Does EduRev offer a refund?
Yes, EduRev does offer a refund!
We hate to see you go, but we also want you to pay for EduRev Infinity Package only if you like the experience so we offer a complete 100% refund for requests raised within 24 hours of the purchase of the EduRev Infinity Package.
The refund process is simple and straightforward. All you need to do is send an email to our customer service team at, specifying the reason for your refund request and the date of purchase. Our team will review your request and respond within 48-72 hours.
Please note that a refund cannot be claimed more than once and is also subject to extreme usage.
Does EduRev offer a refund?
Does EduRev offer a refund?
EduRev offers a refund policy for its users, ensuring customer satisfaction and confidence in their services. The refund policy is designed to provide users with the option to request a refund in case they encounter any issues or are dissatisfied with their purchase. Here are the key details of EduRev's refund policy:
Refund Eligibility
EduRev offers refunds under certain conditions. To be eligible for a refund, users must meet the following criteria:
1. Subscription Plan: The refund policy is applicable to users who have subscribed to EduRev's premium plans or packages.
2. Timeframe: Refund requests must be made within a specific timeframe, usually within 7 days of the purchase date.
3. Valid Reason: Users must provide a valid reason for requesting a refund, such as technical issues, dissatisfaction with the content, or any other legitimate concerns.
4. Unused Access: Refunds are only applicable if the user has not utilized their access to premium features or materials provided by EduRev.
Refund Process
To request a refund, users need to follow these steps:
1. Contact Support: Users should reach out to EduRev's customer support team via email or through their website's contact form. They need to provide details about their purchase, including transaction ID, date of purchase, and the reason for the refund request.
2. Verification: EduRev's support team will review the refund request and verify the eligibility criteria mentioned above.
3. Refund Resolution: If the refund request is approved, EduRev will initiate the refund process. The refund amount will be credited back to the original payment method used during the purchase.
No Refund Exceptions
It is important to note that certain situations may not be eligible for a refund. These exceptions include:
1. Non-refundable Purchases: Some specific products or services may be non-refundable, as indicated during the purchase process.
2. Expired Refund Window: Refund requests made after the specified timeframe will not be considered.
3. Utilized Access: Refunds will not be provided if the user has already accessed premium features or materials offered by EduRev.
Final Thoughts
EduRev's refund policy aims to provide users with a fair and transparent process for resolving any issues or concerns they may have. It is recommended that users thoroughly review the terms and conditions of their purchase and contact EduRev's customer support for any refund-related queries or requests.