Failure due to excessed deformation is controlled by?
Control of Failure due to Excessed Deformation
Excessed deformation can lead to failure in structures, machines, and other mechanical systems. To prevent such failure, several measures can be taken to control the excess deformation.
Selection of Material
The selection of the appropriate material is essential in preventing failure due to excessed deformation. The material should have a high yield strength and stiffness to withstand the applied loads without excessive deformation. The material should also have good ductility to prevent brittle failure.
Design of the Structure
The design of the structure should consider the expected loads and the deformation that may occur. The structure should be designed to withstand the expected loads without excessive deformation. The design should also consider the safety factor to ensure that the structure can withstand unexpected loads.
Use of Reinforcement
The use of reinforcement can improve the strength and stiffness of the structure. Reinforcement can be in the form of additional material, such as steel bars or fibers, or by changing the shape of the structure. Reinforcement can also be in the form of bracing or tying to prevent excessive deformation.
Control of Loading
The control of loading can prevent excess deformation and failure. The loading should be controlled to prevent sudden or unexpected changes in the load. The loading should also be applied gradually to allow the structure to adjust to the load and prevent excess deformation.
Regular Maintenance
Regular maintenance can prevent failure due to excess deformation. Maintenance can include inspection of the structure to detect any signs of deformation or damage. Maintenance can also include repair or replacement of any damaged or worn components.
In conclusion, failure due to excessed deformation can be controlled by selecting the appropriate material, designing the structure to withstand the expected loads, using reinforcement, controlling loading, and regular maintenance. These measures can prevent failure and ensure the safety and reliability of mechanical systems.