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As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:
  • a)
    A Melting of ice-caps
  • b)
    Thermal expansion of seawater
  • c)
    Both A. and B.
  • d)
    Isostatic rebound
Correct answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?
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As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea le...
Over the previous two and a half decades, the average sea level has increased roughly 21–24 cm, with around a quarter of it occurring within the last two decades. The increasing water level is mostly due to a mix of glacial melt from glaciers and ice sheets and the thermal expansion of warm saltwater.
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Directions:Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question.PassageNATURAL SCIENCE: El Nino: A Meteorological EnigmaAlmost any mention of climate change bringsthoughts of global warming, complete with mentalimages of rising seas and melting ice caps. Whilefew reputable scientists contest the reality of global(5) warming, most climatologists are also aware of otherpowerful meteorological phenomena that shape theweather on a daily, seasonal, or even multi-year basis.In fact, these “background oscillations,” or fluctua-tions, appear to cause major climate shifts every few(10) decades. Among the most influential are the NorthPacific Oscillation (NPO), the North Atlantic Oscil-lation (NAO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO),and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Ofthese, probably the best-known is the El Nino-Southern(15) Oscillation, popularly called “El Nino.”The term El Nino was first reported in scien-tific circles in 1892. It originally referred to a localevent: an annual, weak, warm ocean current thatfishermen discovered along the central western coast(20) of South America. The current was most noticeablearound Christmastime, which led to its name becauseEl Nino is Spanish for “little boy” and is frequentlyused when referring to the Christ Child. (The reversephenomenon, a cold ocean current, is known by a(25) corresponding term, La Nina, Spanish for “little girl.”)Along this area of South America, El Ninos reducethe upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water that sustainslarge fish populations. Predators such as larger fish andsea birds depend on these populations for survival, as(30) do local fisheries.As climatology developed as a discipline, scien-tists discovered that both trends in the current werepart of a larger phenomenon affecting global climatepatterns, the Southern Oscillation. The definition of(35) El Nino has therefore expanded and continues tochange as climate researchers compile more data. Nowscientists say that during El Ninos, sea-surface tem-peratures over a large part of the central Pacific climbabove normal and stay high for many months. This(40) creates a large pool of warm water that coincides witha change in wind patterns. The shift in wind patternschanges where evaporation takes place. Together, thewarm water and shifting wind affect where storms formand where rainfall occurs on a global level.(45) Most of the time, strong El Ninos bring wetwinters to the Southwestern United States and milderwinters to the Midwest. They tend to bring dry condi-tions to Indonesia and northern Australia. They gener-ally occur every two to seven years. La Ninas usually,(50) but not always, follow El Ninos. During La Ninas,water temperatures in the Central Pacific drop belownormal, and weather patterns shift in the other direc-tion. Together, the El Nino and La Nina cyclescomplete the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).(55) ENSO weather oscillations are discrete from theNPO, NAO, and PDO weather patterns. This meansone oscillation does not cause or usually influence theothers. Sometimes, however, the various oscillations“beat” together at the same frequency, causing the(60) fluctuations to be synchronized. When this happens,scientists say the resulting weather can be intensified.Weather effects can be damaging. The warmingpatterns of El Nino are one of the leading causesof natural damage to coral reefs, while wider ENSO(65) fluctuations may cause flooding or drought to occuron land. In these cases, extreme shifts can cause eco-nomic pressure by disrupting entire fishing industries ordamaging crops.Sometimes, pressure caused by intense weather(70) can have unexpected political effects. Some scientistsargue that unusually cold weather brought by a strongEl Nino phenomenon caused significant crop damagein 1788-89, which many say contributed to the FrenchRevolution. Other climate researchers claim that strong(75) oscillation coupling, combined with strong El Ninosin the late 1930s and early 1940s, led to a profoundcold snap in Northern Europe in the middle of theSecond World War. The scientists argue that this unex-pected cold snap significantly contributed to the failure(80) of Germany to capture Moscow, which changed thecourse of World War II.ENSO phenomena, along with the other threeoscillations, are separate from those attributed to globalwarming. The causes are completely independent.(85) However, because El Nino and global warming bothcan result in strong temperature variability, disruptiverain distribution, and extreme damage to a variety ofecosystems, any synchronicity will be closely observedby scientists seeking to document the total effects(90) of each.Q.According to the passage, all of the following are negative consequences of El Niño weather patterns EXCEPT

Directions:Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question.PassageNATURAL SCIENCE: El Nino: A Meteorological EnigmaAlmost any mention of climate change bringsthoughts of global warming, complete with mentalimages of rising seas and melting ice caps. Whilefew reputable scientists contest the reality of global(5) warming, most climatologists are also aware of otherpowerful meteorological phenomena that shape theweather on a daily, seasonal, or even multi-year basis.In fact, these “background oscillations,” or fluctua-tions, appear to cause major climate shifts every few(10) decades. Among the most influential are the NorthPacific Oscillation (NPO), the North Atlantic Oscil-lation (NAO), the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO),and the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). Ofthese, probably the best-known is the El Nino-Southern(15) Oscillation, popularly called “El Nino.”The term El Nino was first reported in scien-tific circles in 1892. It originally referred to a localevent: an annual, weak, warm ocean current thatfishermen discovered along the central western coast(20) of South America. The current was most noticeablearound Christmastime, which led to its name becauseEl Nino is Spanish for “little boy” and is frequentlyused when referring to the Christ Child. (The reversephenomenon, a cold ocean current, is known by a(25) corresponding term, La Nina, Spanish for “little girl.”)Along this area of South America, El Ninos reducethe upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich water that sustainslarge fish populations. Predators such as larger fish andsea birds depend on these populations for survival, as(30) do local fisheries.As climatology developed as a discipline, scien-tists discovered that both trends in the current werepart of a larger phenomenon affecting global climatepatterns, the Southern Oscillation. The definition of(35) El Nino has therefore expanded and continues tochange as climate researchers compile more data. Nowscientists say that during El Ninos, sea-surface tem-peratures over a large part of the central Pacific climbabove normal and stay high for many months. This(40) creates a large pool of warm water that coincides witha change in wind patterns. The shift in wind patternschanges where evaporation takes place. Together, thewarm water and shifting wind affect where storms formand where rainfall occurs on a global level.(45) Most of the time, strong El Ninos bring wetwinters to the Southwestern United States and milderwinters to the Midwest. They tend to bring dry condi-tions to Indonesia and northern Australia. They gener-ally occur every two to seven years. La Ninas usually,(50) but not always, follow El Ninos. During La Ninas,water temperatures in the Central Pacific drop belownormal, and weather patterns shift in the other direc-tion. Together, the El Nino and La Nina cyclescomplete the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).(55) ENSO weather oscillations are discrete from theNPO, NAO, and PDO weather patterns. This meansone oscillation does not cause or usually influence theothers. Sometimes, however, the various oscillations“beat” together at the same frequency, causing the(60) fluctuations to be synchronized. When this happens,scientists say the resulting weather can be intensified.Weather effects can be damaging. The warmingpatterns of El Nino are one of the leading causesof natural damage to coral reefs, while wider ENSO(65) fluctuations may cause flooding or drought to occuron land. In these cases, extreme shifts can cause eco-nomic pressure by disrupting entire fishing industries ordamaging crops.Sometimes, pressure caused by intense weather(70) can have unexpected political effects. Some scientistsargue that unusually cold weather brought by a strongEl Nino phenomenon caused significant crop damagein 1788-89, which many say contributed to the FrenchRevolution. Other climate researchers claim that strong(75) oscillation coupling, combined with strong El Ninosin the late 1930s and early 1940s, led to a profoundcold snap in Northern Europe in the middle of theSecond World War. The scientists argue that this unex-pected cold snap significantly contributed to the failure(80) of Germany to capture Moscow, which changed thecourse of World War II.ENSO phenomena, along with the other threeoscillations, are separate from those attributed to globalwarming. The causes are completely independent.(85) However, because El Nino and global warming bothcan result in strong temperature variability, disruptiverain distribution, and extreme damage to a variety ofecosystems, any synchronicity will be closely observedby scientists seeking to document the total effects(90) of each.Q.The author makes which of the following comparisons between El Niño and global warming?

Directions: Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question.PassageSOCIAL SCIENCE: This passage discusses some social and economic issues regarding liquid natural gas as an energysource.Although oil and gasoline remain importantenergy sources, it is natural gas that currently suppliesaround 25 percent of America’s energy needs. A recentstudy shows that natural gas use was roughly 22 trillion(5) cubic feet (TCF) annually. Natural gas demand isincreasing at phenomenal rates because of its abilityto create cleaner fuel for electrical power. Experts pre-dict that annual demand is likely to increase to almost32 TCF in less than a decade. At a consumption rate(10) of 32 TCF per year, the United States would only haveabout a five-year supply of natural gas. Known naturalgas reserves in North America are quickly becomingexhausted. In fact, in the past thirty years, known sup-plies have dwindled from almost 300 TCF to around(15) 150 TCF.It is no wonder that natural gas has become a con-troversial and critical topic of discussion among politi-cians, business leaders,and consumers. It is apparentthat the United States will need to drastically increase(20) imports of natural gas to relieve shortages. One waythat economists believe this can be done is by importingliquid natural gas. Experts predict that liquid naturalgas imports will increase by almost 500 percent in a fewshort years. Currently, the country imports very little(25)liquid natural gas. The process of transporting liquidnatural gas is complicated and expensive. This is themost obvious reason why America has been reluctantto choose liquid natural gas over other energy sources.Converting natural gas into liquid natural gas involves(30) cooling natural gas as it is collected to −260F. Thistransforms the gas into a liquid, which is then injectedinto a specially designed vessel for transport. Whenthe liquid natural gas reaches its destination, the liquidis reheated into its original gaseous state and allowed(35) to flow into a pipeline. Even though new technologyhas considerably decreased transportation costs for liq-uid natural gas, it is still often uneconomical. This isespecially true for nations with other energy sources.One of the largest misconceptions about liquid(40) natural gas is that it is an abundant source of naturalgas. While liquid natural gas imports continue toincrease, the public demand for natural gas increasesat an even higher rate. Even though the United Stateshas several facilities that can process liquid natural gas,(45) these facilities are consistently unable to obtain enoughliquid natural gas to operate at their fullest capacity.Even when liquid natural gas is obtainable, there is afear that low natural gas prices in the United States willmake liquid natural gas uneconomical. Most business(50) leaders and politicians are reluctant to create new facili-ties to process liquid natural gas because these facilitiesare expensive and risky. This limits the capacity to pro-cess liquid natural gas even if it becomes more readilyavailable.(55) The United States also faces competition fromAsia in securing liquid natural gas. Competition forliquid natural gas will most likely become even moreferocious as other populous countries like Japan andChina become more desperate for fuel sources. Some(60) of the more daring politicians and business leadersbelieve that building new liquid natural gas facilitieswill help companies and consumers take advantage offuture increased liquid natural gas imports. Currently,Canada is the largest liquid natural gas supplier for(65) the United States. However, liquid natural gas importsfrom Canada will decrease considerably in the nextdecade as Canadian consumption increases and sup-plies of natural gas dwindle. Therefore, consumers andbusiness leaders should not rely on liquid natural gas(70) to solve America’s energy needs and consumers shouldcontinue to expect high prices as demand grows andsupplies decline.Q.It can be inferred from the second paragraph (lines 16–38) that America’s reluctance to choose liquid natural gas over other energy sources will

Directions: Read the passages and choose the best answer to each question.PassageSOCIAL SCIENCE: This passage discusses some social and economic issues regarding liquid natural gas as an energysource.Although oil and gasoline remain importantenergy sources, it is natural gas that currently suppliesaround 25 percent of America’s energy needs. A recentstudy shows that natural gas use was roughly 22 trillion(5) cubic feet (TCF) annually. Natural gas demand isincreasing at phenomenal rates because of its abilityto create cleaner fuel for electrical power. Experts pre-dict that annual demand is likely to increase to almost32 TCF in less than a decade. At a consumption rate(10) of 32 TCF per year, the United States would only haveabout a five-year supply of natural gas. Known naturalgas reserves in North America are quickly becomingexhausted. In fact, in the past thirty years, known sup-plies have dwindled from almost 300 TCF to around(15) 150 TCF.It is no wonder that natural gas has become a con-troversial and critical topic of discussion among politi-cians, business leaders,and consumers. It is apparentthat the United States will need to drastically increase(20) imports of natural gas to relieve shortages. One waythat economists believe this can be done is by importingliquid natural gas. Experts predict that liquid naturalgas imports will increase by almost 500 percent in a fewshort years. Currently, the country imports very little(25)liquid natural gas. The process of transporting liquidnatural gas is complicated and expensive. This is themost obvious reason why America has been reluctantto choose liquid natural gas over other energy sources.Converting natural gas into liquid natural gas involves(30) cooling natural gas as it is collected to −260F. Thistransforms the gas into a liquid, which is then injectedinto a specially designed vessel for transport. Whenthe liquid natural gas reaches its destination, the liquidis reheated into its original gaseous state and allowed(35) to flow into a pipeline. Even though new technologyhas considerably decreased transportation costs for liq-uid natural gas, it is still often uneconomical. This isespecially true for nations with other energy sources.One of the largest misconceptions about liquid(40) natural gas is that it is an abundant source of naturalgas. While liquid natural gas imports continue toincrease, the public demand for natural gas increasesat an even higher rate. Even though the United Stateshas several facilities that can process liquid natural gas,(45) these facilities are consistently unable to obtain enoughliquid natural gas to operate at their fullest capacity.Even when liquid natural gas is obtainable, there is afear that low natural gas prices in the United States willmake liquid natural gas uneconomical. Most business(50) leaders and politicians are reluctant to create new facili-ties to process liquid natural gas because these facilitiesare expensive and risky. This limits the capacity to pro-cess liquid natural gas even if it becomes more readilyavailable.(55) The United States also faces competition fromAsia in securing liquid natural gas. Competition forliquid natural gas will most likely become even moreferocious as other populous countries like Japan andChina become more desperate for fuel sources. Some(60) of the more daring politicians and business leadersbelieve that building new liquid natural gas facilitieswill help companies and consumers take advantage offuture increased liquid natural gas imports. Currently,Canada is the largest liquid natural gas supplier for(65) the United States. However, liquid natural gas importsfrom Canada will decrease considerably in the nextdecade as Canadian consumption increases and sup-plies of natural gas dwindle. Therefore, consumers andbusiness leaders should not rely on liquid natural gas(70) to solve America’s energy needs and consumers shouldcontinue to expect high prices as demand grows andsupplies decline.Q.As it is used in line 32, the word vessel most nearly means

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As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?
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As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer? for ACT 2025 is part of ACT preparation. The Question and answers have been prepared according to the ACT exam syllabus. Information about As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer? covers all topics & solutions for ACT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, meanings, examples, exercises and tests below for As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?.
Solutions for As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer? in English & in Hindi are available as part of our courses for ACT. Download more important topics, notes, lectures and mock test series for ACT Exam by signing up for free.
Here you can find the meaning of As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer? defined & explained in the simplest way possible. Besides giving the explanation of As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer?, a detailed solution for As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer? has been provided alongside types of As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer? theory, EduRev gives you an ample number of questions to practice As a consequence of global warming, there may be an increase in sea level as a result of:a)A Melting of ice-capsb)Thermal expansion of seawaterc)Both A. and B.d)Isostatic reboundCorrect answer is option 'C'. Can you explain this answer? tests, examples and also practice ACT tests.
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