Year-wise break-up of number of educational institutions in India:Q.Wh...
Option (1):
Percentage share of Upper primary institutions in 1999 - 00
Percentage share of Upper primary institutions in 2000 - 01 =
Increase = 21.24 - 20.70 = 0.54%
Percentage share of Prim ary institutions in 1999 - 00 =
Percentage share of Prim ary institutions in 2000 - 01 =
Decrease = 67.09 - 65.78 = 1.31%
Since the increase in percentage share of Upper primary institutions in 2000-01 is less than the decrease in percentage share of Primary institutions in the same period, the statement is false.
Option (2):
Percentage share o f Upper prim ary institutions in 2003 - 04 =
Percentage share o f Upper prim ary institutions in 2004 - 05 =
Decrease = 23.41 - 22.93 = 0.48%
Percentage share o f Prim ary institutions in 2003 - 04 =
Percentage share o f Prim ary institutions in 2004 - 05 =
Increase = 63.89 - 63.57 = 0.32%
Since the decrease in percentage share of Upper primary institutions in 2004-05 is more than the increase in percentage share of Primary institutions in the same period, the statement is false.
Option (3):
From option (1), we have already seen that the year 2000-01 has also seen a decline in the percentage share of primary institutions, so the statement is false.
Option (4):
Percentage sh are o f Junior colleges in 2002 -03 =
Percentage share of Junior colleges in 2003 - 04 =
Decrease = 13.27 - 13.03 = 0.24%
Percentage share of Primary institutions in 2002 - 03 =
Percentage share of Primary institutions in 2003 - 04 =
Increase = 63.57 - 63.00 = 0.57%
Since the decrease in percentage share of Junior colleges in total in the year 2003-04 over the previous years is less than the increase in percentage share of primary institutions in the same period, the statement is true.
Hence, option 4.