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Can I get the details of the process to raise objections against the IIT JAM Chemistry answer key for individual questions?
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Can I get the details of the process to raise objections against the I...
Process to Raise Objections against IIT JAM Chemistry Answer Key for Individual Questions

The IIT JAM (Joint Admission Test for M.Sc.) is a national level entrance exam conducted by the Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) for admission to various postgraduate science programs, including Chemistry. After the exam, the conducting authority releases the answer key. If candidates find any discrepancies or have objections regarding the answer key, they can raise their concerns through a specific process.

Step 1: Visit the Official Website
1. Open your web browser and visit the official website of IIT JAM (
2. Look for the "Objection Management Link" or a similar option on the homepage.

Step 2: Login to Your Account
1. Click on the "Objection Management Link" to access the objection portal.
2. Login to your account using your registered email address and password.
3. If you have forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password" option and follow the instructions to reset it.

Step 3: Raise Objections
1. Once logged in, you will see the question paper along with the answer key.
2. Identify the question(s) for which you have objections and click on the "Raise Objection" button next to it.
3. Select the appropriate objection category from the given options.
4. Provide a detailed explanation or justification for your objection in the designated space.
5. Upload any supporting documents or references to strengthen your case, if required.
6. Repeat the process for all the questions you wish to raise objections against.

Step 4: Pay Objection Fee
1. After raising objections for all the questions, you may be required to pay an objection fee, which is usually non-refundable.
2. The fee amount and payment method will be specified on the objection portal.
3. Make the payment using the provided options, such as net banking, credit card, or debit card.

Step 5: Submit Objections
1. Double-check all the objections you have raised and the supporting documents you have uploaded.
2. Once you are satisfied, click on the "Submit" or "Final Submit" button to submit your objections.
3. A confirmation message will be displayed on the screen, indicating that your objections have been successfully submitted.

Important Points to Remember
- Objections can only be raised within the specified window, as mentioned on the official website.
- Candidates must carefully provide valid arguments and supporting documents to substantiate their objections.
- The decision of the conducting authority regarding the acceptance or rejection of objections is final and binding.
- Objection fees, if applicable, must be paid within the given time frame.

Raising objections against the IIT JAM Chemistry answer key is a crucial step for candidates who believe there are errors or discrepancies in the provided solutions. By following the above-mentioned process on the official website, candidates can voice their concerns and seek the necessary rectifications.
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Can I get the details of the process to raise objections against the IIT JAM Chemistry answer key for individual questions?
Question Description
Can I get the details of the process to raise objections against the IIT JAM Chemistry answer key for individual questions? for Chemistry 2025 is part of Chemistry preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the Chemistry exam syllabus. Information about Can I get the details of the process to raise objections against the IIT JAM Chemistry answer key for individual questions? covers all topics & solutions for Chemistry 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for Can I get the details of the process to raise objections against the IIT JAM Chemistry answer key for individual questions?.
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