In CAT exam, there are 3 sections, Quant, VARC and LRDI.

Mostly in Quant or LRDI, you can solve a lot of questions and get the gist of it but in VARC you need to have excellent reading speed along with comprehension and inference skills.
What does the VARC section tests the candidates on?
- The section tests the candidates’ ability to comprehend and interpret written material, identify main ideas, draw inferences, and make deductions.
- VARC is also responsible for assessing the candidate’s ability to understand the underlying meanings of words, recognize and use appropriate grammar, and form meaningful sentences.
What is the syllabus of VARC?
The VARC Section comprises of 2 components, Reading comprehension and verbal ability.
The Reading Comprehension component has the maximum weightage as 16 questions out of 24 questions are of the RC section. The following is the syllabus of the VARC
Reading Comprehension:
Inferences, Statements, Arguments, The main idea in the RC Passage, Author’s assumption
2. Verbal Ability
a. Vocabulary
(i) Synonyms-antonyms,
(ii) Meaning of the phrase
(iii) Sentence Completion
(iv) Fill in the Blanks
(v) One Word Substitution
b. Grammar
(i) Para Summary,
(ii) Jumbled paragraphs,
(iii) Pick Out of Context Sentence,
(iv) Error Correction in Sentences,
(v) Sequence of sentences,
(vi) Completion of Paragraph,
(vii) Analogies,
(viii) Critical Reasoning, ,
(ix) Irrelevant Statements,
What is the VARC Pattern?
- From the past few years CAT pattern has changed a lot but in the last 2 years, VARC Section has a total of 24 questions and has +3 marks for each right answer and -1 for every wrong answer. So in total it is of 72 marks.
- I found this amazing table on EduRev’s article on how to prepare for VARC, it tells you all the important topics and their level of difficulty which can be seen over the past few years on different topics.

Personally I feel, VARC section is the toughest but I came across it when I prepared for the CAT Exam but the content of EduRev and I think it provides you with everything.
It provides you with all the necessary study material and also topic wise tests.
Mostly while preparing for VARC, I used to get very stuck in the Reading Comprehension section but after exploring EduRev, it had offered a step by step topic wise guidance on how to proceed while attempting an RC and also how to read for an RC as well.
It also has a 100 RC course for practice. It gives you all the detailed answers of each question in the RC.