Are there any additional fees for taking the SAT Subject Tests?
Additional Fees for Taking the SAT Subject Tests
Taking the SAT Subject Tests can be an additional expense for students who are already preparing for the regular SAT. While the SAT itself has a registration fee, there are a few extra costs associated with taking the Subject Tests. Here are the additional fees that students may encounter when registering for the SAT Subject Tests:
SAT Registration Fee
Before discussing the additional fees for the Subject Tests, it is important to note that students must first pay the regular SAT registration fee. This fee covers the basic cost of taking the SAT and can vary depending on the location. Students may need to pay an additional fee if they decide to take the SAT with Essay.
SAT Subject Test Fee
Once a student has registered for the SAT, they can choose to add one or more Subject Tests for an additional fee. As of 2021, the fee for each Subject Test is $26, with an additional $22 fee for any language with listening tests. The fee is per test, so if a student decides to take multiple Subject Tests, they will need to pay the fee for each test separately.
Late Registration Fee
If a student misses the regular registration deadline, they can still register during the late registration period. However, there is an additional fee for late registration. As of 2021, the late registration fee is $30.
Standby Testing Fee
In some cases, students may wish to take the SAT Subject Tests on a standby basis. Standby testing is when a student shows up on the test day without prior registration. This option is only available if there are empty seats at the test center. If a student chooses to take the Subject Tests on standby, they will need to pay a standby testing fee in addition to the regular Subject Test fee. The standby testing fee for the SAT Subject Tests is $55.
Additional Score Reports Fee
After taking the SAT Subject Tests, students can choose to send their scores to colleges or scholarship programs. The fee for each additional score report is $13. It is important to note that the fee is per recipient, so if a student wants to send their scores to multiple colleges, they will need to pay the fee for each recipient separately.
In conclusion, while there are additional fees associated with taking the SAT Subject Tests, it is important for students to consider these costs when planning their test preparation and registration. Being aware of these fees can help students budget accordingly and ensure a smooth registration process.