Change of basis
Consider an n x n matrix A and think of it as the standard representation of a transformation TA : Rn → Rn. If we pick a different basis {v1,... vn} of Rn, what matrix B represents TA with respect to that new basis?
Write V = [v1 v2 ... vn] and consider the diagram
which says the new matrix is B = V -1AV .
Remark: This is an instance of the more general change of coordinates formula. Start with a linear transformation T : V → W . Let A be the "old" basis of V and the "new" basis. Let B be the "old" basis of
the "new" basis. Then the diagram
gives the change of coordinates formula
Example: Let A = viewed as a linear transformation R2 → R2. Find the matrix B representing the same transformation with respect to the basis
Write V = [v1 v2]. Then we have
What this means is that the transformation A : R2 → R2 is determined by
Av1 = 4v1 + 0v2 = 4v1 (first column of B)
Av2 = 0v1 - 1v2 = v2 (second column of B).
Let us check this explicitly:
Similar matrices
The change of basis formula B = V-1AV suggests the following denition.
Denition: A matrix B is similar to a matrix A if there is an invertible matrix S such that B = S-1AS .
In particular, A and B must be square and A; B ; S all have the same dimensions n x n. The idea is that matrices are similar if they represent the same transformation V → V up to a change of basis.
Example: In the example above, we have shown that is similar to
Exercise: Show that similarity of matrices is an equivalence relation.
Trace of a matrix
How can we tell if matrices are similar? There is an easy necessary (though not sucient) condition.
Denition: The trace of an n x n matrix A is the sum of its diagonal entries:
Proposition: For any two n x n matrices A and B, we have tr(AB) = tr(BA).
Corollary: Similar matrices have the same trace.
Proof: Homework #8.5.
Example: In the example above, we have tr
Warning! The converse does not hold. In other words, matrices with the same trace are rarely similar.
Example: The matrices
all have trace 0, but none of them is similar to another, since they have different ranks (respectively 0, 1, 2).
In fact, for any number a ∈ R the matrix has trace 0. However, if we pick a number b ≠ +a, then
is not similar to
In chapter 4, we will learn better tools to tell whether or not two matrices are similar.
556 videos|198 docs
1. What is the concept of change of basis in matrix algebra? | ![]() |
2. How is the change of basis matrix calculated? | ![]() |
3. What is the significance of change of basis in the context of CSIR-NET Mathematical Sciences exam? | ![]() |
4. Can you provide an example of a change of basis problem in matrix algebra? | ![]() |
5. How does change of basis relate to the concept of similarity in matrix algebra? | ![]() |