) and (c)
57. In a mathematics classroom, a student counts on 
his fingers to solve the problems on addition in 
following ways:
 3 + 9 = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
 9 + 3 = 10, 11, 12
 Which of the following statements is most 
appropriate regarding the above process used by 
the student?
(1) This process should be ignored as it is not 
(2) The student is unable to use the commutative 
law of addition in solving problems on addition.
(3) The student should be discouraged to count on 
fingers as it is not a formal method to solve a 
(4) It is an appropriate algorithm to solve the 
questions based on addition.
58. Which one of the following is NOT a problem –
solving strategy in mathematics?
(1) Solving Backwards
(2) Graphic representation
(3) Rote Memorisation
(4) Trial and error
59. A mathematics teacher posed the following question 
to his students “Write a pair of Integers whose sum 
gives negative integers.”
 The above question is an example of:
(1) Open-ended question
(2) Close-ended question
(3) Recall based question
(4) Multiple choice question
60. Read the following statement:
 “In mathematics, from concrete objects we abstract 
set of Natural Numbers. In this set we include 
zero and get a set of Whole Numbers. We include 
negative numbers in this set to get a set of Integers. 
To Integers, we add positive and negative fractions 
to get a set of Rational Numbers”
 The above statements reflects this:
(1) Linear arrangement of concepts in mathematics.
(2) Hierarchical nature of mathematics.
(3) Concrete nature of concepts in mathematics.
(4) Concepts in mathematics move from abstract to 
Environmental Studies
61. Which of the following animals front teeth keep 
growing throughout its life?
(1) Cat (2) Squirrel
(3) Snake (4) Tiger
62. Identity the most suitable characteristic(s) from the 
given options about the honeybee
(A) Only the queen bee lays the eggs.
(B) The male bees have no special role as worker.
(C) All female bee lay the eggs.
(D) Worker bees look for food and bring it to the bee 
(1) A, B & C (2) A & C
(3) A, B & D (4) A & D
63. People who have been living in forest for at least 25 
years, have a right over the forest land and what is 
grown on it. This act is derived from ?
(1) Right to forest act 2007
(2) Indian forest act 1927
(3) National forest, 1988
(4) Indian forest amendment act, 2019
64. Jhoom farming is
(1) organic farming
(2) slash and burn farming
(3) limited use of pesticides
(4) limited use of Chemical fertilizer
65. Roland Ross received Nobel Prize in medicine in 
1902 for discovering that
(1) Dengue is transmitted by mosquito
(2) Malaria is transmitted by mosquito
(3) Chikungunya is transmitted by mosquito
(4) Plague is transmitted by fleas
66. Which of the following part of cinchona tree is used 
to treat malaria ?
(1) Root (2) Bark
(3) Leaves (4) Seed
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