Are there any specific rules or guidelines I need to follow during the...
Rules and Guidelines for the SAT Exam (Digital)
The SAT exam is a standardized test widely used for college admissions in the United States. With the introduction of the digital version of the SAT, there are specific rules and guidelines that test-takers must follow. Here are the details:
1. Technical Requirements:
- Ensure that your computer meets the technical requirements provided by the College Board, such as operating system, browser, and internet connection.
- Test your equipment and internet connection before the exam day to avoid any technical issues.
2. Test Environment:
- Find a quiet and well-lit space where you can take the exam without any distractions or interruptions.
- Remove any unauthorized items from your workspace, including books, notes, electronic devices (except the one you are using for the exam), and any other prohibited materials.
- Close all irrelevant applications and browser tabs on your computer before starting the exam.
3. Identification:
- You must have a valid government-issued photo ID, such as a driver's license or passport, to verify your identity.
- Ensure that your ID is not expired and that your name matches the one you used during registration.
4. Timing and Breaks:
- The digital SAT is timed, and you must adhere to the specified time limits for each section.
- You will have a 10-minute break after the Reading Test and a 5-minute break after the Math Test - No Calculator section.
- During breaks, you are not allowed to access the test questions, review your answers, or communicate with others.
5. Navigation and Tools:
- Familiarize yourself with the digital testing interface provided by the College Board.
- Use the on-screen tools, such as highlighting, strikeout, and calculator functions, effectively and efficiently.
- Pay attention to the instructions and prompts provided on the screen, as they may vary from the paper-based SAT.
6. Exam Conduct:
- You are expected to maintain academic integrity throughout the exam.
- Do not collaborate or communicate with others during the test, as this constitutes cheating.
- Any attempt to cheat, such as using unauthorized materials or accessing prohibited resources, may result in severe consequences, including score cancellation.
7. Review and Submission:
- Before submitting your answers, review your work to ensure accuracy and completeness.
- Double-check that you have answered all the questions and transferred your answers correctly.
- Submit your completed exam within the allocated time frame. Failure to submit on time may result in an incomplete score.
It is crucial to read and understand all the rules and guidelines provided by the College Board before taking the digital SAT exam. By following these guidelines, you can ensure a smooth testing experience and maximize your chances of achieving your desired score.