The grid below shows a snapshot of a busy road in Mumbai where the hor...
Consider statement I Cars C and G are travelling in opposite direction.
Therefore, Relative speed between C and G = 48 km/hr
Distance between C and G is 4km.
Thus, cars C and G will meet at y = 6
Thus statement I is false.
Consider statement II
Cars B and H are travelling in opposite directions.
Relative speed between B and H = 48 km/hr Distance between B and H is 9.4 km.
Thus, cars B and H will cross each other after at least 11 minutes.
Thus, statement II is true Consider statement III The position of the cars after 10 minutes is as follows
Observe that at the instant that the 10th minute ends, cars A and I are at at the same position and cars D and H are at the same position.
Thus, there are atleast 2 pairs of cars crossing each other at the instant the 10th minute ends.
Thus statement III is true Hence, option 2.
Note: Observe that three answer options have statement I mentioned. Therefore, as soon as statement I is proved to be false, options 1, 3 and 4 get eliminated and option 2 can be marked as the answer. Because there is no “None of the above”, there is no need to verify statements II and III.
Hence, option 2