Which of the following statements is correct?a)Uniformity coefficient ...
Particle Size Distribution and Soil Gradation
Particle size distribution refers to the percentage of different particle sizes in a soil sample. Soil gradation, on the other hand, refers to the arrangement of soil particles of different sizes. Soil gradation is determined by analyzing the particle size distribution curve.
Uniformity Coefficient
The uniformity coefficient (UC) is a measure of the degree of uniformity of particle sizes in a soil sample. It is defined as the ratio of the particle size that passes 60% by weight to the particle size that passes 10% by weight.
Coefficient of Curvature
The coefficient of curvature (Cc) is a measure of the degree of curvature of the particle size distribution curve. It is defined as the ratio of the particle size that passes 30% by weight to the particle size that passes 10% by weight, squared.
Well-Graded Soil
A soil is said to be well-graded if it contains a wide range of particle sizes, from coarse to fine, with no excess of any particular size. Well-graded soils have a smooth particle size distribution curve and are desirable for use in construction.
Correct answer
Option 'D' is the correct answer because none of the statements is correct. The uniformity coefficient represents the degree of uniformity of particle sizes, not the shape of the particle size distribution curve. For a well-graded soil, both the uniformity coefficient and coefficient of curvature are not necessarily unity. A soil is said to be well-graded if it contains a wide range of particle sizes, not if it has most of the particles of about the same size.
Which of the following statements is correct?a)Uniformity coefficient ...
Cofficient of Curvature represent the Shape of curve,,and for well graded it should lie between 1 to 3
For well graded gravel cofficient of uniformity>4 and cofficient of Curvature lie between 1 to 3
For well graded sand cofficient of Curvature>6 and cofficient of Curvature lie between 1 to 3
For same size of particles that's is uniformly graded or poorly graded