Are there any changes in the sectional weightage or distribution of ma...
Changes in the sectional weightage or distribution of marks for each section in the IBPS Clerk Exam
The IBPS Clerk Exam is conducted by the Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) to recruit candidates for clerical positions in various public sector banks in India. The exam is divided into multiple sections, each testing different skills and knowledge of the candidates. Over the years, there have been certain changes in the sectional weightage or distribution of marks for each section in the IBPS Clerk Exam.
Sectional Weightage and Distribution of Marks:
1. Reasoning Ability:
- This section assesses the logical and analytical abilities of the candidates.
- Previously, the weightage for this section used to be around 40-50 marks.
- However, in recent years, the weightage for this section has been reduced to around 30-35 marks.
- The number of questions in this section has also been reduced, but the difficulty level has remained the same.
2. Quantitative Aptitude:
- This section tests the numerical ability and mathematical skills of the candidates.
- Previously, the weightage for this section used to be around 40-50 marks.
- However, in recent years, the weightage for this section has been increased to around 50-60 marks.
- The number of questions in this section has also increased, and the difficulty level has remained moderate to high.
3. English Language:
- This section evaluates the candidates' proficiency in the English language, including grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.
- Previously, the weightage for this section used to be around 30-40 marks.
- However, in recent years, the weightage for this section has been reduced to around 20-30 marks.
- The number of questions in this section has also been reduced, but the difficulty level has remained the same.
4. General Awareness:
- This section tests the candidates' knowledge of current affairs, banking awareness, and general knowledge.
- Previously, the weightage for this section used to be around 30-40 marks.
- However, in recent years, the weightage for this section has been reduced to around 20-30 marks.
- The number of questions in this section has also been reduced, and the difficulty level has remained moderate.
5. Computer Awareness:
- This section assesses the candidates' knowledge of computer fundamentals and basic computer applications.
- Previously, the weightage for this section used to be around 20-30 marks.
- However, in recent years, the weightage for this section has been reduced to around 10-20 marks.
- The number of questions in this section has also been reduced, but the difficulty level has remained the same.
Overall, the sectional weightage and distribution of marks in the IBPS Clerk Exam have undergone certain changes over the years. These changes reflect the evolving pattern and trends in the banking sector and aim to test the candidates' skills and abilities effectively. It is crucial for aspirants to stay updated with the latest exam pattern and syllabus to prepare accordingly.