How many chapters are there in the Civics syllabus for CBSE Class 9?
There are a total of 5 chapters in the Civics syllabus for CBSE Class 9. The syllabus is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the basic concepts and principles of Civics. Each chapter focuses on a specific aspect of the subject, allowing students to develop a strong foundation in the subject. Below are the details of each chapter in the syllabus:
1. bChapter 1: What is Democracy? Why Democracy?
This chapter introduces students to the concept of democracy and its significance in society. It explains the meaning and features of democracy, highlighting the importance of democratic values and principles. The chapter also explores the various forms of democracy and discusses the need for democratic governments.
2. bChapter 2: Constitutional Design
In this chapter, students learn about the process of designing a constitution. It covers topics such as the making of the Indian Constitution, the key features of the Constitution, and the role of different institutions in the democratic system. The chapter also examines the challenges faced during the constitutional design process.
3. bChapter 3: Electoral Politics
This chapter focuses on the electoral process in India. It explains the role of elections in a democracy, the structure of the Election Commission, and the significance of universal adult franchise. The chapter also delves into the concept of political parties and their role in the electoral system.
4. bChapter 4: Working of Institutions
In this chapter, students explore the working of various institutions in a democracy. It covers topics such as the legislature, executive, and judiciary, highlighting their roles and functions. The chapter also discusses the relationship between these institutions and their significance in maintaining a democratic system.
5. bChapter 5: Democratic Rights
The final chapter of the syllabus focuses on the importance of democratic rights. It explores the fundamental rights and freedoms guaranteed by the Indian Constitution, including the right to equality, freedom of speech, and the right to constitutional remedies. The chapter also discusses the role of individuals and social movements in defending and promoting democratic rights.
By covering these 5 chapters, the Civics syllabus for CBSE Class 9 aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of democracy, constitutional design, electoral politics, working of institutions, and democratic rights.