Does the marks weightage change for different years' SSC CHSL Exams?
The SSC CHSL (Combined Higher Secondary Level) exam is conducted by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to recruit candidates for various posts like Lower Division Clerk (LDC), Data Entry Operator (DEO), Postal/Sorting Assistant, etc. The exam is conducted in multiple stages, including a written examination, skill test, and document verification.
Weightage of Marks:
The weightage of marks for different years' SSC CHSL exams remains the same. The exam pattern and marking scheme are predetermined and followed consistently. The written examination is divided into four sections: General Intelligence, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness. Each section carries equal weightage of 50 marks, making the total marks for the written examination 200.
Breakup of Marks:
The written examination is further divided into multiple parts or subtopics, and each part carries a specific weightage of marks. Here is a breakdown of the marks weightage for each section:
1. General Intelligence:
- Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning: 25 marks
- Coding-Decoding: 3-4 marks
- Blood Relations: 2-3 marks
- Analogy: 2-3 marks
- Classification: 2-3 marks
- Series: 2-3 marks
- Directions: 1-2 marks
- Ranking: 1-2 marks
- Venn Diagrams: 1-2 marks
- Miscellaneous: 7-8 marks
2. English Language:
- Reading Comprehension: 5-10 marks
- Cloze Test: 5-10 marks
- Spotting Errors: 5-10 marks
- Sentence Improvement: 5-10 marks
- Para Jumbles: 5-10 marks
- Fill in the Blanks: 5-10 marks
- Idioms and Phrases: 5-10 marks
- Synonyms and Antonyms: 5-10 marks
3. Quantitative Aptitude:
- Number System: 8-10 marks
- Simplification: 5-7 marks
- Average: 2-4 marks
- Percentage: 2-4 marks
- Ratio and Proportion: 2-4 marks
- Time and Work: 2-4 marks
- Speed, Time, and Distance: 2-4 marks
- Interest: 2-4 marks
- Profit and Loss: 2-4 marks
- Algebra: 8-10 marks
- Geometry: 8-10 marks
- Trigonometry: 8-10 marks
- Data Interpretation: 8-10 marks
4. General Awareness:
- History: 5-8 marks
- Geography: 5-8 marks
- Indian Polity: 5-8 marks
- Indian Economy: 5-8 marks
- General Science: 5-8 marks
- Current Affairs: 10-15 marks
- Miscellaneous: 5-8 marks
The weightage of marks for different years' SSC CHSL exams remains consistent. The written examination is divided into four sections, with each section