This story revolves around whom?a)Around Crofter and his daughterb)Ar...
The rattrap story revolves around a rattrap seller who is a paddler. He is a very fortunate man who was living a good life.
This story revolves around whom?a)Around Crofter and his daughterb)Ar...
The story revolves around a peddler who sells rattraps and his encounters with various characters, including a crofter and his daughter.
The Peddler:
The central character in the story is the peddler, who is also known as the rattrap seller. He is a wanderer who earns a living by selling small rattraps made from used iron. The peddler is a symbol of the common man who is trapped in the cycle of poverty and struggles to find a way out.
Encounter with the Crofter and his Daughter:
One day, the peddler comes across a crofter's cottage during his journey. The crofter invites him in, mistaking him for someone else. The peddler decides to take advantage of the situation and pretends to be the person the crofter thinks he is. He enjoys the warm hospitality of the crofter and his daughter, Edla.
The Rattrap as a Symbol:
The rattrap that the peddler sells is not just a physical object but also a symbol of the traps that society sets for people. The peddler himself feels trapped in his life, just like the rats that get caught in rattraps. He believes that life is a rattrap, and people are lured by material possessions and false promises, only to be trapped in their own desires and circumstances.
Transformation and Redemption:
During his stay with the crofter and his daughter, the peddler experiences kindness, trust, and genuine human connection, which he had not encountered in a long time. This changes his perspective towards life. He realizes that there is goodness in people and that he can escape the rattrap of his own life by embracing trust and kindness.
In conclusion, the story revolves around the peddler who sells rattraps and his encounter with the crofter and his daughter. The peddler's journey from deceit and cynicism to redemption and transformation forms the central theme of the story. Through this narrative, the author explores the themes of trust, kindness, and the power of human connection.