By considering the Library Management System, perform the Object Orien...
Object Oriented System Development for Library Management System
1. Identify the Objects
The first step in Object Oriented System Development is to identify the objects in the system. In a Library Management System, some of the objects are:
- Books
- Library Members
- Librarians
- Library Transactions (borrowing and returning of books)
2. Define the Classes
Once the objects are identified, the next step is to define the classes. A class is a blueprint for creating objects. In the Library Management System, some of the classes are:
- Book
- LibraryMember
- Librarian
- LibraryTransaction
3. Define the Attributes and Methods
After defining the classes, the next step is to define the attributes and methods for each class. Attributes are the properties of an object and methods define the behavior of an object. For example, the Book class may have attributes like title, author, and publication date, and methods like checkAvailability() and reserve().
4. Define the Relationships
The next step in Object Oriented System Development is to define the relationships between the objects. In a Library Management System, some of the relationships are:
- A Book can be borrowed by a Library Member
- A Library Member can borrow multiple Books
- A Librarian can manage multiple Library Transactions
5. Implement the Classes and Objects
The final step in Object Oriented System Development is to implement the classes and objects. This involves writing code to create objects from the defined classes, set their attributes, and call their methods. For example, the LibraryTransaction class may have methods like borrowBook() and returnBook(), and the Librarian class may have methods like addBook() and removeBook().
Object Oriented System Development is a systematic approach to developing software systems using the principles of object orientation. By identifying the objects, defining the classes, attributes, and methods, defining the relationships, and implementing the classes and objects, a Library Management System can be developed that is easy to use, maintain, and extend.