Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics PDF Download

Central Force

In classical mechanics, the central-force problem is to determine the motion of a particle under the influence of a single central force. A central force is a force that points from the particle directly towards (or directly away from) a fixed point in space, the center, and whose magnitude only depends on the distance of the object to the center.

In central force potential V is only function of r, a central force is always a conservative force; the magnitude F of a central force can always be expressed as the derivative of a time independent potential energy
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
And the force F is defined as F = Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics(force is only in radial direction)

External torque and angular momentum of system
but for central force, Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
External torque τ = 0 , so angular momentum Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsis conserved.
Now, if we calculate Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicshence position vectorCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsis perpendicular to angular momentum vectorCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics, henceCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsis conserved. Its magnitude and direction both are fixed, The central forceCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsis along to r and can exert no torque on the mass m. Hence the angular momentum J of  m is constant. However, J is fixed in space, and it follows that r can only move in the plane perpendicular to J through the origin.

Equation of Motion for central force

The equation of motion in polar coordinate is given by
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
For central force problem F(r) = - ∂V/∂r and Fθ = 0
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Equation of Motion and Condition for Circular Orbit Condition of circular orbit From equation of motion in radial part mCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
For circular orbit of radius r0, r = r0 and Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
And Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics is identified as angular frequency in circular orbit.
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
For circular orbit angular frequency ω0 is given by ω0 =Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Conservation of Angular Momentum and Areal Velocity

Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics= F0, but for central force, Fθ = 0 ⇒ Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Angular momentum = Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics it is also seenCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
So motion due to central force is confine into a plane and angular momentum Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsis perpendicular to that plane.
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsFor the central force problem, now A = 1/2 r.rdθ
Areal velocity = Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics. It is given thatCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Which means equal area will swept in equal time

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Central Force
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Total Energy of the System

Hence total energy is not explicitly function of time t so ∂E/∂r = 0. One can conclude that total energy in central potential is constant.
E = 1/2 mv2 + V(r) and Velocity Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
So total energy, E = 1/2 Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
The sum rotational kinetic energy Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physicsas a function of only r and potential energy as a function of only r i.e. V(r) are identified as effective potential Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
The concept of effective potential allow to two dimensional system in one system as Veffective is only function  of r .

Analysis of effective potential
The effective potential is define as Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsThe nature of orbit will dependent on nature of effective potential and total energy of a system which is shown in figure.
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsAnd lets discuss how variation of energy will leads to shape of orbit
Case 1: if energy E < V0 there is turning point at r = a the classical region as r > a , the particle is unbounded so nature of orbit may be either parabolic or hyperbolic
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Case 2: If energy E = V0 there r = r0  is identified as stable equilibrium point because Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics> 0 so possible orbit is Veffective circular in nature with radius r0 for region, the  angular frequency in circular orbit is ω0 = Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsThere is turning point at r = a. r > a is also identified as classical region. The particle is unbounded so nature of orbit may be either parabolic or hyperbolic

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Case 3: If energy V0 < E < Vmax the particle is bounded between turning point a and b and shape of orbit is elliptical in region.
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsRadius r = r0 of circular orbit is also identified as stable equilibrium point, so Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics. Then new orbit is identified as elliptical orbit. The angular frequency in new elliptical orbit is identified as oscillatory motion so for small oscillation the angular frequency is
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsAnother turning point is r = c , region r > c is identified as classical region the particle is unbounded so nature of orbit may be either parabolic or hyperbolic.

Case 4: E = Vmax  hence r = b is unstable equilibrium point. , the orbit can be unstable circular of radius b .there is another possible shape as it is elliptical between turning point a and  unstable equilibrium point b .unbounded  orbit is also possible for r > b
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsCase 5: E > Vmax  there is only one turning point r = a and region r > a is identified as classical region the particle is unbounded so nature of orbit may be either parabolic or hyperbolic
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Differential Equation of Orbit

From equation of motion in radial part, Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
where J = mrCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Example 1: Consider that the motion of a particle of mass m in the potential field V(r) = kr2/2 If l is angular momentum,
(a) What is effective potential (Veff) of the system. plot Veff vs r
(b) Find value of energy such that motion is circular in nature.
(c) If particle is slightly disturbed from circular orbit such that its angular remain constant. What will nature of new orbit? Find the angular frequency of new orbit in term of m, l, k.

(a) Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics 
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
(b) Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics+ kr = 0 at r = r0 so r0 = Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
For circular motion, mω02r0 = kr0, where r0 is radius of circle ω0 = Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Total energy, E = Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
(c) orbit is elliptical in nature
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics 
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Example 2: A particle of mass m moves under the influence of an attractive central force f (r).
(a) What is condition that orbit is circular in nature if J is the angular momentum of particle
(b) If force is in form of f(r) = -k/rn determine the maximum value of n for which the circular  orbit can be stable.

(a) if veffCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics, for circular stable orbitCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
(b) f(r) = -k/rn, for circular motion Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
It is given ∂V/r = - f(r) if f(r) = -k/r⇒ ∂V/r = k/rn
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

Example 3: A particle of mass m and angular momentum l is moving under the action of a central force f(r) along a circular path of radius a as shown in the figure. The force centre O lies on the orbit.
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics(a) Given the orbit equation in a central field motion.
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Determine the form of force in terms of l ,m, a and r.
(b) Calculate the total energy of the particle assuming that the potential energy V(r) ⇢ 0 as r⇢ ∞.

(a) from the figure, 2cosθ, Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - PhysicsCentral Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
(b) Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics
Hence, Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

The document Central Force | Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics is a part of the Physics Course Mechanics & General Properties of Matter.
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FAQs on Central Force - Mechanics & General Properties of Matter - Physics

1. What is a central force?
Ans. A central force is a force that acts on an object directed towards or away from a fixed point called the center. This force is always collinear with the line joining the center and the object and its magnitude depends only on the distance between the object and the center.
2. What are some examples of central forces?
Ans. Examples of central forces include gravitational force, electrostatic force, and nuclear force. These forces are characterized by their direction towards or away from a center and their magnitude depending on the distance between the object and the center.
3. How is a central force different from a non-central force?
Ans. A central force always acts along the line joining the center and the object, while a non-central force can have any arbitrary direction. Additionally, the magnitude of a central force depends only on the distance between the object and the center, whereas the magnitude of a non-central force can depend on other factors such as the angle of application.
4. What is the significance of central forces in physics?
Ans. Central forces play a crucial role in various areas of physics. They are used to describe the motion of celestial bodies, the behavior of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields, and the interactions between atomic nuclei and subatomic particles. Understanding central forces helps us understand the fundamental principles and laws governing the universe.
5. How are central forces related to the IIT JAM exam?
Ans. Central forces are an important topic in the IIT JAM exam, especially in the physics section. Questions related to central forces may be asked to test the understanding of concepts such as gravitational force, electrostatic force, and their mathematical representations. It is essential for candidates to have a clear understanding of central forces to perform well in the exam.
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