technology changed in mediaeval period Related: Chapter Notes - Traci...
Changes in Technology during the Mediaeval Period
The mediaeval period, also known as the Middle Ages, witnessed significant changes in technology that had a profound impact on various aspects of society. Here are some key developments:
Invention of the Printing Press
- One of the most significant technological advancements of the mediaeval period was the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg in the mid-15th century.
- The printing press revolutionized the way information was disseminated, making books more accessible and affordable, and contributing to the spread of knowledge and ideas.
Advancements in Architecture and Engineering
- Mediaeval engineers and architects made significant advancements in building techniques, leading to the construction of impressive cathedrals, castles, and other structures.
- Innovations such as the pointed arch, ribbed vault, and flying buttress allowed for the construction of taller and more elaborate buildings.
Development of Water and Windmills
- Water and windmills became increasingly common during the mediaeval period, providing a more efficient means of grinding grain, pumping water, and powering machinery.
- The use of water and wind power helped increase agricultural productivity and contributed to the growth of urban centers.
Improvements in Navigation and Exploration
- Advances in shipbuilding and navigation techniques during the mediaeval period enabled explorers to undertake long-distance voyages and discover new lands.
- The development of the compass, astrolabe, and improved sailing techniques paved the way for the Age of Exploration in the following centuries.
Overall, the mediaeval period was a time of significant technological innovation and progress, laying the foundation for many of the advancements that would shape the modern world.