Define these terms 1. Municipal solid waste 2. Solid waste 3. Composti...
Municipal Solid Waste
Municipal solid waste refers to the waste generated by households, institutions, and commercial establishments in urban areas. It includes items such as food waste, paper, plastics, glass, metals, and other materials that are discarded.
Solid Waste
Solid waste refers to any discarded material that is not liquid or gas. It includes municipal solid waste as well as industrial waste, construction and demolition waste, and hazardous waste.
Composting is a natural process of recycling organic matter, such as food waste and yard waste, into a nutrient-rich soil amendment. It involves creating an environment that encourages the growth of microorganisms that break down the organic matter into a rich, dark soil-like substance called compost.
Sludge refers to the semi-solid or solid residue that is generated during the treatment of wastewater. It contains organic matter, pathogens, and other pollutants that must be properly treated before disposal. Sludge can be treated using various methods, including composting, incineration, and land application.