Marking Scheme for MCQs in GATE CE
The GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) exam for Civil Engineering (CE) consists of two types of questions - Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions. The marking scheme for these two question types is different. Let's discuss the marking scheme for MCQs in detail.
1. Correct Answer:- For every correct answer in MCQs, candidates are awarded +1 or 2 marks, depending on the question.
- The distribution of marks for correct answers may vary for different questions.
2. Wrong Answer:- For every wrong answer in MCQs, candidates are penalized with negative marking.
- For questions carrying 1 mark, 1/3 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted.
- For questions carrying 2 marks, 2/3 of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted.
3. Unattempted Question:- No marks are deducted for unattempted questions in MCQs.
Marking Scheme for NAT Questions in GATE CE
Now, let's discuss the marking scheme for Numerical Answer Type (NAT) questions in GATE CE.
1. Correct Answer:- For every correct answer in NAT questions, candidates are awarded +1 or 2 marks, depending on the question.
- The distribution of marks for correct answers may vary for different questions.
2. Wrong Answer:- There is no negative marking for wrong answers in NAT questions.
- Even if the answer is incorrect, candidates will not lose any marks.
3. Unattempted Question:- No marks are awarded or deducted for unattempted questions in NAT.
To summarize, the marking scheme for MCQs and NAT questions in GATE CE is as follows:
MCQs:- Correct Answer: +1 or 2 marks (depending on the question)
- Wrong Answer: Negative marking (1/3 or 2/3 of the marks assigned to the question)
- Unattempted Question: No marks deducted
NAT Questions:- Correct Answer: +1 or 2 marks (depending on the question)
- Wrong Answer: No negative marking
- Unattempted Question: No marks awarded or deducted