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A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.
Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer?
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A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another ...
Consider an annular element of radius r, thickness dr and length dx. Further let the velocity at radius r be u and pressure at two sections dx apart be p and
Force on the element due to pressure difference is,
Figure flow through an annular space Let shear stresses on the inner and outer surfaces of the element be τ and
Since the fluid is not accelerating (i.e., is moving with constant velocity), the sum of the pressure and viscous forces acting on the element must be zero. Thus:
Local velocity u would be maximum when
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A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another ...
Consider an annular element of radius r, thickness dr and length dx. Further let the velocity at radius r be u and pressure at two sections dx apart be p and
Force on the element due to pressure difference is,
Figure flow through an annular space Let shear stresses on the inner and outer surfaces of the element be τ and
Since the fluid is not accelerating (i.e., is moving with constant velocity), the sum of the pressure and viscous forces acting on the element must be zero. Thus:
Local velocity u would be maximum when
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Community Answer
A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another ...
Consider an annular element of radius r, thickness dr and length dx. Further let the velocity at radius r be u and pressure at two sections dx apart be p and
Force on the element due to pressure difference is,
Figure flow through an annular space Let shear stresses on the inner and outer surfaces of the element be τ and
Since the fluid is not accelerating (i.e., is moving with constant velocity), the sum of the pressure and viscous forces acting on the element must be zero. Thus:
Local velocity u would be maximum when
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A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer?
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A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer? for Civil Engineering (CE) 2025 is part of Civil Engineering (CE) preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the Civil Engineering (CE) exam syllabus. Information about A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for Civil Engineering (CE) 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer?.
Solutions for A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for Civil Engineering (CE). Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for Civil Engineering (CE) Exam by signing up for free.
Here you can find the meaning of A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice A circular pipe of radius R1 is placed concentrically inside another pipe of radius R2. If the flow in the annular space between the pipes is laminar. Find the r where maximum velocity occurs.Correct answer is 'C'. Can you explain this answer? tests, examples and also practice Civil Engineering (CE) tests.
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