Which among the following is considered to be the most liquid asset?a)...
Most Liquid Asset: Money
Liquid assets are those assets that can be easily converted into cash without losing its value. The most liquid asset is considered to be money. Money is the most liquid of all assets because it is widely accepted in transactions for goods and services. It can be easily exchanged for goods and services, and it is universally recognized as a store of value.
Other assets such as gold, land, and treasury bonds may have value, but they are not as easily converted into cash as money. Gold, for instance, needs to be sold in the market, which may take time, and the value of land may vary depending on the location, demand, and other factors. Treasury bonds have a fixed maturity period and may not be easily sold in the market if the demand is low.
Money, on the other hand, can be readily used to settle debts, pay bills or purchase goods and services. It is widely accepted and can be used in any currency. Money can also be stored in different forms like cash, bank deposits, or other financial instruments. With the rise of digital payment systems, money can now be easily transferred electronically, making it even more liquid.
In conclusion, money is the most liquid asset because it can be easily converted into cash and is widely accepted in transactions. While other assets may have value, they are not as easily convertible into cash as money.
Which among the following is considered to be the most liquid asset?a)...
Definitely its money as liquid assets r those that r most easily convertible into cash n money is best among the options available