A mass of peaceful workers were fired upon by the Russian troops when...
In January 1905, an incident known as “Bloody Sunday” occurred when Father Gapon led an enormous crowd to the Winter Palace in Saint Petersburg to present a petition to the tsar.
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A mass of peaceful workers were fired upon by the Russian troops when...
Bloody Sunday
The correct answer is option 'C', Bloody Sunday.
Bloody Sunday refers to the incident that took place on Sunday, 22nd January 1905, when a mass of peaceful workers was fired upon by the Russian troops outside the Winter Palace in St. Petersburg. This event played a significant role in igniting the Russian Revolution of 1905.
Causes of Bloody Sunday:
1. Poor working conditions: The workers in Russia were facing harsh working conditions, low wages, and long working hours. They were also deprived of basic rights and had no say in the decision-making process.
2. Frustration and discontent: The workers' frustrations and discontent grew due to the government's failure to address their grievances and improve their living conditions.
3. Influence of revolutionary ideas: Socialist and revolutionary ideas were spreading among the workers, leading to an increased desire for change and reform.
Events of Bloody Sunday:
1. Peaceful protest: On 22nd January 1905, thousands of workers, led by Father Gapon, a priest and workers' advocate, gathered outside the Winter Palace to present a petition to Tsar Nicholas II. They were seeking better working conditions, higher wages, and more political rights.
2. Russian troops open fire: As the workers approached the palace, the Russian troops stationed there opened fire on the peaceful crowd. Hundreds of workers were killed or injured in the gunfire.
3. Public outrage: The brutal and unprovoked attack on the peaceful protesters sparked public outrage and sympathy for the workers' cause. It led to widespread protests and strikes across Russia.
4. Impact on the Russian Revolution: Bloody Sunday became a turning point in the Russian Revolution of 1905. It exposed the autocratic rule of the Tsar and fueled further revolutionary activities, ultimately leading to the downfall of the Russian monarchy.
Bloody Sunday was a tragic incident in Russian history that marked a significant shift in public sentiment towards the ruling monarchy. The violent response of the Russian troops towards peaceful workers seeking basic rights and reforms sparked widespread outrage and contributed to the rise of revolutionary movements that ultimately led to the Russian Revolution of 1905.