Which of the following statements pertaining to sprinkler irrigation i...
Sprinkler Irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation is a method of applying water to crops in which water is sprinkled through a network of pipes and sprinklers. This method is widely used in areas where water availability is limited or where the topography of the land is not suitable for other methods of irrigation.
Correct Statement
No extra cost of land preparation is involved in sprinkler irrigation. This statement is correct as the land preparation required for sprinkler irrigation is the same as that required for other methods of irrigation. The only additional cost involved in sprinkler irrigation is the cost of installing the network of pipes and sprinklers.
Incorrect Statement
Excessive soil erosion is initiated by sprinkler irrigation. This statement is incorrect. In fact, sprinkler irrigation helps to minimize soil erosion as the water is applied evenly and gently, reducing the risk of soil erosion caused by runoff. Sprinkler irrigation also helps to reduce waterlogging and salinity problems.
Advantages of Sprinkler Irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation has several advantages, including:
1. Water conservation: Sprinkler irrigation helps to conserve water by reducing water losses due to evaporation and runoff.
2. Uniform application: Sprinkler irrigation helps to apply water uniformly to crops, ensuring that each plant receives the required amount of water.
3. Reduced labor: Sprinkler irrigation requires less labor than other methods of irrigation, reducing the cost of labor.
4. Fertilizer application: Sprinklers can be used for the application of liquid fertilizers, reducing the cost of fertilizer application.
5. Suitable for hilly terrains: Sprinkler irrigation is particularly advantageous in hilly terrains where other methods of irrigation are not feasible.
Sprinkler irrigation is a popular method of irrigation that offers several advantages over other methods of irrigation. It helps to conserve water, reduce labor, and apply water and fertilizers uniformly to crops. It is particularly advantageous in areas where water availability is limited or where the topography of the land is not suitable for other methods of irrigation.