What does the poet notice outside the car?a)sprinting trees and runni...
The poet started looking out of the window because she wanted to drive away the pain and agony she was experiencing by looking at her aged mother. She looked outside at the world which was full of life and activity. She saw young trees running past her and merry children sprinting out of their homes to play.
What does the poet notice outside the car?a)sprinting trees and runni...
The poet notices the following things outside the car:
Sprinting trees: The poet observes the trees moving past the car at a high speed, giving the impression of sprinting.
Running children: The poet also notices children running alongside the car, perhaps on their way to school or just playing.
These observations suggest that the poet is traveling through a residential area or perhaps a park, where there are trees and children playing.
It is important to note that the poet does not mention seeing any schools or roads, which may suggest that the area they are traveling through is more residential in nature.
The poet also does not specifically mention seeing other vehicles on the road, although it is possible that they are present and just not mentioned.
Finally, the poet notes that there are many people on the road, which could indicate that they are traveling through a busy area or during a peak time of day.
Overall, the poet's observations outside the car suggest a vibrant and active community with lots of movement and energy.