Fire can be controlled by removing one or more of these requirements. ...
Air is needed for fire to burn. By cutting off the supply of air, you can control or put out a fire. This stops the fire from getting the oxygen it needs to keep burning.
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Fire can be controlled by removing one or more of these requirements. ...
Oxygen is a supporter of combustion . We can check it by taking a burning candle and then keeping a glass avobe it inverted.
After a while,we will notice the candle flame goes down. This is because of the oxygen inside it is burnt.
nitrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen don't support combustion but instead, are used in fire extinguisher to extingush fire.
Fire can be controlled by removing one or more of these requirements. ...
Requirements for Fire:
- Oxygen: Oxygen is necessary for combustion to occur. It helps in the chemical reaction between the fuel and heat source.
- Carbon dioxide, Nitrogen, and Hydrogen: These gases are not necessary for fire to burn. In fact, they can act as fire suppressants by displacing oxygen or cooling the fuel.
Therefore, by removing oxygen from the equation, fire can be controlled as it eliminates one of the essential requirements for combustion to sustain itself. This is the basis of fire extinguishers that work by either removing oxygen or cooling the fuel to extinguish the fire.