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Class 11 Economics Previous Year Paper - 11 | Economics Class 11 - Commerce PDF Download

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 Page 1

Subject – Economics 
Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                          Maximum Marks: 100 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions in both the sections are compulsory. 
2. Marks for questions are indicated against each. 
3. Question Nos. 1-5 and 17-21 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are 
required to be answered in one sentence each. 
4. Question Nos. 6-10 and 22-26 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 60 words each. 
5. Question Nos. 11-13 and 27-29 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should not normally exceed 70 words each. 
6. Question Nos. 14-16 and 30-32 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 100 words each. 
7. Answer should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible. 
1. What is a random sample?        1 
2. What is a Lorenz curve?        1 
3. Define statistical series.        1 
4. What is an index number?        1 
5. What is a first step of a project?       1 
6. “Statistics is both science as well as an art” Discuss The statement?   3 
7. Define mode. How is it compute?       3 
8. Write down the various measures of dispersion.     3 
9. Compute the cost living index number using, aggregate expenditure method of the  
Following information        (3) 
Commodities Q0 P0 P1 
Whet 20 10 12 
Rise 5 30 35 
Ghee 2 20 30 
sugar 4 25 40 
Write note on: 
10. Calculate median from the following data set.       3 
Mark in Hindi 0-10 10-20 20-
40-50 50-60 60-70 70-
No. of 
5 15 18 12 20 15 7 3 
  Class – XI 
Page 2

Subject – Economics 
Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                          Maximum Marks: 100 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions in both the sections are compulsory. 
2. Marks for questions are indicated against each. 
3. Question Nos. 1-5 and 17-21 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are 
required to be answered in one sentence each. 
4. Question Nos. 6-10 and 22-26 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 60 words each. 
5. Question Nos. 11-13 and 27-29 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should not normally exceed 70 words each. 
6. Question Nos. 14-16 and 30-32 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 100 words each. 
7. Answer should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible. 
1. What is a random sample?        1 
2. What is a Lorenz curve?        1 
3. Define statistical series.        1 
4. What is an index number?        1 
5. What is a first step of a project?       1 
6. “Statistics is both science as well as an art” Discuss The statement?   3 
7. Define mode. How is it compute?       3 
8. Write down the various measures of dispersion.     3 
9. Compute the cost living index number using, aggregate expenditure method of the  
Following information        (3) 
Commodities Q0 P0 P1 
Whet 20 10 12 
Rise 5 30 35 
Ghee 2 20 30 
sugar 4 25 40 
Write note on: 
10. Calculate median from the following data set.       3 
Mark in Hindi 0-10 10-20 20-
40-50 50-60 60-70 70-
No. of 
5 15 18 12 20 15 7 3 
  Class – XI 
11. What are the qualities of a good questionnaire?      4 
12. Describe structure of project report.       4 
13. Calculate mean and standard deviation from the following series.    4 
Mark in Hindi 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 
No. of 
5 15 0 22 11 7 
            Discuss the kinds and degrees of correlation?   
14. Draw a histogram for the following data and also draw the frequency curve on it.  6 
Monthly income No. of families 
0-75 15 
75-150 90 
150-225 140 
225-300 70 
300-375 35 
15. A student subject 40 mark in English,65 in Hindi,53 in maths,49 in economics and 55 in 
statistics. Calculate weighted mean of the marks if weights are respectively 2, 1, 5, 5, and 3. 
Mention merits and demerits of Mean. And list out any three examples of ‘scope of averages in 
your class room’.         6 
16. Following are the marks obtained by 10 students in two subjects, statistics and economics, 
calculate Spearman's rank correlation.        6 
Mark in statistics 20 25 30 45 31 48 21 10 26 34 
Mark in 
5 19 20 42 21 47 20 10 12 33 
17. What are the three pillars of economic reforms?     1 
18. What do you mean by privatization?       1 
19. What is 'poverty line’?        1 
20. What do you mean by under employment?      1 
21. What is the present growth rate of Indian economy?     1 
22. Discuss the important features of India’s demography during the British period? 3 
23. Discuss the green revolution and its consequences.     3 
24. What are the causes of poverty in India?      3 
25. Discuss the importance of non- farming employment? 
      Identify some major challenges of power sector in India?  3 
26. How do you explain seasonal unemployment in agricultural?   3 
Page 3

Subject – Economics 
Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                          Maximum Marks: 100 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions in both the sections are compulsory. 
2. Marks for questions are indicated against each. 
3. Question Nos. 1-5 and 17-21 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are 
required to be answered in one sentence each. 
4. Question Nos. 6-10 and 22-26 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 60 words each. 
5. Question Nos. 11-13 and 27-29 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should not normally exceed 70 words each. 
6. Question Nos. 14-16 and 30-32 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 100 words each. 
7. Answer should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible. 
1. What is a random sample?        1 
2. What is a Lorenz curve?        1 
3. Define statistical series.        1 
4. What is an index number?        1 
5. What is a first step of a project?       1 
6. “Statistics is both science as well as an art” Discuss The statement?   3 
7. Define mode. How is it compute?       3 
8. Write down the various measures of dispersion.     3 
9. Compute the cost living index number using, aggregate expenditure method of the  
Following information        (3) 
Commodities Q0 P0 P1 
Whet 20 10 12 
Rise 5 30 35 
Ghee 2 20 30 
sugar 4 25 40 
Write note on: 
10. Calculate median from the following data set.       3 
Mark in Hindi 0-10 10-20 20-
40-50 50-60 60-70 70-
No. of 
5 15 18 12 20 15 7 3 
  Class – XI 
11. What are the qualities of a good questionnaire?      4 
12. Describe structure of project report.       4 
13. Calculate mean and standard deviation from the following series.    4 
Mark in Hindi 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 
No. of 
5 15 0 22 11 7 
            Discuss the kinds and degrees of correlation?   
14. Draw a histogram for the following data and also draw the frequency curve on it.  6 
Monthly income No. of families 
0-75 15 
75-150 90 
150-225 140 
225-300 70 
300-375 35 
15. A student subject 40 mark in English,65 in Hindi,53 in maths,49 in economics and 55 in 
statistics. Calculate weighted mean of the marks if weights are respectively 2, 1, 5, 5, and 3. 
Mention merits and demerits of Mean. And list out any three examples of ‘scope of averages in 
your class room’.         6 
16. Following are the marks obtained by 10 students in two subjects, statistics and economics, 
calculate Spearman's rank correlation.        6 
Mark in statistics 20 25 30 45 31 48 21 10 26 34 
Mark in 
5 19 20 42 21 47 20 10 12 33 
17. What are the three pillars of economic reforms?     1 
18. What do you mean by privatization?       1 
19. What is 'poverty line’?        1 
20. What do you mean by under employment?      1 
21. What is the present growth rate of Indian economy?     1 
22. Discuss the important features of India’s demography during the British period? 3 
23. Discuss the green revolution and its consequences.     3 
24. What are the causes of poverty in India?      3 
25. Discuss the importance of non- farming employment? 
      Identify some major challenges of power sector in India?  3 
26. How do you explain seasonal unemployment in agricultural?   3 
27. What are the common goals of Indian five year plans?    4 
28. Which are the important sources of human capital formation? 
       What are the similarities and dissimilarities between physical capital and human capital? 
29. Distinguish between renewable resources and non renewable resources. Give examples. 
 Distinguish between commercial energy and non commercial energy. Give examples for 
both.           2+2=4 
30. “Earth provides everything for every man’s but not for every man’s greed” interpret this 
famous statement of Gandhiji.       6 
31. “Twenty first century will be the Asian century”-Manmohan Singh.  
      Comment your opinion about these words. 
      Compare the demographic features of India, China, and Pakistan  6 
32. Discuss the gains and pains of globalization.      6 
Page 4

Subject – Economics 
Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                          Maximum Marks: 100 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions in both the sections are compulsory. 
2. Marks for questions are indicated against each. 
3. Question Nos. 1-5 and 17-21 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are 
required to be answered in one sentence each. 
4. Question Nos. 6-10 and 22-26 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 60 words each. 
5. Question Nos. 11-13 and 27-29 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should not normally exceed 70 words each. 
6. Question Nos. 14-16 and 30-32 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 100 words each. 
7. Answer should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible. 
1. What is a random sample?        1 
2. What is a Lorenz curve?        1 
3. Define statistical series.        1 
4. What is an index number?        1 
5. What is a first step of a project?       1 
6. “Statistics is both science as well as an art” Discuss The statement?   3 
7. Define mode. How is it compute?       3 
8. Write down the various measures of dispersion.     3 
9. Compute the cost living index number using, aggregate expenditure method of the  
Following information        (3) 
Commodities Q0 P0 P1 
Whet 20 10 12 
Rise 5 30 35 
Ghee 2 20 30 
sugar 4 25 40 
Write note on: 
10. Calculate median from the following data set.       3 
Mark in Hindi 0-10 10-20 20-
40-50 50-60 60-70 70-
No. of 
5 15 18 12 20 15 7 3 
  Class – XI 
11. What are the qualities of a good questionnaire?      4 
12. Describe structure of project report.       4 
13. Calculate mean and standard deviation from the following series.    4 
Mark in Hindi 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 
No. of 
5 15 0 22 11 7 
            Discuss the kinds and degrees of correlation?   
14. Draw a histogram for the following data and also draw the frequency curve on it.  6 
Monthly income No. of families 
0-75 15 
75-150 90 
150-225 140 
225-300 70 
300-375 35 
15. A student subject 40 mark in English,65 in Hindi,53 in maths,49 in economics and 55 in 
statistics. Calculate weighted mean of the marks if weights are respectively 2, 1, 5, 5, and 3. 
Mention merits and demerits of Mean. And list out any three examples of ‘scope of averages in 
your class room’.         6 
16. Following are the marks obtained by 10 students in two subjects, statistics and economics, 
calculate Spearman's rank correlation.        6 
Mark in statistics 20 25 30 45 31 48 21 10 26 34 
Mark in 
5 19 20 42 21 47 20 10 12 33 
17. What are the three pillars of economic reforms?     1 
18. What do you mean by privatization?       1 
19. What is 'poverty line’?        1 
20. What do you mean by under employment?      1 
21. What is the present growth rate of Indian economy?     1 
22. Discuss the important features of India’s demography during the British period? 3 
23. Discuss the green revolution and its consequences.     3 
24. What are the causes of poverty in India?      3 
25. Discuss the importance of non- farming employment? 
      Identify some major challenges of power sector in India?  3 
26. How do you explain seasonal unemployment in agricultural?   3 
27. What are the common goals of Indian five year plans?    4 
28. Which are the important sources of human capital formation? 
       What are the similarities and dissimilarities between physical capital and human capital? 
29. Distinguish between renewable resources and non renewable resources. Give examples. 
 Distinguish between commercial energy and non commercial energy. Give examples for 
both.           2+2=4 
30. “Earth provides everything for every man’s but not for every man’s greed” interpret this 
famous statement of Gandhiji.       6 
31. “Twenty first century will be the Asian century”-Manmohan Singh.  
      Comment your opinion about these words. 
      Compare the demographic features of India, China, and Pakistan  6 
32. Discuss the gains and pains of globalization.      6 
1. Its each and every unit of population has an equal chance of being selected.                                    1 
2. Lorenz curve is a graphic method of measuring dispersions from the average.                                1 
3. Defined as things or attributes of things arranged according to some logical order.                         1 
4. Index number is a specialized averages designed to measure the changes in group of related 
variables over period of time.                                                                                                                       1 
5. Identification of problem.                                                                                                                              1    
6. Statistics is the numerical statement of facts---- science 
       Statistics evaluating social problems---- arts                                                                             1½ +1½ = 3 
7. The mode is that value in a series of observations which occurs with the greatest frequency.   1 
        Compute mode 
• Individual series-which occurs maximum number items (repeated) 
• Discrete series- value of greatest frequency 
• Continues series –using the formula 
• Or explain with example give the mark                                                                    2      (1+2=3) 
8. Measures of dispersion.  
 Quartile deviation 
 Mean deviation 
 Standard deviation 
 Lorenz curve 
 Any three                                                                                                                      1x3=3 
Commodities Q0 P0 P1 p0qo p1q0 
Whet 20 10 12 200 240 
Rise 5 30 35 150 175 
Ghee 2 20 30 40 60 
sugar 4 25 40 100 160 
        490 635 
                 Aggregate expenditure method =				?

  x 100 

    = 635 x100 
                                                            = 63500 
Inflation 29.59%                                                                                    
1+1+1 = 3 
Page 5

Subject – Economics 
Time: 3 Hrs                                                                                          Maximum Marks: 100 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions in both the sections are compulsory. 
2. Marks for questions are indicated against each. 
3. Question Nos. 1-5 and 17-21 are very short-answer questions carrying 1 mark each. They are 
required to be answered in one sentence each. 
4. Question Nos. 6-10 and 22-26 are short-answer questions carrying 3 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 60 words each. 
5. Question Nos. 11-13 and 27-29 are also short-answer questions carrying 4 marks each. Answer to 
them should not normally exceed 70 words each. 
6. Question Nos. 14-16 and 30-32 are long-answer questions carrying 6 marks each. Answer to them 
should not normally exceed 100 words each. 
7. Answer should be brief and to the point and the above word limit be adhered to as far as possible. 
1. What is a random sample?        1 
2. What is a Lorenz curve?        1 
3. Define statistical series.        1 
4. What is an index number?        1 
5. What is a first step of a project?       1 
6. “Statistics is both science as well as an art” Discuss The statement?   3 
7. Define mode. How is it compute?       3 
8. Write down the various measures of dispersion.     3 
9. Compute the cost living index number using, aggregate expenditure method of the  
Following information        (3) 
Commodities Q0 P0 P1 
Whet 20 10 12 
Rise 5 30 35 
Ghee 2 20 30 
sugar 4 25 40 
Write note on: 
10. Calculate median from the following data set.       3 
Mark in Hindi 0-10 10-20 20-
40-50 50-60 60-70 70-
No. of 
5 15 18 12 20 15 7 3 
  Class – XI 
11. What are the qualities of a good questionnaire?      4 
12. Describe structure of project report.       4 
13. Calculate mean and standard deviation from the following series.    4 
Mark in Hindi 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 70-80 
No. of 
5 15 0 22 11 7 
            Discuss the kinds and degrees of correlation?   
14. Draw a histogram for the following data and also draw the frequency curve on it.  6 
Monthly income No. of families 
0-75 15 
75-150 90 
150-225 140 
225-300 70 
300-375 35 
15. A student subject 40 mark in English,65 in Hindi,53 in maths,49 in economics and 55 in 
statistics. Calculate weighted mean of the marks if weights are respectively 2, 1, 5, 5, and 3. 
Mention merits and demerits of Mean. And list out any three examples of ‘scope of averages in 
your class room’.         6 
16. Following are the marks obtained by 10 students in two subjects, statistics and economics, 
calculate Spearman's rank correlation.        6 
Mark in statistics 20 25 30 45 31 48 21 10 26 34 
Mark in 
5 19 20 42 21 47 20 10 12 33 
17. What are the three pillars of economic reforms?     1 
18. What do you mean by privatization?       1 
19. What is 'poverty line’?        1 
20. What do you mean by under employment?      1 
21. What is the present growth rate of Indian economy?     1 
22. Discuss the important features of India’s demography during the British period? 3 
23. Discuss the green revolution and its consequences.     3 
24. What are the causes of poverty in India?      3 
25. Discuss the importance of non- farming employment? 
      Identify some major challenges of power sector in India?  3 
26. How do you explain seasonal unemployment in agricultural?   3 
27. What are the common goals of Indian five year plans?    4 
28. Which are the important sources of human capital formation? 
       What are the similarities and dissimilarities between physical capital and human capital? 
29. Distinguish between renewable resources and non renewable resources. Give examples. 
 Distinguish between commercial energy and non commercial energy. Give examples for 
both.           2+2=4 
30. “Earth provides everything for every man’s but not for every man’s greed” interpret this 
famous statement of Gandhiji.       6 
31. “Twenty first century will be the Asian century”-Manmohan Singh.  
      Comment your opinion about these words. 
      Compare the demographic features of India, China, and Pakistan  6 
32. Discuss the gains and pains of globalization.      6 
1. Its each and every unit of population has an equal chance of being selected.                                    1 
2. Lorenz curve is a graphic method of measuring dispersions from the average.                                1 
3. Defined as things or attributes of things arranged according to some logical order.                         1 
4. Index number is a specialized averages designed to measure the changes in group of related 
variables over period of time.                                                                                                                       1 
5. Identification of problem.                                                                                                                              1    
6. Statistics is the numerical statement of facts---- science 
       Statistics evaluating social problems---- arts                                                                             1½ +1½ = 3 
7. The mode is that value in a series of observations which occurs with the greatest frequency.   1 
        Compute mode 
• Individual series-which occurs maximum number items (repeated) 
• Discrete series- value of greatest frequency 
• Continues series –using the formula 
• Or explain with example give the mark                                                                    2      (1+2=3) 
8. Measures of dispersion.  
 Quartile deviation 
 Mean deviation 
 Standard deviation 
 Lorenz curve 
 Any three                                                                                                                      1x3=3 
Commodities Q0 P0 P1 p0qo p1q0 
Whet 20 10 12 200 240 
Rise 5 30 35 150 175 
Ghee 2 20 30 40 60 
sugar 4 25 40 100 160 
        490 635 
                 Aggregate expenditure method =				?

  x 100 

    = 635 x100 
                                                            = 63500 
Inflation 29.59%                                                                                    
1+1+1 = 3 
 Index of Bombay stock exchange 
 Total 30 shares 
 Present index above 20000 
 Index of national stock exchange 
 Total 50 shares 
 Present index above 5000                                                                                              1½ +1½ = 3 
Mark in Hindi No. of students cf 
0-10 5 5 
10-20 15 20 
20-30 18 38 
30-40 12 50 
40-50 20 70 
50-60 15 85 
60-70 7 92 
70-80 3 95 
M = L1 + N/2 – cf x c 
M = 30 + 47.5 – 38 X 10 
M= 30 + 95/12 
M = 30 + 7.91 
Median = 37.91                                                                                                              
1+1+1 = 3                                                                                      
 Proper order of questions. 
 Proper question number  
 Avoid unnecessary questions. 
 Simple and short questions. 
 Any relevant answers.                                                                                                            1x4=4 
 Statement of the problem 
 Analysis of data 
 Limitation of the study 
 Conclusions.                                                                                                                                     4 
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FAQs on Class 11 Economics Previous Year Paper - 11 - Economics Class 11 - Commerce

1. What are the factors affecting demand in economics?
Ans. Factors affecting demand in economics include the price of the good or service, consumer income, consumer preferences, price of related goods, and future expectations.
2. How does the law of demand impact the market?
Ans. The law of demand states that as the price of a good or service decreases, the quantity demanded increases, and vice versa. This impacts the market by influencing the price and quantity of goods exchanged.
3. What is the difference between a change in quantity demanded and a change in demand?
Ans. A change in quantity demanded is a movement along the demand curve due to a change in price, while a change in demand is a shift in the entire demand curve due to factors other than price.
4. How does elasticity of demand affect pricing strategies?
Ans. Elasticity of demand measures how responsive quantity demanded is to a change in price. Firms use elasticity to determine pricing strategies, such as setting higher prices for inelastic goods and lower prices for elastic goods.
5. What role does consumer surplus play in analyzing demand?
Ans. Consumer surplus represents the difference between what consumers are willing to pay for a good or service and what they actually pay. It is used to analyze the welfare gain for consumers from a particular market transaction.
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