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Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?
C = 100
for i = 1 to n do
    for j = 1 to n do
        Temp = A[i][j] + C
        A[i][j] = A[j][i]
        A[j][i] = Temp - C
for i = 1 to n do
    for j = 1 to n do
  • a)
    The matrix A itself
  • b)
    Transpose of matrix A
  • c)
    Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of A
  • d)
    None of the above
Correct answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?
Most Upvoted Answer
Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program...
The given program performs a two-step operation on matrix A. Let's analyze each step and understand the changes made to the matrix.

Step 1:
In this step, the program swaps the elements of matrix A across its main diagonal (i.e., the elements at positions A[i][j] and A[j][i]). The program uses a temporary variable (Temp) to store the value of A[i][j] before swapping.

For each element in the matrix A:
1. Store the value of A[i][j] in the Temp variable.
2. Assign the value of A[j][i] to A[i][j].
3. Assign the value of Temp to A[j][i].

This step effectively transposes the matrix A.

Step 2:
In this step, the program subtracts the constant value C (here, C = 100) from each element of the transposed matrix A.

For each element in the matrix A:
1. Subtract the value of C from A[i][j].

Now, let's understand the expected output based on the changes made to the matrix A.

Expected Output:
Since the program only modifies the matrix A and does not print any output, the expected output is the final state of the matrix A after both steps.

The final state of matrix A is obtained after transposing the original matrix A and subtracting the constant value C from each element. Hence, the expected output is the matrix A itself, which is option 'A'.

Therefore, the correct answer is option 'A' - The matrix A itself.
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Community Answer
Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program...
If we take look at the inner statements of first loops, we can notice that the statements swap A[i][j] and A[j][i] for all i and j. Since the loop runs for all elements, every element A[l][m] would be swapped twice, once for i = l and j = m and then for i = m and j = l. Swapping twice means the matrix doesn’t change.
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Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?
Question Description
Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) 2025 is part of Computer Science Engineering (CSE) preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the Computer Science Engineering (CSE) exam syllabus. Information about Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?.
Solutions for Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for Computer Science Engineering (CSE). Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for Computer Science Engineering (CSE) Exam by signing up for free.
Here you can find the meaning of Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice Let A be a square matrix of size n x n. Consider the following program. What is the expected output?C = 100for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n do{Temp = A[i][j] + CA[i][j] = A[j][i]A[j][i] = Temp - C}for i = 1 to n dofor j = 1 to n doOutput(A[i][j]);a)The matrix A itselfb)Transpose of matrix Ac)Adding 100 to the upper diagonal elements and subtracting 100 from diagonal elements of Ad)None of the aboveCorrect answer is option 'A'. Can you explain this answer? tests, examples and also practice Computer Science Engineering (CSE) tests.
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