Closing stock is valued at lower of cost or market price. Which concep...
It is based on the Prudence or Conservatism Principle, according to which all the prospective losses are taken into consideration and not the prospective profits. The assumption of this concept ensures that the financial statement presents a realistic picture of state of affairs of the enterprise.
Closing stock is valued at lower of cost or market price. Which concep...
The concept of prudence is applied here, which is also known as the principle of conservatism. This concept states that while preparing financial statements, a cautious approach should be taken, and uncertainties and losses should be accounted for immediately.
Valuation of closing stock:
- Closing stock refers to the unsold goods or products that are left in a business at the end of an accounting period.
- These goods need to be valued, and the value is based on the lower of cost or market price.
- Cost refers to the actual cost incurred by the business to purchase or produce the goods, including all direct and indirect expenses.
- Market price refers to the current selling price of the goods in the market.
Application of prudence concept:
- The prudence concept suggests that when valuing closing stock, a cautious approach should be taken and uncertainties should be accounted for immediately.
- This means that if the market price of the goods is lower than the cost, the closing stock should be valued at the market price, even if it results in a loss for the business.
- This approach ensures that the financial statements reflect a true and fair view of the business's financial position, even if it means reporting lower profits or higher losses.
The application of the prudence concept ensures that uncertainties and losses are accounted for immediately, even if it results in a lower valuation of closing stock. This approach ensures that the financial statements reflect a true and fair view of the business's financial position, which is the primary objective of accounting.