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Connecting link between phylum Annelida and Mollusca A. Peripatus B. Proterospongia C. Balanoglossus D. Neopilina?
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Connecting link between phylum Annelida and Mollusca A. Peripatus B. P...
Connecting link between phylum Annelida and Mollusca

Phylum Annelida and Mollusca are two different phyla of animals that belong to the kingdom Animalia. Although they exhibit distinct characteristics, there are certain similarities and shared features that suggest a possible evolutionary connection between these two phyla.

1. Annelida
- Annelida is a phylum of segmented worms that includes organisms like earthworms, leeches, and marine polychaetes.
- They have a segmented body plan, with each segment containing a pair of setae or bristles.
- Annelids have a closed circulatory system and possess a well-developed excretory system consisting of nephridia.

2. Mollusca
- Mollusca is a diverse phylum that includes animals like snails, clams, squids, and octopuses.
- They have a soft, unsegmented body with a muscular foot for locomotion.
- Molluscs possess a mantle that secretes a calcareous shell in many species.
- They also have a well-developed circulatory system and excretory organs called nephridia.

Connecting link - Neopilina
- Neopilina is a genus of deep-sea mollusks that is considered to be a connecting link between phylum Annelida and Mollusca.
- Neopilina exhibits both annelid-like and mollusk-like characteristics, providing evidence for a possible evolutionary relationship between these two phyla.
- Like annelids, Neopilina possesses a segmented body with a series of annular rings.
- It also has a pair of chaetae or bristles, similar to those found in annelids.
- However, Neopilina also shows mollusk-like features such as a mantle, a muscular foot, and a shell.
- The shell of Neopilina is made of calcium carbonate, which is a characteristic feature of mollusks.

Significance of Neopilina
- The presence of both annelid-like and mollusk-like characteristics in Neopilina suggests that it may represent an intermediate form in the evolutionary transition between the two phyla.
- This provides support for the hypothesis that mollusks may have evolved from segmented ancestors, possibly related to annelids.
- Neopilina serves as an important example of transitional forms in the study of animal evolution, highlighting the interconnectedness of different phyla and the gradual changes that occur over time.

In conclusion, Neopilina serves as a connecting link between phylum Annelida and Mollusca, exhibiting characteristics that are shared by both groups. Its segmented body, chaetae, and mollusk-like shell provide evidence for a possible evolutionary relationship between these two phyla and shed light on the process of animal evolution.
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Connecting link between phylum Annelida and Mollusca A. Peripatus B. Proterospongia C. Balanoglossus D. Neopilina?
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Connecting link between phylum Annelida and Mollusca A. Peripatus B. Proterospongia C. Balanoglossus D. Neopilina? for NEET 2025 is part of NEET preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the NEET exam syllabus. Information about Connecting link between phylum Annelida and Mollusca A. Peripatus B. Proterospongia C. Balanoglossus D. Neopilina? covers all topics & solutions for NEET 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Connecting link between phylum Annelida and Mollusca A. Peripatus B. Proterospongia C. Balanoglossus D. Neopilina?.
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