The registers,ALU and the interconnection between them are collectivel...
Answer: d
Explanation: The Operational and processing part of the CPU are collectively called as data path.
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The registers,ALU and the interconnection between them are collectivel...
In a computer system, the registers, ALU, and the interconnection between them are collectively referred to as the data path. Here's a detailed explanation of each component:
Registers: A register is a small, fast storage location within the CPU that is used to hold data temporarily. Registers are used to store data that the CPU needs to access frequently, such as the values of variables, control flags, and memory addresses.
ALU: The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is a digital circuit within the CPU that performs arithmetic and logical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, bitwise AND, OR, and NOT operations. The ALU takes input from the registers and produces output that is stored back in the registers.
Interconnection between registers and ALU: The interconnection between registers and ALU consists of buses, which are a set of wires that carry signals between different components of the CPU. The data bus is used to transfer data between registers and ALU, while the control bus is used to send control signals that govern the operation of the CPU.
Collective name: Collectively, the registers, ALU, and the interconnection between them are referred to as the data path. The data path is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations on data stored in registers and transferring data between different components of the CPU.
In summary, the registers, ALU, and the interconnection between them are collectively called the data path. The data path is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations on data stored in registers and transferring data between different components of the CPU.