The total number of possible isomers for the complex compound [CuII(NH...
In [Cu(NH3)4][PtCl4] complex , both anion and cation can be metal complex ions which yields an isomer and this type of isomerism is referred to as coordination isomerism.
[Pt(NH3)4][CuCl4] and [Cu(NH3)4][PtCl4]
In the first complex, NH3 ligands are associated with Pt and Cl- ligands are associated with Cu whereas it is the reverse in the case of the second complex.
Hence, 2 isomers are there.
The total number of possible isomers for the complex compound [CuII(NH...
Possible Isomers for [CuII(NH3)4][PtIICl4]
There are different possible isomers for complex compounds depending on the arrangement of ligands around the central metal ions. In the case of [CuII(NH3)4][PtIICl4], there are six possible isomers as explained below:
1. Cis-Cis isomer: In this isomer, both the NH3 ligands and both the Cl ligands are arranged in a cis configuration with respect to each other. The Cu and Pt ions are also located on the same side of the molecule. There are two possible cis-cis isomers, depending on which NH3 ligands are cis to each other.
2. Cis-Trans isomer: In this isomer, one NH3 ligand and one Cl ligand are arranged in a cis configuration, while the other NH3 ligand and Cl ligand are trans to each other. The Cu and Pt ions are also located on the same side of the molecule. There are two possible cis-trans isomers, depending on which NH3 ligand is cis to the Cl ligand.
3. Trans-Trans isomer: In this isomer, both the NH3 ligands and both the Cl ligands are arranged in a trans configuration with respect to each other. The Cu and Pt ions are located on opposite sides of the molecule.
4. Trans-Cis isomer: In this isomer, one NH3 ligand and one Cl ligand are arranged in a trans configuration, while the other NH3 ligand and Cl ligand are cis to each other. The Cu and Pt ions are located on opposite sides of the molecule.
Total Number of Possible Isomers
Based on the above arrangements, there are six possible isomers for [CuII(NH3)4][PtIICl4], which are:
1. Cis-Cis (NH3-NH3 and Cl-Cl are cis to each other)
2. Cis-Cis (NH3-Cl and NH3-Cl are cis to each other)
3. Cis-Trans (NH3-Cl and NH3-NH3 are cis to each other)
4. Cis-Trans (NH3-NH3 and Cl-Cl are cis to each other)
5. Trans-Cis (NH3-NH3 and Cl-Cl are trans to each other)
6. Trans-Trans (NH3-Cl and NH3-Cl are trans to each other)
Therefore, the total number of possible isomers for [CuII(NH3)4][PtIICl4] is six.