how much time difference is there between international time (Greenwic...
Time Difference between GMT and IST
The time difference between GMT (Greenwich Meridian Time) and IST (Indian Standard Time) is calculated based on the longitudinal difference between the two time zones. To understand the time difference between GMT and IST, it is important to have a clear understanding of what each time zone represents.
What is GMT?
GMT, also known as Greenwich Mean Time, is the time zone that is based on the Prime Meridian, which is located at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London. It is the time zone that is used as a reference point for all other time zones around the world. GMT is also referred to as "Z time" or "UTC" (Coordinated Universal Time).
What is IST?
IST, also known as Indian Standard Time, is the time zone that is used in India. It is based on the 82.5° E longitude, which is the time zone that runs through the city of Kolkata (formerly known as Calcutta). IST is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT.
Calculating the Time Difference
To calculate the time difference between GMT and IST, we need to take into account the difference in longitudinal lines between the two time zones. Since IST is 5 hours and 30 minutes ahead of GMT, we can say that:
- For every 1 hour, the time difference between GMT and IST is 5 hours and 30 minutes.
- For every 30 minutes, the time difference between GMT and IST is 2 hours and 45 minutes.
- For every 15 minutes, the time difference between GMT and IST is 1 hour and 22.5 minutes.
- For every 1 minute, the time difference between GMT and IST is approximately 0.91 seconds.
Therefore, the time difference between GMT and IST is 5 hours and 30 minutes. This means that when it is 12:00 pm GMT, it is 5:30 pm IST. It is important to keep this time difference in mind when conducting business or scheduling meetings with individuals who are located in different parts of the world.