Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering PDF Download

Chapter 16




  •  Centrifugal pump is reverse of inward flow reaction turbine. It works on princieple of forced vortex  motion. It has high discharging capacity and can be used for lifting highly viscous liquids e.g. sewage water,  chemicals etc.
  •   Priming is an operation in which liquid is completely filled in the chamber of pump so that air or gas or  vapour from the portion of pump is driven out & no air pocket is left.
  •  In volute pump cross sectional area results in developing a uniform velocity throughout the casing & free  vortex is formed.
  •   Centrifugal pump has high output and high efficiency.
  •  Head Vs discharge and Power Vs discharge relationship

 Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Types of PumpRange of Head
Low head Pumpupto 15m head
Medium Head Pump15m to 40 m
High head pumpavove 40m


PumpSpecific Speed
Radial Flow10 to 80
Mixed Flow80 to 160
Axial Flow160 to 450
  •   work done persecond = ( )

Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
(If discharge enters without whirl & shock, Vw1 = 0

  •   Static head (Hs) = hs + hd = static suction lift + static delivery lift
  •   Manometric Head (Hm) it is the head against which pump has to do the work.

Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering - Losses of head in the pump

 Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

pd & ps are pressures at delivery & suction points.
Vd & Vs are velocities at delivery & suction points.
Zd & Zs are position head of delivery & suction points.

  •   Efficiencies of the pump

(i) Manometric Efficiency (hman)
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
(ii) Volumetric Efficiency (hvol)
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
(iii) Mechanical Efficiency (hmech)
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
(iv) Overall Efficiency (ho)
ho = hman × hvol × hmech

  •  The specific speed of a centrifugal pump may be defined as the speed in revolution per minute of a  geometrically similar pump of such a size that under corresponding conditions it would deliver 1 litre of  liquid per second against of a head of 1m.

For multi stage (Hm) =
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Specific speed (Ns) =
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

  •   Pumps in Series :

The pumps are connected in series in order to increase the head at constant discharge.
Q1 = Q2 = Q3 = ...
H = H1 + H2 + H3 + ...

  •  Pumps in parallel :

The pumps are connected in parallel in order to increase the discharge at constant head.
Q = Q1 + Q2 + Q3 + ...
H = H1 = H2 = H3 = ...

  •  Minimum speed needed to start the pumping :

If the pressure head raised is greater or equal to Hm, then pump will start pumping.
Pressure head ³ Hm

 Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Where Hm is manometric head.

  •  Speed ratio of pump  

Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering = 0.95 to1.25

  •  Flow ratio of pump

 Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering = 0.1to 0.25

  •   For optimum efficiency impeller should be designed such that whirl velocity at inlet is zero. It means  discharge should enter in the pum radially (Vw1 = 0)

Model Laws in Pumps :

 Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

D = Outer diameter of impeller
P = Shaft power
Hm = Manometric head
N = Impeller speed in rpm

Characterstic Curve of Pump

 Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

  •  Cavitation in pumps

The following factors contribute towards onset of cavitation.
(i) High runner speed
(ii) High temperature
(iii) Less available NPSH
For no cavitation, NPSH ³ scH
sc = Critical Thoma’s number = 1.042 × 10–3 (Ns)4/3
where Ns is specific speed of pump.
NPSH = (Ha – hs) – Hv
where, Ha = atmospheric pressure head
Hv = vapour pressure head
hs = suction head

 Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

Volume of water discharged per second,
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
A = Area of cylinder (in m2)
L = Length of cylinder (in m)
N = Crank speed (in rpm)

  •   If the head against which water is to be lifted is

Hs = (hs + hd)
hs = suction head
hd = delivery head

  •  Work done per second =gQ(hs + hd), where g = dg
  •  Reciprocating pumps are used to lift water against high head at low discharge.
  •  To increase discharge and to maintain it more uniform, double acting reciprocating pumps are used.

Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
thus power also gets doubled.

  •  Slip in Percentage is given by

Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering
where Cd = coefficient of discharge
Slip is negative when (i) delivery pipe is small and suction pipe is long (ii) Pump is running at very high

  •  Indicator diagram is a graph between the pressure head in the cylinder and the distance travelled by  the piston flow inner dead centre for one complete revolution of the crank, work done by pump is  proportional to area of indicator diagram.
  •  Air Vessel is used to obtain continuous supply of water at uniform rate, to save a considerable amount of work and to run the pump at a high speed without separation.
  •  Percentage of work saved is 84.8% when single acting pump with air vessel is used while this saving is only 39.2% when air vessel is used in double acting pump.
  •  Advantage of multicylinder pumps are that the pump even without air vessels deliver liquid more uniformly as compared to single cylinder pump.
  •  Operating Characteristic Curve of Reciprocating Pump is given below :

Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

The document Hydraulic Pumps | Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering is a part of the Mechanical Engineering Course Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering.
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FAQs on Hydraulic Pumps - Fluid Mechanics for Mechanical Engineering

1. What are hydraulic pumps used for?
Ans. Hydraulic pumps are used to generate flow and pressure in hydraulic systems, which are then used to power various machinery and equipment. They are commonly used in industries such as construction, manufacturing, and agriculture.
2. What are the different types of hydraulic pumps?
Ans. There are several types of hydraulic pumps, including gear pumps, vane pumps, piston pumps, and screw pumps. Each type has its own advantages and is suitable for specific applications based on factors such as flow rate, pressure requirements, and efficiency.
3. How do hydraulic pumps work?
Ans. Hydraulic pumps work by converting mechanical energy into hydraulic energy. They use rotating or reciprocating mechanisms to generate fluid flow, creating pressure that is used to transmit power. This pressure is then utilized to drive hydraulic cylinders, motors, or other hydraulic components.
4. What are the common problems with hydraulic pumps?
Ans. Some common problems with hydraulic pumps include fluid leaks, excessive noise, overheating, and reduced performance. These issues can be caused by factors such as worn-out seals, faulty valves, contaminated fluid, or improper maintenance. Regular inspection and proper maintenance can help prevent these problems.
5. How can I choose the right hydraulic pump for my application?
Ans. When choosing a hydraulic pump, it is crucial to consider factors such as required flow rate, pressure capacity, operating conditions, and compatibility with the hydraulic system. Consulting with a hydraulic expert or referring to manufacturer specifications can help determine the most suitable pump for your specific application.
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