The playwright Bertolt Brecht staged his plays using a technique known...
The playwright Bertolt Brecht staged his plays using a technique known as Verfremdungseffekt or the ‘alienation effect’ to prevent his audience from becoming too involved with the action taking place on the stage, thereby enabling viewers to reflect intellectually on the themes presented to them. While this technique was probably usable in a pre-World War II era, as then it was still possible to expect art to present objective perspectives on reality, it is clearly invalid in the twenty-first century.
Which of the following can most properly be concluded from the statements above?
Argument Analysis
Conclusion Clarification
Pre-Thinking Approach
In order to see what can be concluded from the argument, we need to observe all the information given in the argument since the correct inference or conclusion would be based purely on this information.
Statement#1 – The playwright Bertolt Brecht staged his plays using the ‘alienation effect’ to prevent his audience from becoming too involved with the action taking place on the stage, thereby enabling viewers to reflect intellectually on the themes presented to them.
From the stated intention behind the use of alienation effect during Brecht’s time, we can conclude that:
- Conclusion 1: Becoming overly involved with the action taking place on the stage would interfere with the audience’s intellectual reflection on the themes presented to them.
Statement#2 – While this technique was probably usable in a pre-World War II era, as then it was still possible to expect art to present objective perspectives on reality, it is clearly invalid in the twenty-first century.
From the reason cited for the usability of the technique in the pre WWII era, we can conclude that
- Conclusion 2: Presenting objective perspectives on reality is key for using the technique of alienation effect.
With this pre-thinking in mind, let’s evaluate the answer choices.
Answer Choices
Objective perspectives on reality can be presented by art in the twenty-first century provided that it uses techniques other than the alienation effect.
Incorrect - No information given
The passage presents no information about techniques other than the alienation effect.
Most art in the pre-World War II era was expected to present objective perspectives on reality.
Incorrect - No information given
The passage tells us that it was still possible to expect art to present objective perspectives on reality in pre-World War II era; however, it doesn’t say that most art in the pre-World War II era was expected to do the same.
The alienation effect is invalid in the twenty-first century since artists no longer want to distance audiences from their work.
Incorrect - No information given
The passage doesn’t give any information regarding the intention of the current artists.
Presenting unprejudiced views on reality is instrumental to using the technique of alienation effect.
This option is written along the lines of conclusion no. 2 in our pre-thinking.
Implementation of the alienation technique led to the loss of objective perspectives in art.
Incorrect - No information given
There is no such cause and effect relationship given/hinted at in the passage.