Directions: Read the following text and answer the questions given bel...
Systematic Desensitization:
Systematic desensitization is a therapeutic technique that can be effective in treating phobias, such as Roshan's fear of snakes. This technique aims to gradually reduce an individual's fear response through a process of gradual exposure and relaxation.
1. Understanding Roshan's Phobia:
- Roshan has a severe fear of snakes, which has resulted in his inability to function normally and even take a leave from his job.
- His fear has become so intense that he experiences dizziness and breathlessness even at the thought of snakes, leading to panic.
- He has avoided going to the zoo and is even considering changing his residence due to the fear of encountering a snake.
2. Systematic Desensitization:
- Systematic desensitization is a therapeutic technique based on the principles of classical conditioning and relaxation.
- The process involves gradually exposing the individual to the feared stimulus (in this case, snakes) in a controlled and safe environment.
- The exposure is combined with relaxation techniques to help counteract the fear response.
3. Steps in Systematic Desensitization:
- Roshan would work with a therapist who specializes in this technique.
- The therapist would initially teach Roshan relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation.
- Roshan would then create a fear hierarchy, ranking various snake-related situations from least to most anxiety-provoking.
- Starting with the least anxiety-provoking situation (e.g., looking at pictures of snakes), Roshan would gradually expose himself to each situation while practicing relaxation techniques.
- As Roshan becomes comfortable and relaxed in each situation, he would progress to the next item on the fear hierarchy.
- The process continues until Roshan can eventually confront his fear of snakes without experiencing intense anxiety or panic.
4. Effectiveness of Systematic Desensitization:
- Systematic desensitization has been proven to be an effective treatment for phobias.
- By gradually exposing individuals to their feared stimuli and teaching them relaxation techniques, it helps them develop new associations and reduce their fear response.
- Over time, Roshan can regain his ability to function normally and overcome his fear of snakes.
In conclusion, systematic desensitization would be an appropriate technique for treating Roshan's phobia of snakes. It can help him gradually reduce his fear response and regain control over his life.
Directions: Read the following text and answer the questions given bel...
Systematic desensitisation is a technique introduced by Wolpe for treating phobias or irrational fears. The client is interviewed to elicit fear provoking situations and together with the client, the therapist prepares a hierarchy of anxiety-provoking stimuli with the least anxiety-provoking stimuli at the bottom of the hierarchy.