Brown color of the apple after cutting isa)Physical changeb)Chemical c...
When an apple is cut (or bruised), oxygen is introduced into the injured plant tissue. The oxygen present in cells, polyphenol oxidase (PPO) enzymes in the chloroplasts rapidly oxidize phenolic compounds naturally present in the apple tissues to o-quinones, colorless precursors to brown-colored secondary products. So it's a chemical change.
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Brown color of the apple after cutting isa)Physical changeb)Chemical c...
It is a chemical change because apple's colour is changed and chemical change occurs only because of changing in colour.
Brown color of the apple after cutting isa)Physical changeb)Chemical c...
When an apple is cut, it undergoes a chemical change rather than a physical change.
Physical Change:
A physical change is a change in the physical properties of a substance, such as shape, size, or state, without any change in its chemical composition. In a physical change, the substance remains the same at the molecular level.
Examples of physical changes include freezing water into ice, melting ice into water, or breaking a glass bottle into smaller pieces. In all of these cases, the chemical composition of the substance remains unchanged.
Chemical Change:
A chemical change, on the other hand, refers to a change in the chemical composition of a substance. During a chemical change, new substances with different properties are formed.
When an apple is cut, it undergoes a chemical change. The cells of the apple are damaged, and enzymes present in the apple react with the oxygen in the air. This reaction, known as oxidation, leads to the formation of new compounds, such as brown pigments called melanins.
The brown color of the apple after cutting is a result of this chemical change. The presence of melanins indicates that a chemical reaction has occurred, altering the composition of the apple.
Biological Change:
While the brown color of the apple after cutting is related to biological processes, it is more accurately described as a chemical change. The biological change refers to changes that occur within living organisms, such as growth, development, or reproduction. Although the apple is a biological organism, the change in color upon cutting is primarily due to chemical reactions rather than biological processes.
In conclusion, the brown color of the apple after cutting is a result of a chemical change. The cells of the apple are damaged, leading to the oxidation of compounds and the formation of brown pigments.