A praraghraph heading with green,red boarder and font is broadway styl...
Green and Red Border with Broadway Font StyleTo create a visually appealing paragraph heading with a green and red border and Broadway font style, as well as a blue page border, you can use HTML and CSS to customize the appearance of the text and surrounding elements. Here's how you can achieve this:
HTML Structure:First, let's create the basic HTML structure for the paragraph heading:
This is the paragraph heading
CSS Styling:Next, we can apply CSS styles to achieve the desired appearance:
.paragraph-heading {
border: 5px solid green; /* Green border */
padding: 10px;
font-family: 'Broadway', cursive; /* Broadway font style */
h1 {
border-bottom: 5px solid red; /* Red border bottom */
color: blue; /* Blue text color */
padding-bottom: 10px;
Explanation:Let's break down the CSS styles applied to each element:
.paragraph-heading: This class is applied to the surrounding div element to create the green border. We set the border width to 5 pixels and the color to green. The padding adds some space around the text inside the div. The font-family property sets the font style to Broadway.
h1: This style targets the heading element inside the div. We add a red border to the bottom of the heading using the border-bottom property. The color property sets the text color to blue. The padding-bottom adds some space below the heading.
Result:By applying these HTML and CSS styles, you will have a paragraph heading with a green border, a red border bottom, and a blue text color. The Broadway font style will add a unique and visually appealing touch to the heading. Additionally, you can add a blue page border to the entire page by applying similar CSS styles to the body element or by using a wrapper div around the entire content.