Is there any negative marking in the GATE ME exam?
GATE ME Exam: Negative Marking
The GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) ME (Mechanical Engineering) exam is a highly competitive exam conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) for admission into postgraduate programs in engineering and technology. The exam evaluates the technical knowledge, problem-solving skills, and aptitude of candidates in various engineering disciplines. When it comes to negative marking, here's what you need to know:
1. Marking Scheme
In the GATE ME exam, a candidate is awarded marks for correct answers and penalized for incorrect answers. The marking scheme is as follows:
- For Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs), a correct answer fetches 1 or 2 marks.
- For Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions, a correct answer carries 1 or 2 marks.
- For MCQs with 1 mark, 1/3 mark is deducted for every incorrect answer.
- For MCQs with 2 marks, 2/3 mark is deducted for every incorrect answer.
- There is no negative marking for NAT questions.
2. Negative Marking
Negative marking is the deduction of marks for incorrect answers. It acts as a deterrent against random guessing and encourages candidates to attempt only the questions they are confident about. In the GATE ME exam, negative marking applies only to MCQs, not to NAT questions.
3. Importance of Negative Marking Strategy
To maximize their scores, candidates need to adopt a strategic approach while attempting MCQs. Blind guessing can result in a significant loss of marks due to negative marking. Therefore, it is crucial for candidates to assess their level of familiarity with the question and choose the options wisely. A well-thought-out strategy can help in minimizing the negative marking impact and maximizing the overall score.
4. Tips to Minimize Negative Marking
To minimize negative marking, candidates can follow these tips:
- Attempt questions they are confident about first.
- Analyze the options and eliminate ones that seem incorrect.
- Use the elimination method to narrow down the choices.
- Take educated guesses if they can eliminate some options.
- Avoid blind guessing.
In the GATE ME exam, negative marking is present for MCQs. It is important for candidates to be aware of the marking scheme and devise a strategic approach to minimize negative marking. By adopting a thoughtful and well-planned strategy, candidates can increase their chances of achieving a higher score in the exam.