The pre-requisite for the enforcement of directive principles of the s...
The Pre-requisite for the Enforcement of Directive Principles of the State Policy is Adequate Resources.
Directive Principles of State Policy are non-justifiable and non-enforceable in the court of law. However, it is the duty of the state to apply these principles in making laws for the welfare of the people. The enforcement of these principles requires resources, and the availability of adequate resources is a prerequisite for their enforcement.
Reasons why Adequate Resources are a Pre-requisite for the Enforcement of Directive Principles of State Policy:
1. Implementation of Welfare Schemes: The Directive Principles of State Policy aim at providing social welfare services to the citizens. To implement these schemes, the government needs adequate financial resources.
2. Infrastructure Development: The state needs to develop infrastructure such as roads, railways, hospitals, schools, and other public amenities. These require substantial financial resources.
3. Social Security: The government needs to provide social security to the citizens, especially the vulnerable sections of society. It requires resources to provide food, shelter, and other basic amenities to the needy.
4. Agricultural Development: The government needs to invest in the agricultural sector to improve the living standards of farmers. This requires resources to provide irrigation facilities, subsidies, and other inputs to farmers.
5. Employment Generation: The government needs to create employment opportunities for the citizens. It requires resources to invest in industries, infrastructure, and other sectors that generate employment.
In conclusion, the enforcement of Directive Principles of State Policy requires adequate resources. The government needs to allocate funds for various welfare schemes, infrastructure development, social security, agricultural development, and employment generation. Without sufficient resources, the implementation of these principles will remain a distant dream. Therefore, the availability of resources is a prerequisite for the enforcement of Directive Principles of State Policy.
The pre-requisite for the enforcement of directive principles of the s...
The pre-requisite for the enforcement of directive principles of the state policy is adequate resources.