The use of spinning wheel (Charkha) became common during thea)9th Cent...
The use of Spinning Wheel (Charkha) in India
The spinning wheel or Charkha is a simple device used for spinning thread or yarn from natural fibers such as cotton, wool, or silk. It played a significant role in India's struggle for independence and was popularized by Mahatma Gandhi as a symbol of self-reliance and economic independence.
The spinning wheel was first mentioned in Indian literature during the 14th century AD. It was widely used by the people of India, especially in rural areas for spinning cotton and silk. The spinning wheel was also used in the textile industry for weaving fabrics.
The spinning wheel became a symbol of India's self-reliance and economic independence during the British rule. Mahatma Gandhi encouraged people to use the spinning wheel as a way of boycotting British goods and promoting Indian-made products. He believed that by spinning their own cloth, Indians could become self-sufficient and break free from the British economic system.
The use of the spinning wheel gained popularity during the early 20th century, and it became a symbol of India's nationalist movement. The spinning wheel was even included in the Indian flag adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India in 1947.
In conclusion, the spinning wheel or Charkha has played a significant role in India's history and is still used today in rural areas for spinning natural fibers. It is a symbol of self-reliance, economic independence, and India's struggle for independence.
The use of spinning wheel (Charkha) became common during thea)9th Cent...
The use of spinning wheel (Charkha) became common during the. 9th Century AD.