Are there any specific reading comprehension techniques for the EMSAT ...
Reading comprehension is a crucial skill for success in any examination, including the EMSAT Achieve exam. To improve reading comprehension, there are several techniques that can be applied. Here are some specific techniques for the EMSAT Achieve exam:
1. Pre-reading Strategies:
Before diving into the passage, it is essential to spend a few minutes familiarizing yourself with the topic and structure. This can be done by quickly scanning the passage and taking note of headings, subheadings, and any bold or italicized text.
2. Active Reading:
During the actual reading of the passage, it is important to actively engage with the text. This can be achieved by highlighting or underlining key information, making notes in the margins, or summarizing each paragraph in a few words.
3. Skimming and Scanning:
To save time and get an overall understanding of the passage, skimming and scanning are helpful techniques. Skimming involves quickly reading the passage to get a general idea of the content, while scanning involves looking for specific information by quickly moving through the text.
4. Understanding Context:
Contextual clues can provide valuable information to comprehend the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases. Pay attention to the surrounding sentences or paragraphs to gain a better understanding of the context.
5. Identifying Main Ideas and Supporting Details:
The ability to identify main ideas and supporting details is crucial for answering questions related to the passage. Look for topic sentences, repeated information, or information presented in a more detailed manner to determine the main ideas.
6. Making Inferences:
Inferences are conclusions or deductions made based on evidence or reasoning. The EMSAT Achieve exam often includes questions that require making inferences from the given passage. Look for clues, implied meanings, or connections between ideas to make accurate inferences.
7. Summarizing:
After reading the passage, it is helpful to summarize the main ideas and key details in your own words. This not only helps reinforce comprehension but also aids in answering questions that require a summary or overall understanding of the passage.
By employing these specific reading comprehension techniques, test-takers can enhance their ability to understand and analyze the passages in the EMSAT Achieve exam. Practice and familiarity with different types of passages will further improve reading comprehension skills, ultimately leading to better performance on the exam.