Are there any changes in the weightage or number of questions for the ...
Changes in General Awareness Section of IBPS Clerk Exam
The General Awareness section is an important part of the IBPS Clerk Exam, as it tests the candidates' knowledge of current affairs and general knowledge. Over the years, there have been certain changes in the weightage and number of questions in this section. Let's discuss these changes in detail:
1. Weightage:
The weightage of the General Awareness section in the IBPS Clerk Exam has remained consistent over the years. It typically carries 40-50 marks out of the total 200 marks for the exam. This means that the General Awareness section constitutes around 20-25% of the total marks.
2. Number of Questions:
The number of questions in the General Awareness section has seen some variations in the past. Earlier, there used to be around 40-50 questions in this section. However, in recent years, the number of questions has reduced to around 30-40. This change has been implemented to ensure that candidates have enough time to answer the questions accurately.
3. Types of Questions:
The General Awareness section of the IBPS Clerk Exam includes questions from various topics such as current affairs, banking awareness, static/general knowledge, and economic and financial awareness. The questions can be in the form of multiple-choice questions, fill in the blanks, or match the following.
4. Focus on Current Affairs:
In recent years, there has been an increased emphasis on current affairs in the General Awareness section. More questions are being asked from recent events, government schemes, international news, and sports. Candidates are expected to stay updated with the latest happenings to perform well in this section.
5. Changing Trends:
The General Awareness section of the IBPS Clerk Exam reflects the changing trends and patterns of the banking industry. With the increasing importance of digital banking, questions related to e-wallets, mobile banking, and online transactions have become more common. This is done to assess the candidates' knowledge of the latest banking technologies and trends.
In conclusion, while the weightage of the General Awareness section in the IBPS Clerk Exam has remained consistent, there have been some changes in the number of questions and the focus on current affairs. It is important for candidates to stay updated with the latest news and developments to perform well in this section.