What points should be kept in mind while spraying pesticides in fields...
1. Keep the insecticides in closed, properly labeled containers.
2. The containers containing pesticides should be stored in a dry and cool place away from food and fodder. The place used for storing pesticides should be out of the reach of children and animals.
3. Use the pesticides strictly according to the instructions given on the container.
4. Use only the recommended doses of the pesticides.
5. The nozzle and other parts of the sprayer should never be cleaned with the mouth.
6. Persons handling pesticides should avoid the contact of the pesticides with their skin and inhalation of vapors or mists. They should wear rubber gloves and the face should be covered with a suitable mask.
7. The operators should not smoke, eat or drink anything while applying pesticides. While spraying in open fields, the direction of the wind should be kept in mind.
8. After spraying pesticides, the operators should wash their hands and face with soap and should take a bath and change their clothes. The clothes worn by them during operations should be washed properly.
9. The various containers such as buckets, ladler, etc. used for mixing pesticides should be washed properly after the operation.
10. A first-aid box should be kept ready while pesticides are being applied.
11. In case pesticides are inhaled or consumed accidentally, a doctor should be called at once after giving the first aid. It is very important that the persons handling the pesticides should have proper knowledge of the first aid to be given in case of an emergency.