What are different view related to education between orientalist and a...
-.Orientalists gave deep respect for ancient cultures both of India and the west...
- Anglicists thought that there should be education which is useful and practical and that does not meet the demands of Indians.
-.Anglicists thought that people should be aware of the developments in Western science and technology by reading European language.
- Orientalists thought that in order to understand India it was necessary to discover the sacred and legal texts that were produced in the ancient period.
- Anglicists thought that teaching of English could be a way of civilising the people,changing their tastes,values and culture.
- Orientalists thought that understanding the sacred texts of India could reveal the real ideas and laws of Hindus and Muslims and only a new study of these texts could form the basis of future development in India.At last I want to tell you the meaning of these two words Orientalists-those with a scholarly knowledge of the language and culture of asia Aglicists-those who support European languages.
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What are different view related to education between orientalist and a...
Different Views on Education: Orientalists vs. Anglicists
The Orientalist Perspective
Orientalists were scholars who studied the languages, literature, and societies of the East, particularly the Middle East, South Asia, and East Asia. Their approach to education was rooted in their fascination with Eastern cultures and their desire to understand and interpret them. Here are some key views held by Orientalists regarding education:
1. Preservation of Traditional Knowledge: Orientalists believed in the importance of preserving traditional knowledge and ancient texts. They emphasized the study of classical languages such as Arabic, Sanskrit, and Persian, considering them essential for understanding the cultural heritage of Eastern civilizations.
2. Language and Literature Focus: Orientalists placed great importance on the study of Eastern languages and literature. They believed that language was the key to understanding a culture, and literature provided insights into the values, beliefs, and history of a society. Orientalists emphasized the translation and interpretation of Eastern texts to make them accessible to a wider audience.
3. Comparative Study: Orientalists advocated for a comparative approach to education, drawing parallels between Eastern and Western cultures. They believed that by studying both traditions, students could gain a broader perspective and develop a more comprehensive understanding of human history and civilization.
The Anglicist Perspective
Anglicists, on the other hand, were scholars who focused on the study of English language and literature, particularly in the colonial context. They viewed English language education as a means to promote British colonial interests and spread Western ideas. Here are some key views held by Anglicists regarding education:
1. English as the Language of Education: Anglicists believed that English should be the medium of instruction in schools and universities. They argued that English proficiency would facilitate communication, administration, and the spread of Western knowledge.
2. Westernization and Modernization: Anglicists saw education as a tool for Westernization and modernization. They believed that British values, institutions, and technologies were superior and should be adopted by the colonized societies. Anglicists aimed to create a class of educated individuals who would serve as intermediaries between the colonial administration and the local population.
3. Science and Practical Knowledge: Anglicists prioritized the study of science, technology, and practical subjects in their educational system. They believed that these subjects were crucial for the economic and technological development of the colonies and for producing a workforce capable of serving British interests.
It is important to note that both the Orientalist and Anglicist perspectives were shaped by the historical context of colonialism and the power dynamics between East and West. While the Orientalists focused on understanding and preserving Eastern cultures, the Anglicists sought to promote Western values and establish British dominance.