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 Page 1

                                SECTION A                                         (1 X 7=7) 
Ans 1 To define their identity and independence.                                       
                                                                            Ch- 1,Nationalism in Europe, Page no. 26 
To bring the benefits of civilization to the backward people of Vietnam. 
                                                                       Ch-2, Nationalism in Indo-China Page no. 32 
Ans. 2 
Charles Dickens wanted to make the society aware of the terrible effects of industrialisation 
on people’s lives and characters. 
                                                                  History, Novels, Society and History, page no.180 
Fears in the minds of religious authorities and monarchs - 
i. They were apprehensive of the effects that the easier access to printed word 
would have on people’s minds. 
ii. It was feared that there was no control over what was printed. 
iii. Rebellious and irreligious thoughts and ideas could spread.  
                 (Any one to be mentioned) 
                                                    History, Print culture and the modern world page no.160  
Ans. 3 Conservation of resources- afforestation, water treatment. 
Geography, Page No.4 
Degradation of land is a cause of worry because it can cause ecological imbalance.  
Geography, Page No. 6 
Ans. 4 Power sharing among different social groups like the religious and linguistic groups. 
                                                                  Political Science, Ch-1 Power Sharing, Page No. 9 
Ans. 5 Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process. 
                                                                                                            Economics, Page No.40  
Banks use collateral as a guarantee until the loan is repaid. 
Economics, Page No.44   
Ans. 6 Benefits of Joint Production: 
1. MNC can provide money for additional investment. 
Page 2

                                SECTION A                                         (1 X 7=7) 
Ans 1 To define their identity and independence.                                       
                                                                            Ch- 1,Nationalism in Europe, Page no. 26 
To bring the benefits of civilization to the backward people of Vietnam. 
                                                                       Ch-2, Nationalism in Indo-China Page no. 32 
Ans. 2 
Charles Dickens wanted to make the society aware of the terrible effects of industrialisation 
on people’s lives and characters. 
                                                                  History, Novels, Society and History, page no.180 
Fears in the minds of religious authorities and monarchs - 
i. They were apprehensive of the effects that the easier access to printed word 
would have on people’s minds. 
ii. It was feared that there was no control over what was printed. 
iii. Rebellious and irreligious thoughts and ideas could spread.  
                 (Any one to be mentioned) 
                                                    History, Print culture and the modern world page no.160  
Ans. 3 Conservation of resources- afforestation, water treatment. 
Geography, Page No.4 
Degradation of land is a cause of worry because it can cause ecological imbalance.  
Geography, Page No. 6 
Ans. 4 Power sharing among different social groups like the religious and linguistic groups. 
                                                                  Political Science, Ch-1 Power Sharing, Page No. 9 
Ans. 5 Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process. 
                                                                                                            Economics, Page No.40  
Banks use collateral as a guarantee until the loan is repaid. 
Economics, Page No.44   
Ans. 6 Benefits of Joint Production: 
1. MNC can provide money for additional investment. 
2. MNC might bring latest technology for production. (any 1 to be mentioned) 
                                                                                                            Economics , Page No.57  
Ans. 7 ISI                                                                                                    Economics , Page No.85 1 
                             SECTION B                              (3 X 11=33) 
Ans. 8 i. Liberalism in the early 19
 century stood for freedom for the individual and equality 
to all before law for the new middle classes. 
ii. Politically, it emphasised the concept of government by consent. 
iii. It stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges. 
            (Any other relevant point)  
                                                   History, Ch-1 The rise of  Nationalism in Europe Page no. 9 
  Role of Ho Chi Minh    
i. Ho Chi Minh was the nationalist leader of Vietnamese communist party and formed 
Vietminh army and fought against Japan. 
ii. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam was formed and he became the chairman. 
iii. He initiated Ho Chi Minh Trail against America 
   (Any other relevant point) 
                                                               History Ch 2 Nationalism in Indo China page no. 47 
Ans. 9 Print culture created the conditions within which French Revolution occurred.   
i. Print popularized the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers.  
ii. They attacked the sacred authority of the Church and the despotic powers of the state; thus, 
eroding the legitimacy of a social order based on tradition. Voltaire and Rousseau were widely 
iii.  All values, norms and institutions were re-evaluated and discussed by a public that was 
inquisitive, critical and rational. Hence, new ideas of social revolution came into being.  
iv.  By the 1780s Literature mocked the royalty and criticized their morality. This led to the growth 
of hostile sentiments against the monarch. 
                                             History, Ch-7 Print culture and the modern world,  Page no. 162 
Pariksha Guru-The novel tells a story of the extravagance of Hindu bankers and traders. Its theme 
is not to adopt Western culture. It propagated the following issues which no other novel did before: 
i. It cautioned young men of well to do families about the ill effects of bad company.  
ii. It then shows how to live a practical life that preserves traditional values in honour and 
iii. Children are advised to read the newspaper.  
iv. The author emphasised that modernity should be embraced without giving up middle class 
v. The novel tries to teach the reader the ‘right way’ to live and expects all ‘sensible men’ to be 
worldly-wise and practical, to remain rooted in the values of their own tradition and culture, 
and to live with dignity and honour 
vi. In the novel we see the characters attempting to bridge two different worlds through their 
actions: they take to new agricultural technology, modernise trading practices, change the 
use of Indian languages, making them capable of transmitting both Western sciences and 
Indian wisdom.  
Page 3

                                SECTION A                                         (1 X 7=7) 
Ans 1 To define their identity and independence.                                       
                                                                            Ch- 1,Nationalism in Europe, Page no. 26 
To bring the benefits of civilization to the backward people of Vietnam. 
                                                                       Ch-2, Nationalism in Indo-China Page no. 32 
Ans. 2 
Charles Dickens wanted to make the society aware of the terrible effects of industrialisation 
on people’s lives and characters. 
                                                                  History, Novels, Society and History, page no.180 
Fears in the minds of religious authorities and monarchs - 
i. They were apprehensive of the effects that the easier access to printed word 
would have on people’s minds. 
ii. It was feared that there was no control over what was printed. 
iii. Rebellious and irreligious thoughts and ideas could spread.  
                 (Any one to be mentioned) 
                                                    History, Print culture and the modern world page no.160  
Ans. 3 Conservation of resources- afforestation, water treatment. 
Geography, Page No.4 
Degradation of land is a cause of worry because it can cause ecological imbalance.  
Geography, Page No. 6 
Ans. 4 Power sharing among different social groups like the religious and linguistic groups. 
                                                                  Political Science, Ch-1 Power Sharing, Page No. 9 
Ans. 5 Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process. 
                                                                                                            Economics, Page No.40  
Banks use collateral as a guarantee until the loan is repaid. 
Economics, Page No.44   
Ans. 6 Benefits of Joint Production: 
1. MNC can provide money for additional investment. 
2. MNC might bring latest technology for production. (any 1 to be mentioned) 
                                                                                                            Economics , Page No.57  
Ans. 7 ISI                                                                                                    Economics , Page No.85 1 
                             SECTION B                              (3 X 11=33) 
Ans. 8 i. Liberalism in the early 19
 century stood for freedom for the individual and equality 
to all before law for the new middle classes. 
ii. Politically, it emphasised the concept of government by consent. 
iii. It stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges. 
            (Any other relevant point)  
                                                   History, Ch-1 The rise of  Nationalism in Europe Page no. 9 
  Role of Ho Chi Minh    
i. Ho Chi Minh was the nationalist leader of Vietnamese communist party and formed 
Vietminh army and fought against Japan. 
ii. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam was formed and he became the chairman. 
iii. He initiated Ho Chi Minh Trail against America 
   (Any other relevant point) 
                                                               History Ch 2 Nationalism in Indo China page no. 47 
Ans. 9 Print culture created the conditions within which French Revolution occurred.   
i. Print popularized the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers.  
ii. They attacked the sacred authority of the Church and the despotic powers of the state; thus, 
eroding the legitimacy of a social order based on tradition. Voltaire and Rousseau were widely 
iii.  All values, norms and institutions were re-evaluated and discussed by a public that was 
inquisitive, critical and rational. Hence, new ideas of social revolution came into being.  
iv.  By the 1780s Literature mocked the royalty and criticized their morality. This led to the growth 
of hostile sentiments against the monarch. 
                                             History, Ch-7 Print culture and the modern world,  Page no. 162 
Pariksha Guru-The novel tells a story of the extravagance of Hindu bankers and traders. Its theme 
is not to adopt Western culture. It propagated the following issues which no other novel did before: 
i. It cautioned young men of well to do families about the ill effects of bad company.  
ii. It then shows how to live a practical life that preserves traditional values in honour and 
iii. Children are advised to read the newspaper.  
iv. The author emphasised that modernity should be embraced without giving up middle class 
v. The novel tries to teach the reader the ‘right way’ to live and expects all ‘sensible men’ to be 
worldly-wise and practical, to remain rooted in the values of their own tradition and culture, 
and to live with dignity and honour 
vi. In the novel we see the characters attempting to bridge two different worlds through their 
actions: they take to new agricultural technology, modernise trading practices, change the 
use of Indian languages, making them capable of transmitting both Western sciences and 
Indian wisdom.  
(Any three to be analysed.) 
                                                                        History Ch 8 Novels Society and History page no.188  
Ans. 10  Problems caused by setting up of Multi-purpose projects and large dams: 
i. Regulating and damming of rivers affect their natural flow causing poor sediment flow 
ii.Dams fragment rivers 
iii. Difficulty for aquatic fauna to migrate 
iv. Submergence of existing vegetation 
v. Decomposition of soil 
vi. Large scale displacement of local communities 
(Any three to be explained) 
Geography Page No. 27 
Possible Solutions to tackle water scarcity 
i. Rain water harvesting 
ii. Bamboo drip irrigation system 
v. iii. Avoiding wastage of water in day to day life activities 
vi. Any other relevant point 
Geography Page No. 31 
Ans. 11 A. Commercial Farming 
i. Use of higher doses of modern inputs like HYV seeds, fertilizers, etc. 
ii. Commercialization of agriculture varies from region to another 
iii. Plantation is also a type of commercial farming 
iv. Use of well-developed network of transport and communication 
v. High productivity for commercial purpose 
B. Subsistence Farming 
i. Is practiced on small patches of land 
ii. Labour intensive farming 
iii. Use of primitive tools 
iv. Dependent on Monsoons 
v. Called as ‘Slash and burn’ agriculture. 
vi. Low productivity 
 (Any two to be mentioned in each unit) 
C. Example: Rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab but in Odisha it is a 
subsistence crop.  
Geography Page No. 35 
Note: Explanation of 2 differences – 2 marks and Example - 1 mark  
Ans. 12  Key features of federalism : 
i. There are two or more levels (or tiers) of government. 
ii. Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own 
jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration. 
iii The jurisdictions of the respective levels or tiers of government are specified in the 
Page 4

                                SECTION A                                         (1 X 7=7) 
Ans 1 To define their identity and independence.                                       
                                                                            Ch- 1,Nationalism in Europe, Page no. 26 
To bring the benefits of civilization to the backward people of Vietnam. 
                                                                       Ch-2, Nationalism in Indo-China Page no. 32 
Ans. 2 
Charles Dickens wanted to make the society aware of the terrible effects of industrialisation 
on people’s lives and characters. 
                                                                  History, Novels, Society and History, page no.180 
Fears in the minds of religious authorities and monarchs - 
i. They were apprehensive of the effects that the easier access to printed word 
would have on people’s minds. 
ii. It was feared that there was no control over what was printed. 
iii. Rebellious and irreligious thoughts and ideas could spread.  
                 (Any one to be mentioned) 
                                                    History, Print culture and the modern world page no.160  
Ans. 3 Conservation of resources- afforestation, water treatment. 
Geography, Page No.4 
Degradation of land is a cause of worry because it can cause ecological imbalance.  
Geography, Page No. 6 
Ans. 4 Power sharing among different social groups like the religious and linguistic groups. 
                                                                  Political Science, Ch-1 Power Sharing, Page No. 9 
Ans. 5 Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process. 
                                                                                                            Economics, Page No.40  
Banks use collateral as a guarantee until the loan is repaid. 
Economics, Page No.44   
Ans. 6 Benefits of Joint Production: 
1. MNC can provide money for additional investment. 
2. MNC might bring latest technology for production. (any 1 to be mentioned) 
                                                                                                            Economics , Page No.57  
Ans. 7 ISI                                                                                                    Economics , Page No.85 1 
                             SECTION B                              (3 X 11=33) 
Ans. 8 i. Liberalism in the early 19
 century stood for freedom for the individual and equality 
to all before law for the new middle classes. 
ii. Politically, it emphasised the concept of government by consent. 
iii. It stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges. 
            (Any other relevant point)  
                                                   History, Ch-1 The rise of  Nationalism in Europe Page no. 9 
  Role of Ho Chi Minh    
i. Ho Chi Minh was the nationalist leader of Vietnamese communist party and formed 
Vietminh army and fought against Japan. 
ii. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam was formed and he became the chairman. 
iii. He initiated Ho Chi Minh Trail against America 
   (Any other relevant point) 
                                                               History Ch 2 Nationalism in Indo China page no. 47 
Ans. 9 Print culture created the conditions within which French Revolution occurred.   
i. Print popularized the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers.  
ii. They attacked the sacred authority of the Church and the despotic powers of the state; thus, 
eroding the legitimacy of a social order based on tradition. Voltaire and Rousseau were widely 
iii.  All values, norms and institutions were re-evaluated and discussed by a public that was 
inquisitive, critical and rational. Hence, new ideas of social revolution came into being.  
iv.  By the 1780s Literature mocked the royalty and criticized their morality. This led to the growth 
of hostile sentiments against the monarch. 
                                             History, Ch-7 Print culture and the modern world,  Page no. 162 
Pariksha Guru-The novel tells a story of the extravagance of Hindu bankers and traders. Its theme 
is not to adopt Western culture. It propagated the following issues which no other novel did before: 
i. It cautioned young men of well to do families about the ill effects of bad company.  
ii. It then shows how to live a practical life that preserves traditional values in honour and 
iii. Children are advised to read the newspaper.  
iv. The author emphasised that modernity should be embraced without giving up middle class 
v. The novel tries to teach the reader the ‘right way’ to live and expects all ‘sensible men’ to be 
worldly-wise and practical, to remain rooted in the values of their own tradition and culture, 
and to live with dignity and honour 
vi. In the novel we see the characters attempting to bridge two different worlds through their 
actions: they take to new agricultural technology, modernise trading practices, change the 
use of Indian languages, making them capable of transmitting both Western sciences and 
Indian wisdom.  
(Any three to be analysed.) 
                                                                        History Ch 8 Novels Society and History page no.188  
Ans. 10  Problems caused by setting up of Multi-purpose projects and large dams: 
i. Regulating and damming of rivers affect their natural flow causing poor sediment flow 
ii.Dams fragment rivers 
iii. Difficulty for aquatic fauna to migrate 
iv. Submergence of existing vegetation 
v. Decomposition of soil 
vi. Large scale displacement of local communities 
(Any three to be explained) 
Geography Page No. 27 
Possible Solutions to tackle water scarcity 
i. Rain water harvesting 
ii. Bamboo drip irrigation system 
v. iii. Avoiding wastage of water in day to day life activities 
vi. Any other relevant point 
Geography Page No. 31 
Ans. 11 A. Commercial Farming 
i. Use of higher doses of modern inputs like HYV seeds, fertilizers, etc. 
ii. Commercialization of agriculture varies from region to another 
iii. Plantation is also a type of commercial farming 
iv. Use of well-developed network of transport and communication 
v. High productivity for commercial purpose 
B. Subsistence Farming 
i. Is practiced on small patches of land 
ii. Labour intensive farming 
iii. Use of primitive tools 
iv. Dependent on Monsoons 
v. Called as ‘Slash and burn’ agriculture. 
vi. Low productivity 
 (Any two to be mentioned in each unit) 
C. Example: Rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab but in Odisha it is a 
subsistence crop.  
Geography Page No. 35 
Note: Explanation of 2 differences – 2 marks and Example - 1 mark  
Ans. 12  Key features of federalism : 
i. There are two or more levels (or tiers) of government. 
ii. Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own 
jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration. 
iii The jurisdictions of the respective levels or tiers of government are specified in the 
iv. The fundamental provisions of the constitution cannot be unilaterally changed by one 
level of government. Such changes require the consent of both the levels of government. 
v. Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of different levels of 
government. The highest court acts as an umpire if disputes arise between different levels of 
government in the exercise of their respective powers. 
 Any three to be explained.                                                                                                                                   
                                                                      Political Science, Ch-2 Federalism, Page No. 15 
Major steps taken by Indian Government towards decentralization in 1992.  
i. Constitution mandate to hold regular elections to local government bodies. 
ii. Reservation of seats in the elected bodies and the executive heads of these institutions for 
the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes. 
iii. Reservation of at least one third of all positions for women. 
iv. Creation of an independent institution called the State Election Commission in each state 
to conduct panchayat and municipal elections. 
v. The state governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local 
government bodies. The nature of sharing varies from state to state.  
Any three to be explained.                                                                                                                                   
                                                                      Political Science, Ch-2 Federalism, Page No. 24 
Ans. 13  Political Expression of Social Division- 
i. This allows various disadvantaged and marginal social groups to express their grievances 
and get the government to attend to these.  
ii. They can voice their demand in a peaceful and constitutional manner through elections 
iii They can fight for their recognition and also to accommodate diversity.    
All the points to be explained.                                                                                                                                    
                                             Political Science, Ch-3 Democracy and Diversity, Page No. 37 
Ans. 14 Democracy is a better form of government when compared with dictatorship or any 
other alternative form of government because it: 
i Promotes equality among citizens 
ii Enhances the dignity of the individual 
iii Improves the quality of decision making 
iv. Provides a method to resolve conflicts 
v. Allows room to correct mistakes.                 
 Any three points to be explained  
                                           Political Science, Ch-7 Outcomes of Democracy, Page No. 90 
Ans. 15 Sustainable development is crucial for development of a country as it: 
i. Promotes use of renewable resources like solar energy, tidal energy, etc 
ii. Puts a check  on over usage of resources 
iii. Promotes protection and conservation of resources for future generation 
Page 5

                                SECTION A                                         (1 X 7=7) 
Ans 1 To define their identity and independence.                                       
                                                                            Ch- 1,Nationalism in Europe, Page no. 26 
To bring the benefits of civilization to the backward people of Vietnam. 
                                                                       Ch-2, Nationalism in Indo-China Page no. 32 
Ans. 2 
Charles Dickens wanted to make the society aware of the terrible effects of industrialisation 
on people’s lives and characters. 
                                                                  History, Novels, Society and History, page no.180 
Fears in the minds of religious authorities and monarchs - 
i. They were apprehensive of the effects that the easier access to printed word 
would have on people’s minds. 
ii. It was feared that there was no control over what was printed. 
iii. Rebellious and irreligious thoughts and ideas could spread.  
                 (Any one to be mentioned) 
                                                    History, Print culture and the modern world page no.160  
Ans. 3 Conservation of resources- afforestation, water treatment. 
Geography, Page No.4 
Degradation of land is a cause of worry because it can cause ecological imbalance.  
Geography, Page No. 6 
Ans. 4 Power sharing among different social groups like the religious and linguistic groups. 
                                                                  Political Science, Ch-1 Power Sharing, Page No. 9 
Ans. 5 Money acts as an intermediate in the exchange process. 
                                                                                                            Economics, Page No.40  
Banks use collateral as a guarantee until the loan is repaid. 
Economics, Page No.44   
Ans. 6 Benefits of Joint Production: 
1. MNC can provide money for additional investment. 
2. MNC might bring latest technology for production. (any 1 to be mentioned) 
                                                                                                            Economics , Page No.57  
Ans. 7 ISI                                                                                                    Economics , Page No.85 1 
                             SECTION B                              (3 X 11=33) 
Ans. 8 i. Liberalism in the early 19
 century stood for freedom for the individual and equality 
to all before law for the new middle classes. 
ii. Politically, it emphasised the concept of government by consent. 
iii. It stood for the end of autocracy and clerical privileges. 
            (Any other relevant point)  
                                                   History, Ch-1 The rise of  Nationalism in Europe Page no. 9 
  Role of Ho Chi Minh    
i. Ho Chi Minh was the nationalist leader of Vietnamese communist party and formed 
Vietminh army and fought against Japan. 
ii. The Democratic Republic of Vietnam was formed and he became the chairman. 
iii. He initiated Ho Chi Minh Trail against America 
   (Any other relevant point) 
                                                               History Ch 2 Nationalism in Indo China page no. 47 
Ans. 9 Print culture created the conditions within which French Revolution occurred.   
i. Print popularized the ideas of the Enlightenment thinkers.  
ii. They attacked the sacred authority of the Church and the despotic powers of the state; thus, 
eroding the legitimacy of a social order based on tradition. Voltaire and Rousseau were widely 
iii.  All values, norms and institutions were re-evaluated and discussed by a public that was 
inquisitive, critical and rational. Hence, new ideas of social revolution came into being.  
iv.  By the 1780s Literature mocked the royalty and criticized their morality. This led to the growth 
of hostile sentiments against the monarch. 
                                             History, Ch-7 Print culture and the modern world,  Page no. 162 
Pariksha Guru-The novel tells a story of the extravagance of Hindu bankers and traders. Its theme 
is not to adopt Western culture. It propagated the following issues which no other novel did before: 
i. It cautioned young men of well to do families about the ill effects of bad company.  
ii. It then shows how to live a practical life that preserves traditional values in honour and 
iii. Children are advised to read the newspaper.  
iv. The author emphasised that modernity should be embraced without giving up middle class 
v. The novel tries to teach the reader the ‘right way’ to live and expects all ‘sensible men’ to be 
worldly-wise and practical, to remain rooted in the values of their own tradition and culture, 
and to live with dignity and honour 
vi. In the novel we see the characters attempting to bridge two different worlds through their 
actions: they take to new agricultural technology, modernise trading practices, change the 
use of Indian languages, making them capable of transmitting both Western sciences and 
Indian wisdom.  
(Any three to be analysed.) 
                                                                        History Ch 8 Novels Society and History page no.188  
Ans. 10  Problems caused by setting up of Multi-purpose projects and large dams: 
i. Regulating and damming of rivers affect their natural flow causing poor sediment flow 
ii.Dams fragment rivers 
iii. Difficulty for aquatic fauna to migrate 
iv. Submergence of existing vegetation 
v. Decomposition of soil 
vi. Large scale displacement of local communities 
(Any three to be explained) 
Geography Page No. 27 
Possible Solutions to tackle water scarcity 
i. Rain water harvesting 
ii. Bamboo drip irrigation system 
v. iii. Avoiding wastage of water in day to day life activities 
vi. Any other relevant point 
Geography Page No. 31 
Ans. 11 A. Commercial Farming 
i. Use of higher doses of modern inputs like HYV seeds, fertilizers, etc. 
ii. Commercialization of agriculture varies from region to another 
iii. Plantation is also a type of commercial farming 
iv. Use of well-developed network of transport and communication 
v. High productivity for commercial purpose 
B. Subsistence Farming 
i. Is practiced on small patches of land 
ii. Labour intensive farming 
iii. Use of primitive tools 
iv. Dependent on Monsoons 
v. Called as ‘Slash and burn’ agriculture. 
vi. Low productivity 
 (Any two to be mentioned in each unit) 
C. Example: Rice is a commercial crop in Haryana and Punjab but in Odisha it is a 
subsistence crop.  
Geography Page No. 35 
Note: Explanation of 2 differences – 2 marks and Example - 1 mark  
Ans. 12  Key features of federalism : 
i. There are two or more levels (or tiers) of government. 
ii. Different tiers of government govern the same citizens, but each tier has its own 
jurisdiction in specific matters of legislation, taxation and administration. 
iii The jurisdictions of the respective levels or tiers of government are specified in the 
iv. The fundamental provisions of the constitution cannot be unilaterally changed by one 
level of government. Such changes require the consent of both the levels of government. 
v. Courts have the power to interpret the constitution and the powers of different levels of 
government. The highest court acts as an umpire if disputes arise between different levels of 
government in the exercise of their respective powers. 
 Any three to be explained.                                                                                                                                   
                                                                      Political Science, Ch-2 Federalism, Page No. 15 
Major steps taken by Indian Government towards decentralization in 1992.  
i. Constitution mandate to hold regular elections to local government bodies. 
ii. Reservation of seats in the elected bodies and the executive heads of these institutions for 
the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and other Backward Classes. 
iii. Reservation of at least one third of all positions for women. 
iv. Creation of an independent institution called the State Election Commission in each state 
to conduct panchayat and municipal elections. 
v. The state governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local 
government bodies. The nature of sharing varies from state to state.  
Any three to be explained.                                                                                                                                   
                                                                      Political Science, Ch-2 Federalism, Page No. 24 
Ans. 13  Political Expression of Social Division- 
i. This allows various disadvantaged and marginal social groups to express their grievances 
and get the government to attend to these.  
ii. They can voice their demand in a peaceful and constitutional manner through elections 
iii They can fight for their recognition and also to accommodate diversity.    
All the points to be explained.                                                                                                                                    
                                             Political Science, Ch-3 Democracy and Diversity, Page No. 37 
Ans. 14 Democracy is a better form of government when compared with dictatorship or any 
other alternative form of government because it: 
i Promotes equality among citizens 
ii Enhances the dignity of the individual 
iii Improves the quality of decision making 
iv. Provides a method to resolve conflicts 
v. Allows room to correct mistakes.                 
 Any three points to be explained  
                                           Political Science, Ch-7 Outcomes of Democracy, Page No. 90 
Ans. 15 Sustainable development is crucial for development of a country as it: 
i. Promotes use of renewable resources like solar energy, tidal energy, etc 
ii. Puts a check  on over usage of resources 
iii. Promotes protection and conservation of resources for future generation 
All three points to be explained. 
Economics, Page No. 14-15 
Ans. 16 Formal sources of credit preferred over Informal sources of credit because: 
i.Formal sources have low cost of borrowing  
ii.Higher Income through cheap borrowing 
iii.No exploitation and debt trap. 
iv. Any other relevant point  
(All three points to be explained) 
Economics , Page No.49 
Credit is a crucial element in economic development of a country because: 
i. It helps to meet the ongoing expenses of production  
ii. It helps in increasing earnings 
iii. It helps in completing production in time.  
iv. Any other relevant point 
(All three points to be explained) 
Economics, Page no. 43  
Ans. 17 Impact of Globalization in India: 
i. Stiff competition for local producers and manufacturers. 
ii. No job security 
iii. Workers are denied their fair share of benefit 
iv. Long working hours and low wages to the worker. 
v. Expansion of unorganized sector. 
vi. New opportunities for IT sector 
vii. Increase  in investment and foreign trade 
viii. Any other relevant point 
(Any three to be explained) 
Economics, Page No.68-69 
Role of MNCs in the economic development: 
i. MNCs place order for production with small producers 
ii. MNCs are setting up partnerships with local companies. 
iii. They are interlinking markets all over the world. 
iv. Any other relevant point. 
(Any three to be explained) 
Economics, Page No.58 
Ans. 18 Consumer Solidarity 
i. Right to the consumers – Right to information, Right to choose, Right to seek 
redressal, Right to represent and right to be heard. 
ii. COPRA – a three tier judicial machinery 
iii. Consumer forums 
(All the three points to be explained)                                Economics , Page No.80-84 
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FAQs on Class 10 Social Science: CBSE Sample Question Paper Solutions (2018-19) - Social Studies (SST) Class 10

1. What is the format of CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Question Paper?
2. What is the maximum marks and time duration of CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Question Paper?
Ans. CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Question Paper is of a total of 80 marks, with a time duration of 3 hours.
3. What is the weightage of different sections in CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Question Paper?
Ans. CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Question Paper has a weightage of 20 marks for section A, 30 marks for section B, 20 marks for section C, and 10 marks for section D.
4. How can I prepare for CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Question Paper?
Ans. To prepare for CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Question Paper, you should first thoroughly go through the NCERT textbook. After that, solve previous year question papers and sample papers. You can also take mock tests to assess your preparation level. Make sure to revise the important topics multiple times.
5. Is it necessary to attempt all the questions in CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Question Paper?
Ans. No, it is not necessary to attempt all the questions in CBSE Class 10 Social Science Sample Question Paper. However, it is recommended to attempt all the questions as it increases the chances of scoring good marks. Also, there is no negative marking for wrong answers.
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