What is the age relaxation provided for candidates who are ex-servicem...
Age Relaxation for Ex-Servicemen in RBI Assistant Exam
Ex-servicemen are individuals who have served in the Indian Armed Forces and have been released from their service. These individuals are given certain relaxations in age limits when applying for various government exams, including the RBI Assistant Exam. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) provides age relaxation to ex-servicemen to encourage their participation in the recruitment process. The details of age relaxation for ex-servicemen, including commissioned officers and ECOs/SSCOs, in the RBI Assistant Exam are as follows:
1. Maximum Age Limit:
The maximum age limit for ex-servicemen applying for the RBI Assistant Exam is determined based on their years of service in the military. The age relaxation is provided as follows:
- For commissioned officers, including ECOs/SSCOs, who have rendered at least 5 years of military service and have been released on completion of the assignment: The maximum age limit is relaxed by the length of military service, plus an additional 3 years.
- For ex-servicemen who have served in the rank of JCO/NCO/Other Ranks in the Army or equivalent ranks in the Navy/Air Force: The maximum age limit is relaxed by the length of military service, plus an additional 5 years.
2. Age Relaxation for Reservations:
In addition to the maximum age limit relaxation, ex-servicemen are also eligible for age relaxation as per the prevailing reservation rules. The reservation categories include Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Other Backward Classes (OBC), and Persons with Disabilities (PWD).
- For SC/ST candidates: The maximum age limit is relaxed by 5 years.
- For OBC candidates: The maximum age limit is relaxed by 3 years.
- For PWD candidates: The maximum age limit is relaxed as per the category-specific rules.
It is important to note that the age relaxation provided to ex-servicemen in the RBI Assistant Exam is subject to submission of relevant documents and meeting the eligibility criteria set by the RBI. Candidates must provide necessary proof of their ex-servicemen status, such as discharge certificate, pension payment order, or any other appropriate document, during the document verification process.
Overall, the age relaxation for ex-servicemen in the RBI Assistant Exam aims to provide equal opportunities for these candidates and acknowledge their valuable service to the nation.