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Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering PDF Download

Dynamic Forces on Curve Surfaces due to the Impingement of Liquid Jets

The principle of fluid machines is based on the utilization of useful work due to the force exerted by a fluid jet striking and moving over a series of curved vanes in the periphery of a wheel rotating about its axis. The force analysis on a moving curved vane is understood clearly from the study of the inlet and outlet velocity triangles as shown in Fig. 11.6.

The fluid jet with an absolute velocity V1 strikes the blade at the inlet. The relative velocity of the jet Vr1 at the inlet is obtained by subtracting vectorially the velocity u of the vane from V1. The jet strikes the blade without shock if β1 (Fig. 11.6) coincides with the inlet angle at the tip of the blade. If friction is neglected and pressure remains constant, then the relative velocity at the outlet is equal to that at the inlet  (Vr2 = Vr1).
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Fig  11.6    Flow of Fluid along a Moving Curved Plane

The control volume as shown in Fig. 11.6 is moving with a uniform velocity u of the vane.Therefore we have to use Eq.(10.18d) as the momentum theorem of the control volume at its steady state. Let Fc be the force applied on the control volume by the vane.Therefore we can write
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
To keep the vane translating at uniform velocity, u in the direction as shown. the force F has to act opposite to FcTherefore,
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (11.14)

From the outlet velocity triangle, it can be written
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering    (11.15a)

Similarly from the inlet velocity triangle. it is possible to write
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering     (11.15b)

Addition of Eqs (11.15a) and (11.15b) gives

Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Power developed is given by
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (11.16)

The efficiency of the vane in developing power is given by
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (11.17)

Propulsion of a Ship

Jet propulsion of ship is found to be less efficient than propulsion by screw propeller due to the large amount of frictional losses in the pipeline and the pump, and therefore, it is used rarely. Jet propulsion may be of some advantage in propelling a ship in a very shallow water to avoid damage of a propeller.
Consider a jet propelled ship, moving with a velocity V, scoops water at the bow and discharges astern as a jet having a velocity Vr relative to the ship.The control volume is taken fixed to the ship as shown in Fig. 11.7.

Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Fig  11.7    A control volume for a moving ship

Following the momentum theorem as applied to the control volume shown. We can write

Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Where Fc is the external force on the control volume in the direction of the ship’s motion. The forward propulsive thrust F on the ship is given by
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  (11.18)

Propulsive power is given by
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (11.19)

Jet Engine

A jet engine is a mechanism in which air is scooped from the front of the engine and is then compressed and used in burning of the fuel carried by the engine to produce a jet for propulsion. The usual types of jet engines are turbojet, ramjet and pulsejet.
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
              Fig 11.8    A Turbojet Engine

Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Fig 11.9  An Appropriate Control Volume Comprising the Stream of Fluid Flowing through the Engine

A turbojet engine consists essentially (Fig. 11.8) of -

  • a compressor,
  • a combustion chamber,
  • a gas turbine and
  • a nozzle.

A portion of the thermal energy of the product of combustion is used to run the gas turbine to drive the compressor. The remaining part of thermal energy is converted into kinetic energy of the jet by a nozzle. At high speed fiight, jet engines are advantageous since a propeller has to rotate at high speed to create a large thrust. This will result in excessive blade stress and a decrease in the efficiency for blade tip speeds near and above sonic level. In a jet propelled aircraft, the spent gases are ejected to the surroundings at high velocity usually equal to or greater than the velocity of sound in the fluid at that state.

In many cases, depending upon the range of fight speeds, the jet is discharged with a velocity equal to sonic velocity in the medium and the pressure at discharge does not fall immediately to the ambient pressure. In these cases, the discharge pressure p2 at the nozzle exit becomes higher than the ambient pressure patm. Under the situation of uniform velocity of the aircraft, we have to use Eg. (10.18d) as the momentum theorem for the control volume as shown in Fig. 11.9 and can write
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

where, Fx is the force acting on the control volume along the direction of the coordinate axis ”OX” fixed to the control volume, V is the velocity of the aircraft, u is the relative velocity of the exit jet with respect to the aircraft,  Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  and Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering are the mass flow rate of air, and mass burning rate of fuel respectively. Usually  Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  is very less compared to  Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  usually varies from 0.01 to 0.02 in practice).

The propulsive thrust on the aircraft can be written as
Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (11.20)

The terms in the bracket are always positive. Hence, the negative sign in FT represents that it acts in a direction opposite to ox, i.e. in the direction of the motion of the jet engine. The propulsive power is given by

Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering     (11.21)

Non-inertial Control Volume

Rocket engine

Rocket engine works on the principle of jet propulsion.

  • The gases constituting the jet are produced by the combustion of a fuel and appropriate oxidant carried by the engine. Therefore, no air is required from outside and a rocket can operate satisfactorily in a vacuum. 
  • A large quantity of oxidant has to be carried by the rocket for its operation to be independent of the atmosphere.
  • At the start of journey, the fuel and oxidant together form a large portion of the total load carried by the rocket.
  • Work done in raising the fuel and oxidant to a great height before they are burnt is wasted. 
  • Therefore, to achieve the efficient use of the materials, the rocket is accelerated to a high velocity in a short distance at the start. This period of rocket acceleration is of practical interest.
    Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering 
    Fig 11.10   A Control Volume for a Rocket Engine

    Let Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering  be the rate at which spent gases are discharged from the rocket with a velocity u relative to the rocket (Fig. 11.10) Both Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering and u are assumed to be constant.

    Let M and V be the instantaneous mass and velocity (in the upward direction) of the rocket. The control volume as shown in Fig. 11.10 is an accelerating one. Therefore we have to apply Eq. (10.18b) as the momentum theorem of the control volume. This gives
    Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering   (11.22)

    where ΣF is the sum of the external forces on the control volume in a direction vertically upward. If pe and pa be the nozzle exhaust plane gas pressure and ambient pressure respectively and D is the drag force to the motion of the rocket, then one can write
    Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering     (11.23)

    Where, Ae is outlet area of the propelling nozzle. Then Eq. (11.22) can be written as
    Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

  • In absence of gravity and drag, Eq (11.23) become
    Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering 

The document Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering.
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FAQs on Analysis of Finite Control Volumes - 2 - Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

1. What is the concept of finite control volumes in civil engineering?
Ans. In civil engineering, the concept of finite control volumes refers to dividing a continuous system into smaller, finite regions or volumes for analysis purposes. These control volumes are used to study the flow of fluids, heat transfer, and other physical phenomena within a given system. By applying conservation laws, such as mass, momentum, and energy, to each control volume, engineers can analyze and predict the behavior of the system.
2. How are finite control volumes used in fluid flow analysis?
Ans. Finite control volumes are extensively used in fluid flow analysis in civil engineering. By dividing the fluid domain into smaller control volumes, the flow properties such as velocity, pressure, and density can be evaluated at discrete locations. This enables engineers to solve the governing equations, such as the Navier-Stokes equations, on a smaller scale and obtain accurate predictions of fluid behavior. Finite control volumes also allow for the calculation of flow rates, forces, and other critical parameters in fluid flow analysis.
3. What are the advantages of using finite control volumes in heat transfer analysis?
Ans. Finite control volumes offer several advantages in heat transfer analysis within civil engineering. By discretizing the domain into smaller control volumes, engineers can accurately evaluate temperature gradients and heat fluxes at specific locations. This allows for a more detailed understanding of heat transfer mechanisms, such as conduction, convection, and radiation. Additionally, finite control volumes enable the calculation of heat transfer rates, thermal stresses, and optimization of heat exchanger designs, contributing to efficient and safe engineering practices.
4. Are there any limitations or challenges associated with finite control volume analysis?
Ans. Yes, there are limitations and challenges associated with finite control volume analysis in civil engineering. One limitation is the assumption of uniform properties within each control volume, which may not always hold true in complex systems. Additionally, the accuracy of the analysis depends on the appropriate selection of control volume sizes and the assumptions made during the discretization process. Challenges may arise in accurately modeling boundary conditions, accounting for turbulent flow effects, and handling complex geometries. It is crucial for engineers to consider these limitations and challenges when applying finite control volume analysis.
5. How does finite control volume analysis contribute to the design and analysis of civil engineering structures?
Ans. Finite control volume analysis plays a vital role in the design and analysis of civil engineering structures. By applying this technique, engineers can predict fluid flow patterns, heat transfer rates, and structural responses within a system. This information is crucial for designing efficient and safe structures, such as bridges, dams, and buildings. Finite control volume analysis helps in optimizing the size and shape of structures, evaluating their performance under different operating conditions, and ensuring the structural integrity. Overall, it enhances the understanding and reliability of civil engineering designs.
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