An Egyptian fraction has a numerator equal to 1 and it's denominator i...
Let's start by understanding what an Egyptian fraction is. An Egyptian fraction is a fraction where the numerator is always 1 and the denominator is a positive integer. The sum of multiple Egyptian fractions can be equal to 1.
To find the maximum number of different Egyptian fractions with denominators equal to 10 or less that sum up to 1, we need to find a combination that satisfies this condition.
1. Fractions with Denominators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10:
Let's consider the Egyptian fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. We need to find a combination of these fractions that sum up to 1.
2. Fractions with Denominators 2 and 3:
We start by considering the fraction with a denominator of 2, which is 1/2. Now, we subtract this fraction from 1, which gives us 1/2. We can see that we still need to find fractions that sum up to 1/2.
Next, we consider the fraction with a denominator of 3, which is 1/3. We subtract this fraction from 1/2, which gives us 1/6. Now, we still need to find fractions that sum up to 1/6.
3. Fractions with Denominators 4 and 5:
Continuing the process, we consider the fraction with a denominator of 4, which is 1/4. We subtract this fraction from 1/6, which gives us 1/12. Now, we still need to find fractions that sum up to 1/12.
Next, we consider the fraction with a denominator of 5, which is 1/5. We subtract this fraction from 1/12, which gives us 1/60. Now, we still need to find fractions that sum up to 1/60.
4. Fractions with Denominators 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10:
Continuing the process further, we consider the fraction with a denominator of 6, which is 1/6. We subtract this fraction from 1/60, which gives us 1/360. Now, we still need to find fractions that sum up to 1/360.
Next, we consider the fraction with a denominator of 7, which is 1/7. We subtract this fraction from 1/360, which gives us 1/2520. Now, we still need to find fractions that sum up to 1/2520.
We continue this process with denominators 8, 9, and 10. However, we can see that the fractions become very small and the sum of fractions with larger denominators will be even smaller. Since the denominators are limited to 10 or less, it is not possible to find additional fractions that sum up to 1.
5. Final Combination:
Therefore, the maximum number of different Egyptian fractions such that their sum is equal to 1 and their denominators are equal to 10 or less is 3. These fractions are